加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 如果829失败,小孩还能再办学生签证吗?


新人报到,向各位大侠问好!! 我小孩就这个月签学生签证,秋季入学去美国读本科一年级. 如果我现在下手eb5,那829出结果时正是小孩本科三年级。万一失败,大人无所谓,不再登陆就是了,小孩由F1调整来的临时绿卡,也马上会变成递解令,那时再签F1能行吗?可别因为办eb5不成,学也没的上了,望各位老师指条明路,抓耳挠腮地等----

回复: 如果829失败,小孩还能再办学生签证吗?能办。还可以在美国转回学生身份。见以前我的帖子。 一方面,不会因为办了投资移民,就怀疑你的留学动机不纯,办不办移民都要求学。 另一方面,I-829失败,这里也没有孩子什么错。 还有I-526要8个月,广领馆要排队6个月,移民签证有效期6个月,等待I-829要2年(24个月),(这时你的临时绿卡目前会自动延期12个月)I-829获批还要6个月,等你拿到递解令,(大约60个月),估计大学已经上完了。

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关新人报到,向各位大侠问好!! 我小孩就这个月签学生签证,秋季入学去美国读本科一年级. 如果我现在下手eb5,那829出结果时正是小孩本科三年级。万一失败,大人无所谓,不再登陆就是了,小孩由F1调整来的临时绿卡,也马上会变成递解令,那时再签F1能行吗?可别因为办eb5不成,学也没的上了,望各位老师指条明路,抓耳挠腮地等----点击展开... 留学先办,EB-5要是不急,建议到9月看看形势再定!!

回复: 如果829失败,小孩还能再办学生签证吗?(这时你的临时绿卡目前会自动延期12个月),请问visatousa这个12个月是怎么出来的?谢谢!

回复: 如果829失败,小孩还能再办学生签证吗?(这时你的临时绿卡目前会自动延期12个月),请问visatousa这个12个月是怎么出来的?谢谢!点击展开... 这是当前的实践结果。一旦递交I-829去条件申请,你的有条件绿卡自动延长12个月。 [FONT=宋体]众所周知,投资移民申请人的条件绿卡有效期限为两年,当申请人向移民局递交了I-829[/FONT][FONT=宋体]条件绿卡转正式绿卡申请之后,申请人原来持有的条件绿卡会被自动延长一年有效期。这样,在移民局审批申请人的I-829[/FONT][FONT=宋体]申请时,申请人的身份仍会保持合法有效。[/FONT] http://www.uscis.gov/ilink/docView/AFM/HTML/AFM/0-0-0-1/0-0-0-26573/0-0-0-32102.html 审判官手册: Can entrepreneurs/investors travel after filing Form I-829 ? (FAQ 10 Revised 01/18/2005; AFM 05-07) Under 8 CFR 216.6(a)(3) , an alien entrepreneur who has filed Form I-829 is authorized to travel outside the United States and return if in possession of appropriate documentation. The regulation at 8 CFR 211.1(a)(5) authorizes admission if an alien presents an expired Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card, accompanied by a filing receipt issued within the previous 6 months for a Form I-829, if seeking admission or readmission after a temporary absence of less than 1 year. (Some filing receipts may authorize travel for up to 1 year.) [NOTE: Service Centers may issue a duplicate Form I-829 receipt to facilitate extension of employment and travel authorization for pending cases.] Waivers from visa requirements may be obtained under 8 CFR 211.1(b) . District offices are authorized to issue: (a) a temporary I-551 stamp with a 12-month expiration date in the petitioner’s unexpired, foreign passport (if the expiration date of the passport is one year or more), or (b) if the petitioner is not in possession of an unexpired foreign passport, a Form I-94 (arrival portion) containing a temporary I-551 stamp with a 12-month expiration date and a photograph of the petitioner.[NOTE: IIO may require petitioner to obtain unexpired passport, if available, prior to issuing temporary I-551 stamp.]

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关 超赞 赏 visatousa 0$(VIP 0) 4,2302012-05-06#6 回复: 如果829失败,小孩还能再办学生签证吗?移民局和移民律师协会的会议纪要 USCIS Field Operations Directorate and American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) Liaison Meeting http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/us...nnel=994f81c52aa38210VgnVCM100000082ca60aRCRD Question 10: Where an I-829 is denied and USCIS does not issue an NTA to start removal proceedings, can the petitioner and dependents obtain 1-year stamp of conditional permanent resident status? Regulations and AFM appear to say that petitioner and dependents should be given 1-year CPR stamps until a final order of removal has been entered. Please clarify that this is the policy of USCIS. USCIS Response: Officers are advised that no extension of status can be given to an alien who has not timely filed a Form I-829, unless USCIS accepts a late petition based upon the alien’s showing of good cause in accordance with 8 CFR 216.6(a)(5). Upon receipt of a properly filed Form I-829, USCIS is authorized by 8 CFR 216.6(a)(1) to extend automatically a conditional resident’s status, if necessary, until such time as USCIS has adjudicated the petition. The I-797 receipt notice for the I-829 automatically gives a one year extension of status. 8 CFR 216.6(d)(2) states in regard to a denied I-829 that “the alien’s lawful permanent resident status and that of his or her spouse and any children shall be terminated as of the date of the director’s written decision.” However, if the I-829 has been denied and an NTA has been issued, but no final order of removal has been entered, then USCIS must collect the expired conditional permanent resident card and follow established procedures for providing a temporary extension of the alien’s conditional resident status upon request at a local USCIS Field Office. If the temporary extension is granted, then the aliens will be authorized to work and may travel outside the United States.​

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关这是当前的实践结果。一旦递交I-829去条件申请,你的有条件绿卡自动延长12个月。 [FONT=宋体]众所周知,投资移民申请人的条件绿卡有效期限为两年,当申请人向移民局递交了I-829[/FONT][FONT=宋体]条件绿卡转正式绿卡申请之后,申请人原来持有的条件绿卡会被自动延长一年有效期。这样,在移民局审批申请人的I-829[/FONT][FONT=宋体]申请时,申请人的身份仍会保持合法有效。[/FONT] http://www.uscis.gov/ilink/docView/AFM/HTML/AFM/0-0-0-1/0-0-0-26573/0-0-0-32102.html 审判官手册: Can entrepreneurs/investors travel after filing Form I-829 ? (FAQ 10 Revised 01/18/2005; AFM 05-07) Under 8 CFR 216.6(a)(3) , an alien entrepreneur who has filed Form I-829 is authorized to travel outside the United States and return if in possession of appropriate documentation. The regulation at 8 CFR 211.1(a)(5) authorizes admission if an alien presents an expired Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card, accompanied by a filing receipt issued within the previous 6 months for a Form I-829, if seeking admission or readmission after a temporary absence of less than 1 year. (Some filing receipts may authorize travel for up to 1 year.) [NOTE: Service Centers may issue a duplicate Form I-829 receipt to facilitate extension of employment and travel authorization for pending cases.] Waivers from visa requirements may be obtained under 8 CFR 211.1(b) . District offices are authorized to issue: (a) a temporary I-551 stamp with a 12-month expiration date in the petitioner’s unexpired, foreign passport (if the expiration date of the passport is one year or more), or (b) if the petitioner is not in possession of an unexpired foreign passport, a Form I-94 (arrival portion) containing a temporary I-551 stamp with a 12-month expiration date and a photograph of the petitioner.[NOTE: IIO may require petitioner to obtain unexpired passport, if available, prior to issuing temporary I-551 stamp.] 点击展开...VISTTOUSA, 您好!我头一次拜读您的帖子,你的论述我觉得挺靠谱的,看了很受启发。而加拿大政府看来挺没谱的。我有两个问题请教:1.如果申请EB-5获批,加拿大移民后来也批准了,这样是不是很纠结?双绿卡很不好处理吧?2.在EB-5头两年,只是是条件绿卡,很多人不会放弃国内的事业去美国呆着,因为还有很多不确定因素。如果申请人在中国居住超过半年而少于一年,或者说一年去一次美国,这样可以保住绿卡不?因为大部分人说必须半年去一次才可以,而我看您的回答里好像是一年去一次就可以了呢?换句话说,临时绿卡是不是也需要半年去一次才能保住呢?谢谢!

回复: 如果829失败,小孩还能再办学生签证吗?VISTTOUSA, 您好!我头一次拜读您的帖子,你的论述我觉得挺靠谱的,看了很受启发。而加拿大政府看来挺没谱的。我有两个问题请教:1.如果申请EB-5获批,加拿大移民后来也批准了,这样是不是很纠结?双绿卡很不好处理吧?2.在EB-5头两年,只是是条件绿卡,很多人不会放弃国内的事业去美国呆着,因为还有很多不确定因素。如果申请人在中国居住超过半年而少于一年,或者说一年去一次美国,这样可以保住绿卡不?因为大部分人说必须半年去一次才可以,而我看您的回答里好像是一年去一次就可以了呢?换句话说,临时绿卡是不是也需要半年去一次才能保住呢?谢谢!点击展开...如果必须回来处理国内业务,找个好的移民律师为你办“回美证”(又称白皮书),有效期两年,可以延期。

回复: 如果829失败,小孩还能再办学生签证吗?双绿卡甚至多PR是很正常的。 保绿卡,配合回美证可以最长2年,超过6个月不到12月,只要不被怀疑有放弃的意愿,通常还是可以保住绿卡。 一次性不离开美国超过6个月,不会中断之前的居住时间的累计。换言之,每6个月去美国一次,是为入籍考虑的。

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关这是当前的实践结果。一旦递交I-829去条件申请,你的有条件绿卡自动延长12个月。 [FONT=宋体]众所周知,投资移民申请人的条件绿卡有效期限为两年,当申请人向移民局递交了I-829[/FONT][FONT=宋体]条件绿卡转正式绿卡申请之后,申请人原来持有的条件绿卡会被自动延长一年有效期。这样,在移民局审批申请人的I-829[/FONT][FONT=宋体]申请时,申请人的身份仍会保持合法有效。[/FONT] http://www.uscis.gov/ilink/docView/AFM/HTML/AFM/0-0-0-1/0-0-0-26573/0-0-0-32102.html 审判官手册: Can entrepreneurs/investors travel after filing Form I-829 ? (FAQ 10 Revised 01/18/2005; AFM 05-07) Under 8 CFR 216.6(a)(3) , an alien entrepreneur who has filed Form I-829 is authorized to travel outside the United States and return if in possession of appropriate documentation. The regulation at 8 CFR 211.1(a)(5) authorizes admission if an alien presents an expired Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card, accompanied by a filing receipt issued within the previous 6 months for a Form I-829, if seeking admission or readmission after a temporary absence of less than 1 year. (Some filing receipts may authorize travel for up to 1 year.) [NOTE: Service Centers may issue a duplicate Form I-829 receipt to facilitate extension of employment and travel authorization for pending cases.] Waivers from visa requirements may be obtained under 8 CFR 211.1(b) . District offices are authorized to issue: (a) a temporary I-551 stamp with a 12-month expiration date in the petitioner’s unexpired, foreign passport (if the expiration date of the passport is one year or more), or (b) if the petitioner is not in possession of an unexpired foreign passport, a Form I-94 (arrival portion) containing a temporary I-551 stamp with a 12-month expiration date and a photograph of the petitioner.[NOTE: IIO may require petitioner to obtain unexpired passport, if available, prior to issuing temporary I-551 stamp.] 点击展开...

回复: 如果829失败,小孩还能再办学生签证吗?what's the meaning of"还有I-526要8个月,广领馆要排队6个月"

回复: 如果829失败,小孩还能再办学生签证吗?I-526要8个月,----美国移民局有条件绿卡申请处理时间广领馆要排队6个月-----等待领事馆通知办理移民签证的等待时间

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关 超赞 赏 M margret 0$(VIP 0) 232012-05-15#13 回复: 如果829失败,小孩还能再办学生签证吗?请教visatousa 520大桥一期能赶到9月30前拿到临时绿卡吗?如果526 要等8个月,广签要等6个月的话。

回复: 如果829失败,小孩还能再办学生签证吗?再次请教visatousa, 如果在9月30日前未拿到临时绿卡,所投的EB5项目就意味着“废了”呢?

回复: 如果829失败,小孩还能再办学生签证吗?再次请教visatousa, 如果在9月30日前未拿到临时绿卡,所投的EB5项目就意味着“废了”呢?点击展开...你的意思应是:9月30日EB5没能延期的前提下吧。

回复: 如果829失败,小孩还能再办学生签证吗?是的。

回复: 如果829失败,小孩还能再办学生签证吗?我只是一个看客,你的问题在本论坛已讨论过很多,自己找找吧,visa回答过好多次了。对于visa,个人感觉他很对得起他那份工,除非很高的酬金,不过我都看他有点不耐烦了,又不能随便发作。有一个高僧说过:不如喝茶去!

回复: 如果829失败,小孩还能再办学生签证吗?服务业的工作就是这样啊。这类问题回答的再多也好过几百上千遍的念经吧?如果小V会为此不耐烦,高僧说:不如不去喝茶,去念经吧。

You and I have memories Longer than the road That stretches out ahead.我只是一个看客,你的问题在本论坛已讨论过很多,自己找找吧,visa回答过好多次了。对于visa,个人感觉他很对得起他那份工,除非很高的酬金,不过我都看他有点不耐烦了,又不能随便发作。有一个高僧说过:不如喝茶去!点击展开...噢,是这样啊!谢谢了!

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