加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 密苏里糖厂项目,中国4个投资人钱卡无归
Missouri’s reputation with Chinese investors is tarnished as a result of the Mamtek collapse, said a Kansas City attorney who accompanied Gov. Jay Nixon to China this week. Spencer Thomson of the Husch Blackwell law firm went to China seeking investments in a hotel planned for the Lake of the Ozarks. He hoped to raise it from Chinese families interested in the EB-5 Immigrant Investor visa program. But when he arrived at the offices of Well Trend United Inc., the owner didn’t want to talk about the hotel, Thomson said. He wanted to talk about Mamtek, which cost his investors a total of $2 million. Thomson knew Mamtek was using the same visa program to raise capital and expected some mention of it, he said. But he was not told Well Trend President Larry Wang had been the broker for Chinese investments in the failed Moberly sucralose manufacturer. “I know that they had been working at some time on the project,” Thomson said. “I didn’t know that they had four of the investors. What I do know is that it caused a real problem.”
回复: 密苏里糖厂项目,中国4个投资人钱卡无归Mamtek 公司的项目主要利用市政债券bond融资$39milliion外加EB-5$20million. 这种项目被中介宣传成无风险的项目。结果如何呢?首先,Mamtek没能按时支付BOND债券的利息。为此这个市政的债券评级从A-降到CC.其次,已有4个中国投资人的526申请被批准。现在这个项目濒于破产,即使移民局不取消区域中心的资格,这些投资人的829也会成泡影。这个结局,投资人要好好考虑了。投资人数一数,现在还有哪些项目是EB-5+BOND的投资组合呢?这类被中介摇旗呐喊的项目还不少呢!Creditors try to push Mamtek into bankruptcy | The Columbia Daily ...www.columbiatribune.com/comments/cr/73/100952/Dec 19, 2011 The role of Mamtek insiders and companies that helped finance the failed sweetener factory in Moberly would come under increased scrutiny in ...
回复: 密苏里糖厂项目,中国4个投资人钱卡无归2011年最后一天,闲来没事,我来替Welltrend说点公道话吧。 这个项目人家一个没有做。如果有这4个中国人的话,也绝非中国大陆中介公司办理的! 该债券评级被降级早有评级机构的警示,也绝非突然袭击。 区域中心或者美国律师自行办理的? 这种投资组合不管是过去,还是现在,甚至是新备忘录新政实施之后,都是符合移民局规定的。
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关2011年最后一天,闲来没事,我来替Welltrend说点公道话吧。 这个项目人家一个没有做。如果有这4个中国人的话,也绝非中国大陆中介公司办理的! 该债券评级被降级早有评级机构的警示,也绝非突然袭击。 区域中心或者美国律师自行办理的? 这种投资组合不管是过去,还是现在,甚至是新备忘录新政实施之后,都是符合移民局规定的。点击展开... But when he arrived at the offices of Well Trend United Inc., the owner didn’t want to talk about the hotel, Thomson said. He wanted to talk about Mamtek, which cost his investors a total of $2 million. 这个事应该让和中自己出来给投资人来澄清吧。别人都和记者一样,有道听途说的嫌疑。
回复: 密苏里糖厂项目,中国4个投资人钱卡无归EB5NewsBlog.org report : "The failed Mamtek EB-5 project in central Missouri costed $2 million to Well Trend United, Inc., a licensed and bonded emigration consulting firm headquartered in Beijing. Well Trend learned of problems with Mamek from competitors and news report in late fall this year. Well Trend Vice President Victor Lum recently responded to a Missouri media inquiry, “We had no prior knowledge nor had we received any inkling of trouble regarding this project; you can imagine how we felt to find out all this bad news this way. moreover, you can imagine how our clients (who are shareholders in this project) felt when they heard this news from us.” Victor Lum wrote. Well Trend United, Inc., is one of the leading emigration service providers in China. Since the incident occurred, Well Trend advanced $2 million to 4 Chinese investor clients for their loss." 据悉和中支付了四名中国投资人的两百万美元投资款,以保护投资人利益,目前该公司正通过法律途径向美方公司追索赔偿。Mamtek是一家在香港注册的中资公司。
回复: 密苏里糖厂项目,中国4个投资人钱卡无归看来还不错啊!EB5NewsBlog.org report : "The failed Mamtek EB-5 project in central Missouri costed $2 million to Well Trend United, Inc., a licensed and bonded emigration consulting firm headquartered in Beijing. Well Trend learned of problems with Mamek from competitors and news report in late fall this year. Well Trend Vice President Victor Lum recently responded to a Missouri media inquiry, “We had no prior knowledge nor had we received any inkling of trouble regarding this project; you can imagine how we felt to find out all this bad news this way. moreover, you can imagine how our clients (who are shareholders in this project) felt when they heard this news from us.” Victor Lum wrote. Well Trend United, Inc., is one of the leading emigration service providers in China. Since the incident occurred, Well Trend advanced $2 million to 4 Chinese investor clients for their loss." 据悉和中支付了四名中国投资人的两百万美元投资款,以保护投资人利益,目前该公司正通过法律途径向美方公司追索赔偿。Mamtek是一家在香港注册的中资公司。点击展开...
回复: 密苏里糖厂项目,中国4个投资人钱卡无归4个投资人,中介赔得起。 那499个投资人出了事,谁还赔得起?
回复: 密苏里糖厂项目,中国4个投资人钱卡无归4个投资人,中介赔得起。 那499个投资人出了事,谁还赔得起?点击展开...那就赔不起了。。
回复: 密苏里糖厂项目,中国4个投资人钱卡无归这四个投资人的526申请是在当地国会议员的介入下,加急处理在今年8月通过的。 现在这个项目要破产了,EB-5的资金打水漂了。看看美国的国会议员会不会帮着追回投资了。这个实际案例可以让投资人亲眼看看,中介口口声声吹捧的政府项目会不会保证退款给中国的EB-5投资人了。这项目是个胜利谷项目滑铁卢的双胞胎!
回复: 密苏里糖厂项目,中国4个投资人钱卡无归这四个投资人的526申请是在当地国会议员的介入下,加急处理在今年8月通过的。 现在这个项目要破产了,EB-5的资金打水漂了。看看美国的国会议员会不会帮着追回投资了。这个实际案例可以让投资人亲眼看看,中介口口声声吹捧的政府项目会不会保证退款给中国的EB-5投资人了。这项目是个胜利谷项目滑铁卢的双胞胎!点击展开...这项目把一大批州地政府经济官员给忽悠了,因为是前任州长到中国招商引资搞来的。
回复: 密苏里糖厂项目,中国4个投资人钱卡无归Welltrend唯一可以被批评的地方,就是尽职调查做得不足呗。
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关Welltrend唯一可以被批评的地方,就是尽职调查做得不足呗。点击展开... 尽职调查做的不足是国内中介的通病。和中可以称赞的地方,他们有财力可以赔偿那4个投资人的投资损失。他们也想负责这个事件。如果499个投资人损失了,全国中介公司加在一起,也赔不起了。
回复: 密苏里糖厂项目,中国4个投资人钱卡无归welltrend 都不是债权人,怎么可能去讨债啊? 4人,垫付赔偿200万美金,这种脑残的虚假报道也有人相信?
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关welltrend 都不是债权人,怎么可能去讨债啊? 4人,垫付赔偿200万美金,这种脑残的虚假报道也有人相信?点击展开...
回复: 密苏里糖厂项目,中国4个投资人钱卡无归这四个投资人的526申请是在当地国会议员的介入下,加急处理在今年8月通过的。 现在这个项目要破产了,EB-5的资金打水漂了。看看美国的国会议员会不会帮着追回投资了。这个实际案例可以让投资人亲眼看看,中介口口声声吹捧的政府项目会不会保证退款给中国的EB-5投资人了。这项目是个胜利谷项目滑铁卢的双胞胎!点击展开...
回复: 密苏里糖厂项目,中国4个投资人钱卡无归美国项目搞诈骗,中国投资人却当成罪犯 Sinophobia Rears its Ugly Head: Mamtek's Forgotten EB-5 Investors [FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Remember October 13th's Immigration Insider, On Trust and EB-5 Marketing in China, where I mentioned Missouri's Mamtek EB-5 mess, where a number of EB-5 investors from China got taken for a ride, along with the State of Missouri? Well, it's finally making the mainstream media in the U.S...and it sounds like the whole mess is the FAULT of the Chinese![/FONT] [FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]In a rather comprehensive Associated Press Article on Failed Job Creation Plans, the writer opens by describing Mamtek as "A global company with Chinese ownership"...leaving the reader with the impression that the only victims were in Missouri, and that the perpetrators were from China. Nothing could be further from the truth: the former Chairman and President of Mamtek was California Attorney Bruce Cole . Mr. Cole's very distinguished resume, as you can see in that link, suggests a long-standing involvement in business in China and Hong Kong. After the company imploded -- maybe before or during, it isn't clear -Mamtek at some point named a new president, another California attorney, this one a bankruptcy lawyer named Peter Kravitz. (Mamtek's former attorney, Steven Peden, had said to the press a few months ago that he believed Mamtek plans to work out a payment plan to avoid bankruptcy court...sure isn't looking that way.) [/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Doesn't sound very "Chinese owned" to me.[/FONT] [FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]The AP article not only mischaracterizes the underlying ownership of Mamtek, but totally omits the fact that 15 Chinese investors lost both their $500,000 (plus whatever other fees) AND their shot at U.S. permanent residency. That stings a lot more than Missouri's loss of their $39 million of taxpayer dollars. The latter is the bumbling of public funds, hardly a novelty in America (or, for that matter, anywhere); the former is a half a million hard-earned bucks out of an individuals pocket. Ouch! The greatest irony in all of this is that the Chinese players who WERE involved were innocent investors -- and a top-tier Chinese migration agency with an otherwise-sterling reputation. Sharon and I know the folks at this particular agency (whose name I won't mention because they've gotten enough misleading press already) and we know for a fact they will be, when all is said and done and they've squared with their investors, the biggest victim of all.[/FONT] [FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]This whole business of blaming China for American EB-5 disasters is quite tiresome. There are hundreds of registered Chinese migration agencies in China and the vast majority know as much about EB-5 as I know about molecular biology. Most are purely commission driven and their lousy reputations are hardly a secret. A small number of them - such as the agency which marketed Mamtek in China -- are stellar organizations owned and managed by individuals with impeccable credentials and a history of fair dealing and aggressively protecting the interests of their migrating clients. [/FONT] [FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]The reasons the "Mamteks" of the EB-5 world happen has nothing to do with folks on the other side of the Pacific. They happen because of the Gordon-Gecko-esque "greed is good" mentality which is pervasive in too large a portion of the U.S. EB-5 sector. [/FONT] [FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Jose LaTour 律师说的正确,“贪婪是应该的”观念在美国EB-5行业蔓延,项目越大,钱越多![/FONT]
回复: 密苏里糖厂项目,中国4个投资人钱卡无归EB5fan,和中200万赔款给投资人是假新闻吗?
回复: 密苏里糖厂项目,中国4个投资人钱卡无归EB5fan,和中200万赔款给投资人是假新闻吗?点击展开...当然不是假新闻。如果认为是假的,只不过是其他中介人士的嫉妒吧。该中国移民中介公司正采取法律手段向美国公司索赔,但密州的公司欠了美国很多供应商和银行一大屁股债,能拿回钱来的机会非常小。这并不是该中介第一次利用美国法律在美国维护中国投资人利益。今年秋季密州州长在北京期间曾经约见该中国移民中介公司总裁,但阴差阳错没有见到,双方都非常重视该事件给中国移民公司,四名投资人和密苏里州带来的损失。
回复: 密苏里糖厂项目,中国4个投资人钱卡无归DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
EB5fan 说:当然不是假新闻。如果认为是假的,只不过是其他中介人士的嫉妒吧。 该中国移民中介公司正采取法律手段向美国公司索赔,但密州的公司欠了美国很多供应商和银行一大屁股债,能拿回钱来的机会非常小。这并不是该中介第一次利用美国法律在美国维护中国投资人利益。 今年秋季密州州长在北京期间曾经约见该中国移民中介公司总裁,但阴差阳错没有见到,双方都非常重视该事件给中国移民公司,四名投资人和密苏里州带来的损失。点击展开... 没有见到面! 和中先自掏腰包200万美元垫付“赔偿”投资者了吗?
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