加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - Tenant Occupancy Job Creation


by H. Ronald Klasko Over the last two weeks, USCIS has begun issuing Requests for Evidence on pending regional center applications and exemplar I-526 petitions that involve “tenant occupancy models”. These Requests for Evidence articulate a new USCIS policy to discredit any employment creation from leases to tenants in many cases. In order to meet USCIS’ new standards, developers will need to prove excess demand for the specific types of tenants. As part of the documentation, marketing studies, occupancy studies or other data-based assessments will have to be presented to show that there is a lack of unique or specialized business space that constrains the tenant from commencing or expanding its business. Documentation of low vacancy rates for specific space together with proof of businesses seeking to expand and upward wage and rental pressures that are likely to be attracted to the proposed space will become critical. The jobs that become located within the tenant space will have to be shown to be the result of an expansion in specific services driven by the project as opposed to simply tenants relocating from other space to the new space. If this can’t be done, or if insufficient jobs will result from this analysis, the project can’t move forward with EB-5 funding unless sufficient indirect construction jobs are created. USCIS is unlikely to change its new position, at least absent successful litigation. Therefore, the big issue is when and how this new policy will be applied. As Chairman of the EB-5 Committee of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, I hope to be meeting with senior U.S. government officials with the goal of having this policy apply prospectively only and not to previously approved regional centers, pending I-924 applications, pending exemplar I-526 petitions, pending investor I-526 petitions or even new I-526 petitions where other investors have already invested in a project. The USCIS position on the application of this new policy is not yet clear, although the RFEs are clearly being issued to pending I-924 applicants.This is a critical issue, and we expect to provide further updates as developments merit.

回复: Tenant Occupancy Job CreationI have raised this issue on LUCITTEXT blog right after USCIS issued the announcement on 2/17. At that time LUCIDTEXT didn't believe in this new development. Zoe says: February 20, 2012 at 4:15 amIs USCIS going to discredit tenant jobs all together? Is that a new development that the economists at USCIS brought? http://blog.lucidtext.com/2012/02/17/economic-analysis-problem-revealed/

回复: Tenant Occupancy Job Creation那些懒得读英文的坛友,我就把一天前我就发表的有关的贴再转一下,让大家明白移民局的这个最新动向。这个非常重要,因为从此很多地产开发项目都不能做EB-5了。 回复: I-829申请被拒怎么办? 现在那些是tenant-occupancy类的项目的投资人要密切跟踪移民局对这些项目的526和829审批。2/17号后,移民局对申请这个模型的区域中心全部发了补材料的通知,对这类项目说明,只承认建筑和维护上的花费,不承认租客的生意产生的就业。这样,这些项目的产生的就业就大大降低了。USCIS observes that the tenant-occupancy methodology (that the direct jobs created by future tenants are intended to be attributable to the EB-5 investments) is not economically reasonable on the facts as presented. To allow for the existing methodology would require USCIS to credit the prospective EB-5 investors in the new commercial enterprise with the employment impacts created by the unrelated business ventures of future tenants (even though such tenants might engage in business activities within the requested industry categories and NAICS codes). After reviewing the tenant-occupancy methodology presented thus far, USCIS observes that the nexus between the investment and the job creation is either too attenuated or too incomplete to constitute a reasonable economic methodology. Consequently, the existing record presents USCIS with a justification to recognize only those employment impacts that could be attributed to __RC, such as those resulting indirectly from the construction activity and, if applicable, the ongoing building management activities that will be required to maintain the building.

回复: Tenant Occupancy Job Creation律师观点,该政策不适用于: 已经批准的区域中心pending 中的 I-924申请 pending 中的 exemplar I-526 申请, pending 中的 I-526 申请 or 已经做出投资的I-526新的申请 USCIS在使用这个新政策的立场还不明朗。

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关律师观点,该政策不适用于: 已经批准的区域中心 --- 移民局的政策是case by case而定pending 中的 I-924申请 ---移民局已经决定否定tenant就业pending 中的 exemplar I-526 申请, -----这是I-924 amendment,移民局已经否定tenant就业 pending 中的 I-526 申请 --- 我的直觉是移民局会象pending I-924表一样对待,否定tenant就业。or 已经做出投资的I-526新的申请---我认为,移民局唯一会例外的是那些项目中有其他526申请批准的项目,会承认tenant 就业。 USCIS在使用这个新政策的立场还不明朗。移民局在I924申请上,否定tenant就业的立场很明确。点击展开... 以上不是律师的观点,是律师的愿望。 我们拭目以待,恐怕今年526拒绝的会很多,至少补材料会永无止境。因为区域中心项目要证明地产开发项目有强劲的市场需求,保证现在有商业地产不会受到区域中心的新项目的竞争威胁。

回复: Tenant Occupancy Job Creation律师观点,该政策不适用于: 已经批准的区域中心pending 中的 I-924申请 pending 中的 exemplar I-526 申请, pending 中的 I-526 申请 or 已经做出投资的I-526新的申请 USCIS在使用这个新政策的立场还不明朗。点击展开... v,那么还没有投的咋办,等政策明朗?

回复: Tenant Occupancy Job Creation现在投资商业地产的EB-5,投资人要注意了,投资人选项目要明辨出商业地产开发商是否在产生间接就业的企业有股权。如果没有股权, 就业计算只能是建筑和维护上的花费。如果有股权,就业计算可以是企业的产出的就业。比如,投资酒店,就要看项目方只是个建筑商,还是有酒店营业背景的公司。只有后者才可计算项目的酒店收入的就业。另外,投资人选项目,也要看行业的。除非是当地或全国有强劲需求的地产类,移民局会在项目的市场需求上要求项目方补材料。象酒店这类项目以后会比较难通过。投资人要做好马拉松申请的准备。这该是美国式商业地产宏观调控。 商业地产综合开发项目差不多是不能做EB-5了。做也是只能算建筑工作,人数很少的。哪些行业有强劲需求,只要到当地的银行打听一下,看看这类项目贷款,银行会不会给贷。银行不愿贷款的项目,说明项目市场需求这个条件上移民局有可能要补材料。目前,美国商业地产的主要需求在医疗养老的项目。外加学生公寓,和老人公寓。 但公寓项目一般只计算建筑和维护上的就业,人数不多。现在流行特许学校的EB-5项目。这类项目市场需求是存在的。但不知移民局对特许学校和公立学校的竞争怎样看。但投资人最重要要看谁是项目方。特许学校是项目方的话,可以做EB-5项目。如果是地产商是项目方,出租给特许学校的话,这就不可以做EB-5项目。如果商业地产开发完全靠建筑就业而做EB-5的话,移民局可能会忽略市场需求这个条件。

回复: Tenant Occupancy Job Creation我看的是一个学校大楼改建,eb5资金占绝大部分投资比例,就业是按学校创造的税收计算其运营创造出的工作数量,这个eb5资金直接用于具体项目的开发,关系算比较紧密?

回复: Tenant Occupancy Job Creation我看的是一个学校大楼改建,eb5资金占绝大部分投资比例,就业是按学校创造的税收计算其运营创造出的工作数量,这个eb5资金直接用于具体项目的开发,关系算比较紧密?点击展开... 看项目方是否有学校的股分,如果没有,移民局的新政策可能会否决学校产生的就业的计算。记得你跟我说他们会把投资人的资金作为mortgage,这样推想,项目方可能没有学校的股份。

回复: Tenant Occupancy Job Creation我在3/3 LUCIDTEXT的博客上就提到移民局要否定tenant 的就业问题,昨天3/9 Klasko发了博客文章,提醒EB-5的行业人士。 Zoe says: March 3, 2012 at 3:47 amI had a feeling that USCIS is discounting tenant jobs, and after seeing the content of a new RFE, this feeling is growing stronger. This particular regional center is seeking approval for projects related to hotel, retail, food services, and assisted living. These type of projects are more likely to be new businesses at a new location. For USCIS to issue RFE regarding nexus of investment and job creation, I wonder if USCIS are not interested in seeing commericial real estate development project altogether. Loan based vs Equity based EB-5 projects have created a split personality in the EB-5 investment, where the new commercial enterprises with EB-5 investment is not the job-creation entity. In the commercial real estate development project, the job-creation become the responsibility of a thire party. Even counting indirect jobs, the equity based EB-5 projects are the primary source of job-creation. Zoe says: March 3, 2012 at 8:00 amI wonder how far USCIS allow the connection between EB-5 commercial enterprises and job creation entities to be. I have seen economic analyses that credit a hotel with the revenue of a nearby tourist destination or attribute a portion of a city’s tourist expenditure to a hotel project. And these projects are not put forward by a roookie regional center! I think USCIS should define in clear fashion what kind of indirect jobs or collaterial economic impact is allowed to attribute to EB-5 commercial enterprises.

回复: Tenant Occupancy Job Creation回复: 谁能解释USCIS这个829的趋势图? 引用:作者: 因风飞过蔷薇 ZOEMA, 如果他们转申请485的话,那么应该显示一个收到的数字,这2500个是无缘无故多出来,所以我觉得最可能的就是USCIS在录入的时候出错了。我无法相信近2000个人在一个月内集中撤案,这个几乎不可能。如果说每个月陆陆续续有人撤案,或者说移民局这个月出了一个大变革,否则2000个人意味着起码20个项目在同一时间撤案,实在不太合理。 我觉得移民局可能有了新的方向,这和tenant-occupancy有关的。移民局现在已经决定,待申请的区域中心里不要承认房地产项目中租客的就业,让地产项目只计算建筑和维护的就业。 这就把这些项目的就业人数减半。 我想移民局不会出现I-924,I-526,I-829的审批的双重标准。924不承认的方法,在526和829也不能承认。所以众多(3000多个)526迟迟不批,829转项目,会可能和这些项目的就业计算有关。不直接拒绝829申请,补材料也没用(项目结构的问题),让829申请人转项目,给大家都有个台阶下。

回复: Tenant Occupancy Job Creation那这样的话,现在还有啥项目靠谱呢?

回复: Tenant Occupancy Job Creation这个质疑目前还未针对已批准中心的个人526和829申请???

回复: Tenant Occupancy Job Creation我的感觉是,在新的Tenant Occupancy政策下, 在pending 的3000多个的526申请中,大部分的526申请会被要求补材料,以适合这个新政策。如果是某项目有其他的526申请已经被批准,同项目里的526申请会按旧的政策标准审查,批准。这会是新政策的唯一例外。 在pending 的1300多个的829申请中,都不会受新政策影响。只要商场,办公室已经出租,829就会被批准。 如果有商场,办公室还未出租,就业报告要重新做,计算出相应的就业数据。项目的829就会一部分被批准,一部分会被拒绝。

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