加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - EB5简单:把526和829分开办!


526批准是EB5的必经之路:以独立申请人方案办理4个月获批! 829可以是个多种选择课题,获批526后有如下选项:1.投资自己企业:如果自己或亲友不能完成企业经营创造就业,寻求专业公司服务。2.投资区域中心项目:有(条件)绿卡身份以后再考察评估区域中心项目更真实!(躲开移民中介环节)3.考察参与合作项目:Springwell的股权共管项目就是获得526批准后的选项之一!参考www.jbfym.com 清明之际,缅怀前人,祝福今人,造福后人!

浏览:www.jbfym.com 看了就知道不一样!526批准是EB5的必经之路:以独立申请人方案办理4个月获批! 829可以是个多种选择课题,获批526后有如下选项:1.投资自己企业:如果自己或亲友不能完成企业经营创造就业,寻求专业公司服务。2.投资区域中心项目:有(条件)绿卡身份以后再考察评估区域中心项目更真实!(躲开移民中介环节)3.考察参与合作项目:Springwell的股权共管项目就是获得526批准后的选项之一!参考www.jbfym.com 清明之际,缅怀前人,祝福今人,造福后人!点击展开... 这些建议涉及material change,导致829被拒。投资人小心! 526批准后,一切都要按526提交的商业计划执行,不可以有更改,否则为material change,不能保证829可以通过。AAO的有关费城中心的一个829被拒的判决上明文规定526申请和829申请不可以分开。见链接如下,http://www.uscis.gov/err/B7%20-%20Form%20I-526%20and%20I-829/Decisions_Issued_in_2010/Apr232010_01B7203.pdf

回复: EB5简单:把526和829分开办!这些建议涉及material change,导致829被拒。投资人小心! 526批准后,一切都要按526提交的商业计划执行,不可以有更改,否则为material change,不能保证829可以通过。AAO的有关费城中心的一个829被拒的判决上明文规定526申请和829申请不可以分开。见链接如下, http://www.uscis.gov/err/B7 - Form I-526 and I-829/Decisions_Issued_in_2010/Apr232010_01B7203.pdf点击展开...最新!官方!仅对独立申请人:829批准不须按照526计划进行!无需向移民局报备!

浏览:www.jbfym.com 看了就知道不一样!最新!官方!仅对独立申请人:829批准不须按照526计划进行!无需向移民局报备!点击展开... 敬请出具官方文件。

回复: EB5简单:把526和829分开办!最新!官方!仅对独立申请人:829批准不须按照526计划进行!无需向移民局报备!点击展开... 又一个4/1愚人节的玩笑啊!

回复: EB5简单:把526和829分开办!829不按照526走?怎么可能

回复: EB5简单:把526和829分开办!Material Change​The process of establishing a new business and creating jobs depends on a wide array ofvariables over which an investor or the creator of a new business may not have any control. The very best of business plans may be thrown off, for example, because of a sudden lack of supply in required merchandise or an unexpected hurricane that devastates an area in which the new business was to be built.​Historically, USCIS has required a direct connection between the business plan the investor hasprovided and the subsequent removal of conditions. USCIS would not approve a Form I-829petition if the investor had made an investment and created jobs in the United States if the jobswere not created according to the plan presented in the Form I-526. While that position is apermissible construction of the governing statute, USCIS also notes that the statute does notrequire that direct connection. In order to provide flexibility to meet the realities of the businessworld, USCIS will permit an alien who has been admitted to the United States on a conditionalbasis to remove those conditions when circumstances have changed. An individual investor can,at the prescribed time, proceed with his or her Form I-829 petition to remove conditions andpresent documentary evidence demonstrating that, notwithstanding the business plan contained in the Form I-526, the requirements for the removal of conditions have been satisfied. USCIS notes, however, that it is more beneficial for an immigrant investor to utilize the business plan contained in the Form I-526. As the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has recognized, if the alien investor is seeking to have the conditions removed from his or her status based on the business plan contained in the Form I-526, USCIS may not revisit certain aspects of the business plan, including issues related to the economic analysis supporting job creation.​​​​Chang v. U.S.,327 F.3d 911, 927 (9th Cir. 2003). If, however, the immigrant investor is seeking to have his or her conditions removed based on a business plan not consistent with the approved I-526, the Chang decision does not foreclose USCIS from requiring or requesting evidence to prove theelement of job creation. This may include revisiting issues previously adjudicated in the Form I-526, such as the economic analysis underlying the new job creation.如果申请人没有按I-526提交的商务计划完成创造就业,第九巡回法庭不禁止移民局要求更多证明文件或参考以前文件。​

浏览:www.jbfym.com 看了就知道不一样!Material Change​ The process of establishing a new business and creating jobs depends on a wide array ofvariables over which an investor or the creator of a new business may not have any control. The very best of business plans may be thrown off, for example, because of a sudden lack of supply in required merchandise or an unexpected hurricane that devastates an area in which the new business was to be built.​ Historically, USCIS has required a direct connection between the business plan the investor hasprovided and the subsequent removal of conditions. USCIS would not approve a Form I-829petition if the investor had made an investment and created jobs in the United States if the jobswere not created according to the plan presented in the Form I-526. While that position is apermissible construction of the governing statute, USCIS also notes that the statute does notrequire that direct connection. In order to provide flexibility to meet the realities of the businessworld, USCIS will permit an alien who has been admitted to the United States on a conditionalbasis to remove those conditions when circumstances have changed. An individual investor can,at the prescribed time, proceed with his or her Form I-829 petition to remove conditions andpresent documentary evidence demonstrating that, notwithstanding the business plan contained in the Form I-526, the requirements for the removal of conditions have been satisfied.​ USCIS notes, however, that it is more beneficial for an immigrant investor to utilize the business plan contained in the Form I-526. As the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has recognized, if the alien investor is seeking to have the conditions removed from his or her status based on the business plan contained in the Form I-526, USCIS may not revisit certain aspects of the business plan, including issues related to the economic analysis supporting job creation. ​​Chang v. U.S.,327 F.3d 911, 927 (9th Cir. 2003). ​ If, however, the immigrant investor is seeking to have his or her conditions removed based on a business plan not consistent with the approved I-526, the Chang decision does not foreclose USCIS from requiring or requesting evidence to prove theelement of job creation. This may include revisiting issues previously adjudicated in the Form I-526, such as the economic analysis underlying the new job creation.​ 如果申请人没有按I-526提交的商务计划完成创造就业,第九巡回法庭不禁止移民局要求更多证明文件或参考以前文件。​ 点击展开... 建议专家回学校补习英文!这个文件根本不是说独立投资人可以不按526商业计划执行。只是说如果没有按526的商业计划执行,投资人可以依旧按时提交829申请,证明符合永久绿卡的要求。 如果没有526计划执行,移民局有权利重新审查526商业计划中的创造就业的分析说明。不论是区域中心项目,还是直接投资项目,没有区分。​

回复: EB5简单:把526和829分开办!建议专家回学校补习英文!这个文件根本不是说独立投资人可以不按526商业计划执行。只是说如果没有按526的商业计划执行,投资人可以依旧按时提交829申请,证明符合永久绿卡的要求。 如果没有526计划执行,移民局有权利重新审查526商业计划中的创造就业的分析说明。不论是区域中心项目,还是直接投资项目,没有区分。​点击展开...谢谢提醒,专家知道英语作为第二语言还有很多提高空间,每天努力提高英文! 你的如果。。。是指区域中心,你恐怕没看过这个文件妹妹!如果看过。。。可能是没有看懂。 看几篇英语了解EB-5可以比较快,全面积累美国移民和商务经验没有捷径可走!慢慢来。。。 哦对了,去找一部移民法从头到尾看看对你会有帮助。

浏览:www.jbfym.com 看了就知道不一样!谢谢提醒,专家还是努力提高英文! 你的如果。。。是指区域中心,你恐怕没看过这个文件妹妹!如果看过。。。可能是没有看懂。 看几篇英语了解EB-5可以比较快,全面积累美国移民和商务经验没有捷径可走!慢慢来。。。 哦对了,去找一部移民法从头到尾看看对你会有帮助。点击展开... 在考我啊?你的引用原文是移民局在1/12发布的Revised EB-5 Policy Memo, 第21页。这是个草稿,非正式文件。链接在这http://ebfive.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/eb5_coverandmemo-01-11-12.pdf 2. Investors Who Have Obtained Conditional LawfulPermanent Resident Status​Historically, USCIS has required a direct connection between the business plan the investor hasprovided and the subsequent removal of conditions. USCIS would not approve a Form I-829petition if the investor had made an investment and created jobs in the United States if the jobswere not created according to the plan presented in the Form I-526. While that position is apermissible construction of the governing statute, USCIS also notes that the statute does notrequire that direct connection. In order to provide flexibility to meet the realities of the businessworld, USCIS will permit an alien who has been admitted to the United States on a conditionalbasis to remove those conditions when circumstances have changed. An individual investor can,at the prescribed time, proceed with his or her Form I-829 petition to remove conditions andpresent documentary evidence demonstrating that, notwithstanding the business plan containedin the Form I-526, the requirements for the removal of conditions have been satisfied.USCIS notes, however, that it is more beneficial for an immigrant investor to utilize the businessplan contained in the Form I-526. As the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has recognized, if thealien investor is seeking to have the conditions removed from his or her status based on thebusiness plan contained in the Form I-526, USCIS may not revisit certain aspects of the businessplan, including issues related to the economic analysis supporting job creation.​Chang v. U.S.,327 F.3d 911, 927 (9th Cir. 2003). If, however, the immigrant investor is seeking to have his orher conditions removed based on a business plan not consistent with the approved I-526, the​Chang​​decision does not foreclose USCIS from requiring or requesting evidence to prove theelement of job creation. This may include revisiting issues previously adjudicated in the Form I-526, such as the economic analysis underlying the new job creation.USCIS also notes that, in the case of a petition affiliated with a regional center, the petitionerwill only be able to claim indirect job creation if the new business plan falls within the scope of​the regional center.

回复: EB5简单:把526和829分开办!EB-5的确是现在最好的移民政策了,相对钱花的少,又快

回复: EB5简单:把526和829分开办!耍小聪明,断章取义移民局的法规,让投资人跟移民局玩太极,只会让投资人事半功倍,误人子弟。

回复: EB5简单:把526和829分开办!耍小聪明,断章取义移民局的法规,让投资人跟移民局玩太极,只会让投资人事半功倍,误人子弟。点击展开... 妄加批评不是严谨的治学态度!你不了解具体项目内容。从投资人利益考虑是本方案的根本原则:杜绝被监管账户锁定投资款全面大幅度降低EB5办理费用从根本上保证526获得顺利快速批准绝对保障某个投资人顺利创造就业829获批在保证投资本金主体绝对安全的前提下,尽最大可能实现利润,杜绝或减低亏损!

浏览:www.jbfym.com 看了就知道不一样! 超赞 赏 S sallyusaca 0$(VIP 0) 62012-04-04#14 回复: EB5简单:把526和829分开办!别人提出疑问,那就针对这个疑问继续解答就是了我看了好多次,一说到点儿上,就被绕开说别的了这样让别人怎么信啊

回复: EB5简单:把526和829分开办!妄加批评不是严谨的治学态度!你不了解具体项目内容。 从投资人利益考虑是本方案的根本原则:杜绝被监管账户锁定投资款全面大幅度降低EB5办理费用从根本上保证526获得顺利快速批准绝对保障某个投资人顺利创造就业829获批 在保证投资本金主体绝对安全的前提下,尽最大可能实现利润,杜绝或减低亏损!点击展开... EB-5投资移民,能拿到绿卡是关键。所以项目策划首先要符合EB-5的规则。 投资人先降低移民绿卡风险是首要,然后是降低商业风险。不要本末倒置。 不然就留驻国内赚大钱吧,还跑到美国干什么?

回复: EB5简单:把526和829分开办!EB-5投资移民,能拿到绿卡是关键。所以项目策划首先要符合EB-5的规则。 投资人先降低移民绿卡风险是首要,然后是降低商业风险。不要本末倒置。 不然就留驻国内赚大钱吧,还跑到美国干什么?点击展开...当然全都是为了少花钱办绿卡,所有流程和项目设计全部都是在充分、清晰满足移民局要求的前提下办好绿卡。 我们的方案不是降低了绿卡和本金的风险,而是彻底消除了风险! 你这些年不常回国不了解国内情况,现在有条件的还有谁想留在国内?留在国内还赚钱?国内生意不好做啦!

浏览:www.jbfym.com 看了就知道不一样!别人提出疑问,那就针对这个疑问继续解答就是了我看了好多次,一说到点儿上,就被绕开说别的了这样让别人怎么信啊点击展开...呵呵,可能你是习惯了“区域中心” 独立申请EB5跟区域中心的EB5大相径庭,独立申请EB5流程和投资创造就业项目不是公开招募投资的,项目方案是商业机密,仅对意向投资人提供,不在公开场合发布。 如有需要了解细节请联系我们确认为意向投资人以后签署保密协议提供项目文件。看了文件再说是否相信不迟!

浏览:www.jbfym.com 看了就知道不一样!EB-5的确是现在最好的移民政策了,相对钱花的少,又快点击展开...有理由相信很快会提高EB5投资要求,1990年的一美元能换10块人民币,现在是6.29!

浏览:www.jbfym.com 看了就知道不一样!829不按照526走?怎么可能点击展开...移民局文件明确阐明了EB5的目的是吸引外国人投资美国辅助解决地方就业,发展经济,联邦第九巡回法庭大法官明确指出: 对于独立申请人的I-829申请批准标准只有三点:I-526获批人士已经完成全额投资创造出真实的10个就业立即批准(或将来能够创造出10个就业可能批准)无需按照原计划执行!需要官方文件可联系我们。

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