加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国无犯罪证明需要州的证明吗?请守法老师指导
夏荷 超赞 赏 家 家园移民 0$(VIP 0) 15,8762012-04-23#2 回复: 美国无犯罪证明需要州的证明吗?请守法老师指导不需要
回复: 美国无犯罪证明需要州的证明吗?请守法老师指导美国无犯罪证明除了办理FBI联邦的,还需要州的证明吗?多谢啦!点击展开... How to obtain a police certificate - United StatesDo I need to provide a police certificate when applying for permanent residence? Yes, all applicants aged 18 or older must provide a police certificate. Applicants should provide a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) certificate with fingerprints. State certificates may also be requested. The Visa Office will advise you if state certificates are required in your case. How and where do I obtain one?You should:get a cover letter and fingerprint card from the FBI. You can download these from the FBI website in the Related Links section at the bottom of the page or write to the address below and have them mailed to you.have fingerprints taken. You can have this done by:a local police department ora private fingerprinting business.(When you have your fingerprints taken, you will need photo identification.)include a Certified cheque or money order for the fees, payable to the U.S. Treasurymail the letter, fingerprints and fee payment to:FBI, Criminal Justice Information Services DivisionAttention: SCU, Mod D-21000 Custer Hollow RoadClarksburg, West Virginia 26306U.S.A. Processing times are normally between 16 and 18 weeks. The FBI will send you a letter with the results of their record check. That letter will be your police certificate. You should send the letter and any attached documents to the Citizenship and Immigration Canada office processing your file. All police certificates must be originals. Photocopies will not be accepted by our office. For more detailed information, visit the FBI website in the Related Links section at the bottom of the page.
回复: 美国无犯罪证明需要州的证明吗?请守法老师指导[FONT=宋体]在[/FONT]FBI[FONT=宋体]网站下载指纹卡(也就是[/FONT]A4[FONT=宋体]表),多打印几张。用英文在卡上填姓名、生日、身高等基本信息,认证原因填移民加拿大,社会保障号没有填,也无处可填护照号码。注意:[/FONT]leave blank[FONT=宋体]处不要填。[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体]带上指纹卡、户口本、护照、身份证去省或市公证处。工作人员提供黑色墨水、当场按[/FONT]10[FONT=宋体]个手指印,且按二次,共[/FONT]20[FONT=宋体]个印。按得不好就换新卡重做。[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体]公证人员当场做公证文件和翻译件、并装订成册,盖章。杭州收费[/FONT]220[FONT=宋体]元,[/FONT]1[FONT=宋体]小时完成。(事先预约,否则当天取不到)[/FONT]# w8 V6 h4 X" S% j0 K* ~[FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体]做公正文件时,我要求他们把护照号码写入,否则他们只写身份证号码。[/FONT]8 v/ y1 E& { X, e5 Z7 j, L[FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体]在[/FONT]FBI[FONT=宋体]网站上下载[/FONT]cover letter[FONT=宋体],在电脑上填上姓名、地址,尤其是回邮地址(填国内的家里),再填上[/FONT]deadline[FONT=宋体](我填本月底)[/FONT][FONT=宋体]两周最佳[/FONT][FONT=宋体],打印。[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体]付款:用美国的信用卡支付,在[/FONT]FBI[FONT=宋体]网站下载信用卡支付表,在电脑上填空、打印。[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体]别忘了在打印出的[/FONT]cover letter[FONT=宋体]和信用卡支付表上签字。[/FONT]* M! e' A) {2 M& d# j& Y4 Q[FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体]做护照复印件和回邮地址标贴(这二样东西不是[/FONT]FBI[FONT=宋体]网站上要求的)。[/FONT]5 W+ S) x. B0 I M8 ^* r[FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体]把以上东西装入信封,在信封上标注[/FONT]Deadline: **-**[FONT=宋体](与[/FONT]cover letter[FONT=宋体]中的截止日期相同),把[/FONT]FBI[FONT=宋体]网站上公布的收件人地址抄到信封上。然后快递寄走。[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体]一、二年前有人做过此类认证,必须通过公安局刑事侦察部门办理,过程及其繁琐(浙江人在取得本地公安局证明后去上海办理)。现在公证处可以办了,价格也不高,资料上网就有。所以,这项事务已变得相当简单,移友不必太担心。[/FONT]' A ^3 \" x7 R+ ]7 s2 Q f. q [FONT=宋体]官方网站上说的时间一般是最长时间,就像[/FONT]CIC[FONT=宋体]上面说移民平均要[/FONT]4-5[FONT=宋体]年,但实际中[/FONT]2[FONT=宋体]年多也可以搞定一样。对于很紧急的[/FONT]case[FONT=宋体]可以和[/FONT]FBI[FONT=宋体]说明,必要时可附上[/FONT]CIC[FONT=宋体]要求[/FONT]60[FONT=宋体]天的复印件,请[/FONT]FBI[FONT=宋体]加速处理。[/FONT]
回复: 美国无犯罪证明需要州的证明吗?请守法老师指导好同学啊
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