加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 移民局否决一个区域中心申请的启示


去年44%的区域中心申请都被移民局否决了。一个俄乐冈-华盛顿州的区域中心复审的申请被AAO否决。里边的判决分析令人寻味。http://www.uscis.gov/err/K1%20-%20Request%20for%20Participation%20as%20Regional%20Center/Decisions_Issued_in_2011/May022011_01K1610.pdf 蔷薇姐也过来看看,交流一下。 首先,移民局和AAO质询区域中心的经济学家的经济分析。这个经济学家的名字被AAO给黑了,但他的经济分析方式让我眼熟。我们来慢慢分析。 移民局的经济师PK区域中心经济师的大战刚刚拉开序幕,从区域中心的申请到I-526的审查,好戏连连。

回复: 移民局否决一个区域中心申请的启示AAO的这段开场白,让我对USCIS肃然起敬。 USCIS is under pressure to accept any projections previously submitted at the regional center stage when adjudicating the Form 1-526 petitions filed by individual alien investors provided that there has been no material change and absent fraud. USCIS will not abdicate its authority to verify that the regional center proposals are reasonable. USCIS在审查I-526申请时,被强迫接受以前区域中心批准申报过的所有的经济预测。USCIS不会放弃核查区域中心项目提案合理性的决策权。 Addressing any concerns at the regional center stage should increase the likelihood that, absent a material change, the aliens who invest in the project will not only be able to obtain conditional permanent resident status but also demonstrate compliance with the requirements to remove conditions on their status through the success of their investment in the regional center. While the applicant cannot guarantee the proposed regional center's success, it is not in the interest of USCIS or the aliens who invest in a regional center or consistent with Congressional intent to improve regional productivity to approve a regional center whose proposal is not demonstrated to be based on a reasonable economic analysis. 投资区域中心项目后,投资人不但能够取得条件绿卡的身份,而且通过区域中心项目的成功,投资人还能够满足取消条件,获得永久绿卡。解答申报的区域中心的疑问,可以增加这个可能性。虽然区域中心不能保证投资项目的成功,但没有一个合理的经济分析,就批准一个区域中心,这不是USCIS,或者区域中心的投资人,或者旨于促进地区经济发展的国会的利益所在。

回复: 移民局否决一个区域中心申请的启示B. Unsupported Assumptions 项目的收入(酒店)预测缺乏举证依据 In addition, Dr. _ relies on three assumptions for which he provides no source. He also does not suggest that he has evaluated the assumptions to determine whether they are reasonable or otherwise explain why they are reasonable. First, in scenario two, Dr. _ discusses the conversion of an abandoned office building of unspecified size into a hotel of unspecified size. Dr. estimates the cost of such development at $20 million. Dr. continues: "Hotel operators in the area inform the developer that for every $1 million in hotel revenue, the developer can assume that hotel guests will spend another $1 million at nearby businesses." Dr. _ then breaks down where these amounts would be spent. Dr. _ continues: "These estimates are assumed to be based on surveys conducted by a local hotel association or Chamber of Commerce, providing a statistically valid basis for the estimates." Citing the actual survey source rather than speculating as to the potential source would bolster Dr. _discussion. Simply going on record without supporting documentary evidence is not sufficient for purposes of meeting the burden of proof in these proceedings. Matter of Soffici, 22 I&N Dec. 158, 165 (Comm'r. 1998) (citing Matter of Treasure Craft of California, 14 I&N Dec. 190 (Reg'l. Comm'r. 1972)). In addition, Dr. _ then presumes that the hotel would create $2 million in local business revenue at the hotel through hotel and nearby business revenue. Dr. _ does not explain how the alleged fact that hotel patrons spend $1 million on local businesses for every $1 million of hotel revenue leads to the conclusion that every hotel, regardless of size, generates $1 million in hotel revenue in the first place. Thus, while the AAO does not question Dr. model, he has not explained how he justifies the input data for that model.

回复: 移民局否决一个区域中心申请的启示In summary, while the AAO does not question the models Dr. uses or his expertise in applying the models to accurate input data, Dr. has not adequately explained the basis for using certain input data. Even the best of models is only as good as the input data. Without adequate support for input data Dr. _uses, the results have little value. 综上所述,AAO没有质询经济师使用的模型,或经济师采用准确输入数据运用模型的技术水平,但经济师没有相细解释采用某些输入数据的缘由。 只有输入数据可靠,模型才可靠。经济师不能对采用的输入数据提供有力的举证,模型产生的输出结果就是一钱不值了。

回复: 移民局否决一个区域中心申请的启示个人直投,本身就是一个简化的区域中心立项申请。区域中心尚且如此,何况劣势的个人呢? 从另外一个层面看,能通过USCIS批准的区域中心,大致上合理靠谱的。

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关个人直投,本身就是一个简化的区域中心立项申请。区域中心尚且如此,何况劣势的个人呢? 从另外一个层面看,能通过USCIS批准的区域中心,大致上合理靠谱的。点击展开... 直接投资的项目,项目计划书会写明新产生的雇工的职称和人数,直截了当,一目了然。 所以直投的项目的审批,移民局大开绿灯。 象CRIVITZ养老院这样的直接投资的第二代模型,引进了有限合伙人的企业机制,的确是个简化的区域中心项目。但秉承了个人直接就业项目的优点,在商业计划中,对于就业的阐述,直截了当,一目了然。这样,移民局对投资人的申请也大开绿灯。 现在移民局对区域中心提交的I-526申请,重新审查他们的经济分析报告,审查输入数据的合理性。这个过程比较耗时,也就造成区域中心提交的I-526申请等待时间长些。 如果移民局认定I-526申请提交的经济报告输入数据欠合理性,移民局会行使其裁决权。

回复: 移民局否决一个区域中心申请的启示Second, in scenario three involving mixed use development, Dr. _calculates jobs created by apartment rental income. Dr. does not explain how apartment rental income will necessarily benefit the geographic territory of the regional center. The owner/manager of the apartment need not be local. For example, if the limited partnerships in which the alien investors will invest will own the apartments and receive the rental income, the alien investors may very well reside outside the geographical limits of the regional center and, thus, the apartment income will not benefit the regional center at all. 我还真不明白这个分析的含意在哪。 移民局否决公寓出租这类项目做移民投资, 认为租金收入并不一定给区域中心地区带来好处。EB-5投资人可以住在区域中心地区范围以外,这样公寓出租收入不会给区域中心带来好处。 那学生公寓这种项目,移民局到底怎么看????

回复: 移民局否决一个区域中心申请的启示个人直投,本身就是一个简化的区域中心立项申请。区域中心尚且如此,何况劣势的个人呢? 从另外一个层面看,能通过USCIS批准的区域中心,大致上合理靠谱的。点击展开...我理解你利益所在,但是请不要随意诋毁个人直投项目,USCIS批评的就是区域中心的计算模式?请问个人直投有这种就业计算模式么?别总拉直投的垫背,事实就是直投的批526也比区域中心快,829也比区域中心快。 您说的第二个层面也就是USCIS这里所陈述的第一点,“USCIS在审查I-526申请时,被强迫接受以前区域中心批准申报过的所有的经济预测。USCIS不会放弃核查区域中心项目提案合理性的决策权”, 也就是说就算之前区域中心的经济预算模式被批准了,USCIS还是有权再次质疑和核查――所以您说的什么能通过USCIS批准的区域中心大致合理靠谱也是跟这个帖子中USCIS要表达的意思大相径庭。

回复: 移民局否决一个区域中心申请的启示Second, in scenario three involving mixed use development, Dr. _calculates jobs created by apartment rental income. Dr. does not explain how apartment rental income will necessarily benefit the geographic territory of the regional center. The owner/manager of the apartment need not be local. For example, if the limited partnerships in which the alien investors will invest will own the apartments and receive the rental income, the alien investors may very well reside outside the geographical limits of the regional center and, thus, the apartment income will not benefit the regional center at all. 我还真不明白这个分析的含意在哪。 移民局否决公寓出租这类项目做移民投资, 认为租金收入并不一定给区域中心地区带来好处。EB-5投资人可以住在区域中心地区范围以外,这样公寓出租收入不会给区域中心带来好处。 那学生公寓这种项目,移民局到底怎么看????点击展开... 移民局对公寓出租这类的非常接近一旦敞开口子就能让所有住宅地产开发商肆无忌惮地通过卖房来吸引EB-5的项目非常警觉。因为一旦有先例,后面EB-5就变成卖房产了。而显然买卖房产产生的就业与每个50万美元投资产生10个就业相去甚远。 从移民法上讲,只要区域中心运用科学方法客观证明50万投资能产生10个以上就业,移民局是没有权利拒绝一个区域中心项目的。 但在具体执法的过程中,移民局有权利要求区域中心不断举证来证明其计算方式是科学合理的。而只要移民局认为它没有得到足够充分的证据,就有权不批准,或不断要求区域中心举证。而移民法也没有给移民局强行规定多长时间必须批准一个区域中心的项目申请。 所有如果有些东西移民局认为是勉强的(尤其在就业方面,或者在容易把EB-5项目引人歧途的代表项目方面),它可能不会断然否决,但至少在执法上,它能一直保持“一直要求你补充证据,而不最终批准你的申请”。 我举一个例子:佛罗里达曾经有个区域中心推出一完全是建设那种别墅型住宅小区的EB-5项目,一个后来蹦进EB-5行业的亚裔女律师(last name is Lee) 在北京国贸房展会上牛逼烘烘地说他们的项目得到了移民局批准,建筑工作本身的就业就能满足EB-5就业需求。懒得跟她打赌这个项目不可能通过。因为一旦通过,后续的EB-5项目就都是盖房子然后分给EB-5投资者了。 这是自作聪明的做法。我知道很多投资者希望鱼和熊掌兼得,投机取巧和永久绿卡兼得。但我愿意提醒投资者,应当对项目和移民局是否认同该项目能真正为美国创造就业不抱有任何投机取巧的幻想。移民局的主动权在于即使你认为拿出的东西可以符合移民法,但是它总可以:在它认为不合理的情况下,不马上拒绝你,而是无限期要求你提供充分证据。它不做最终判断,你永远来举证!这个风险你作为EB-5投资者是否能承受。

回复: 移民局否决一个区域中心申请的启示区域中心的就业模式,成也萧何,败也萧何。

回复: 移民局否决一个区域中心申请的启示Second, in scenario three involving mixed use development, Dr. _calculates jobs created by apartment rental income. Dr. does not explain how apartment rental income will necessarily benefit the geographic territory of the regional center. The owner/manager of the apartment need not be local. For example, if the limited partnerships in which the alien investors will invest will own the apartments and receive the rental income, the alien investors may very well reside outside the geographical limits of the regional center and, thus, the apartment income will not benefit the regional center at all. 我还真不明白这个分析的含意在哪。 移民局否决公寓出租这类项目做移民投资, 认为租金收入并不一定给区域中心地区带来好处。EB-5投资人可以住在区域中心地区范围以外,这样公寓出租收入不会给区域中心带来好处。那学生公寓这种项目,移民局到底怎么看????点击展开...从这个部分看出来你还是挺聪明的,不必纠缠具体含义,移民局对区域中心的模式正在从各个方面逐条否定!

回复: 移民局否决一个区域中心申请的启示我理解你利益所在,但是请不要随意诋毁个人直投项目,USCIS批评的就是区域中心的计算模式?请问个人直投有这种就业计算模式么?别总拉直投的垫背,事实就是直投的批526也比区域中心快,829也比区域中心快。 您说的第二个层面也就是USCIS这里所陈述的第一点,“USCIS在审查I-526申请时,被强迫接受以前区域中心批准申报过的所有的经济预测。USCIS不会放弃核查区域中心项目提案合理性的决策权”, 也就是说就算之前区域中心的经济预算模式被批准了,USCIS还是有权再次质疑和核查――所以您说的什么能通过USCIS批准的区域中心大致合理靠谱也是跟这个帖子中USCIS要表达的意思大相径庭。点击展开...立场鲜明,逻辑清晰,推论准确!

回复: 移民局否决一个区域中心申请的启示移民局对公寓出租这类的非常接近一旦敞开口子就能让所有住宅地产开发商肆无忌惮地通过卖房来吸引EB-5的项目非常警觉。因为一旦有先例,后面EB-5就变成卖房产了。而显然买卖房产产生的就业与每个50万美元投资产生10个就业相去甚远。 从移民法上讲,只要区域中心运用科学方法客观证明50万投资能产生10个以上就业,移民局是没有权利拒绝一个区域中心项目的。 但在具体执法的过程中,移民局有权利要求区域中心不断举证来证明其计算方式是科学合理的。而只要移民局认为它没有得到足够充分的证据,就有权不批准,或不断要求区域中心举证。而移民法也没有给移民局强行规定多长时间必须批准一个区域中心的项目申请。 所有如果有些东西移民局认为是勉强的(尤其在就业方面,或者在容易把EB-5项目引人歧途的代表项目方面),它可能不会断然否决,但至少在执法上,它能一直保持“一直要求你补充证据,而不最终批准你的申请”。 我举一个例子:佛罗里达曾经有个区域中心推出一完全是建设那种别墅型住宅小区的EB-5项目,一个后来蹦进EB-5行业的亚裔女律师(last name is Lee) 在北京国贸房展会上牛逼烘烘地说他们的项目得到了移民局批准,建筑工作本身的就业就能满足EB-5就业需求。懒得跟她打赌这个项目不可能通过。因为一旦通过,后续的EB-5项目就都是盖房子然后分给EB-5投资者了。 这是自作聪明的做法。我知道很多投资者希望鱼和熊掌兼得,投机取巧和永久绿卡兼得。但我愿意提醒投资者,应当对项目和移民局是否认同该项目能真正为美国创造就业不抱有任何投机取巧的幻想。移民局的主动权在于即使你认为拿出的东西可以符合移民法,但是它总可以:在它认为不合理的情况下,不马上拒绝你,而是无限期要求你提供充分证据。它不做最终判断,你永远来举证!这个风险你作为EB-5投资者是否能承受。点击展开...颇有道理!

回复: 移民局否决一个区域中心申请的启示区域中心的就业模式,成也萧何,败也萧何。点击展开...马妹妹,你发了个好帖!鼓励!

回复: 移民局否决一个区域中心申请的启示好像还正式发了个信啥的,COPY后关了窗口,忘了是哪个网站上的了Dear Stakeholder,In our last stakeholder call regarding the EB-5 immigrant investor program, a number of stakeholders raised questions with respect to our adjudication of petitions that for purposes of the job creation requirement have utilized what has been commonly termed a “tenant-occupancy” methodology. In light of the number of questions we received on this subject, we thought that providing clarification of our approach was warranted.The “tenant-occupancy” methodology seeks credit for job creation by independent tenant businesses that lease space in buildings developed with EB-5 funding. USCIS continues to recognize that whether it is economically reasonable to attribute such “tenant-occupancy” jobs to the underlying EB-5 commercial real estate project is a fact-specific question. Each case filed will depend on the specific facts presented and the accompanying economic analysis.USCIS is now moving forward with the adjudication of certain pending I-924 Applications For Regional Centers Under the Immigrant Investor Pilot Program that are supported by the “tenant-occupancy” economic methodology. Our newly-hired economists and business analysts will be bringing expertise to these new adjudications, and requests for evidence will be issued to certain applicants and petitioners to address any questions or issues we have about the economic methodologies employed in their specific cases. Our adjudications will continue to be made on a case-by-case basis and we do not intend to revisit factual findings. I-526 Immigrant Petitions by Alien Entrepreneurs and I-829 Petitions by Entrepreneurs to Remove Conditions will have predictability in connection with early regional center adjudications.Our retention of experts with economic and business analysis expertise is part of our ongoing efforts to improve our administration of the EB-5 program. We are taking other steps to both improve the efficiency of the program as well as to ensure its integrity. We look forward to keeping you informed of these improvements.Kind Regards,Office of Public EngagementU.S. Citizenship and Immigration Serviceswww.uscis.gov

回复: 移民局否决一个区域中心申请的启示好像还正式发了个信啥的,COPY后关了窗口,忘了是哪个网站上的了Dear Stakeholder,In our last stakeholder call regarding the EB-5 immigrant investor program, a number of stakeholders raised questions with respect to our adjudication of petitions that for purposes of the job creation requirement have utilized what has been commonly termed a “tenant-occupancy” methodology. In light of the number of questions we received on this subject, we thought that providing clarification of our approach was warranted.The “tenant-occupancy” methodology seeks credit for job creation by independent tenant businesses that lease space in buildings developed with EB-5 funding. USCIS continues to recognize that whether it is economically reasonable to attribute such “tenant-occupancy” jobs to the underlying EB-5 commercial real estate project is a fact-specific question. Each case filed will depend on the specific facts presented and the accompanying economic analysis.USCIS is now moving forward with the adjudication of certain pending I-924 Applications For Regional Centers Under the Immigrant Investor Pilot Program that are supported by the “tenant-occupancy” economic methodology. Our newly-hired economists and business analysts will be bringing expertise to these new adjudications, and requests for evidence will be issued to certain applicants and petitioners to address any questions or issues we have about the economic methodologies employed in their specific cases. Our adjudications will continue to be made on a case-by-case basis and we do not intend to revisit factual findings. I-526 Immigrant Petitions by Alien Entrepreneurs and I-829 Petitions by Entrepreneurs to Remove Conditions will have predictability in connection with early regional center adjudications.Our retention of experts with economic and business analysis expertise is part of our ongoing efforts to improve our administration of the EB-5 program. We are taking other steps to both improve the efficiency of the program as well as to ensure its integrity. We look forward to keeping you informed of these improvements.Kind Regards,Office of Public EngagementU.S. Citizenship and Immigration Serviceswww.uscis.gov点击展开... 我知道Young Noh 刚在他的blog登出来过

回复: 移民局否决一个区域中心申请的启示对于直接投资和区域中心的争论,我觉得很无聊。钱是自己的,愿意怎么投就怎么投,干别人屁事!!水平高的,自己DIY,心里没谱的找中介,中介给投资者提供服务,投资者省心省力,各取所需多好。但是,有些人为了自己赚点生活费,不惜颠倒黑白,说什么829通过率93%都是区域中心的,剩余失败的7%都是自投的。这就让人有点恶心了。俗话说:长得丑不是你的错,但是出来吓人就是你的不对了!!

回复: 移民局否决一个区域中心申请的启示我知道Young Noh 刚在他的blog登出来过点击展开...可能是他吧,我东链接西链接的,关掉窗口就忘记是谁家BLOG上的了,反正是转来的,呵呵~~

回复: 移民局否决一个区域中心申请的启示对于直接投资和区域中心的争论,我觉得很无聊。钱是自己的,愿意怎么投就怎么投,干别人屁事!!水平高的,自己DIY,心里没谱的找中介,中介给投资者提供服务,投资者省心省力,各取所需多好。但是,有些人为了自己赚点生活费,不惜颠倒黑白,说什么829通过率93%都是区域中心的,剩余失败的7%都是自投的。这就让人有点恶心了。俗话说:长得丑不是你的错,但是出来吓人就是你的不对了!!点击展开...

回复: 移民局否决一个区域中心申请的启示而只要移民局认为它没有得到足够充分的证据,就有权不批准,或不断要求区域中心举证。而移民法也没有给移民局强行规定多长时间必须批准一个区域中心的项目申请。 移民局的主动权在于即使你认为拿出的东西可以符合移民法,但是它总可以:在它认为不合理的情况下,不马上拒绝你,而是无限期要求你提供充分证据。它不做最终判断,你永远来举证!这个风险你作为EB-5投资者是否能承受。点击展开... 这个已经被广为诟病,新政改革方向已经很明确,也就是非刑事审理中的优势证据原理。 Preliminary Statement: The Preponderance of The Evidence Standard As a preliminary matter, it is critical that our adjudication of petitions in the EB-5 Program adhere to the correct standard of proof. In the EB-5 Program, the petitioner must establish each element by a preponderance of the evidence. That means that the petitioner must prove to us that what he or she claims is more likely so than not so. This is a lower standard of proof than the standard of “clear and convincing,” and even lower than the standard “beyond a reasonable doubt” that applies only to criminal cases. The petitioner does not need to remove all doubt from our adjudication, but must instead show that what he or she presents is more probable than not.

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