加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 马里兰博彩中心项目--各位看官评评
Below is a brief of the EB-5 project we are working on, the Maryland Live! Casino at Arundel Mills Mall. Maryland Live! Casino at Arundel Mills, Maryland. www.marylandlivecasino.com It is a truly sound project that I would recommend it to friends and relatives.[FONT='Times New Roman','serif'][/FONT] Maryland Live! Casino is developed by The Cordish Company, it is a world renown corporation, and have a proven track record in Gaming and Entertainment business. www.cordish.com The project has a well diversified investment structure, with 18% from the EB-5 investors, State of Maryland is investing more than $120 million for slot machines and maintenance, see the attached link on the recent news about state Board of Public Works approving the spending of $168 million for the slot machines for the Casino. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/breaking/bs-md-slots-award-20111221,0,5437233.storyThe casino project will create more than 3542 direct and in-direct jobs, much higher than USCIS EB-5 requirement. I have attached another recent news link regarding the hiring of 1,500 position for the Casino. http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2011-12-06/business/bal-consuming-interests-applications-for-1500-jobs-20111206_1_casino-slots-machines-table-games To date, the Cordish Company has directly invested more than $130 million in the construction of the casino. The casino has started construction in March 2011, the building structure is completely build. They are working on the façade and interior is in its advanced stage. The project is on budget and on time for June 2012 opening. i.e. 2 months from now. In June 2012, 60% of the casino will be open to public and start to generate Gaming Revenue; and the rest of the building (interior work) will be completed by end of 2012 and Grand Opening will be in late 2012/Jan 2013. This casino is building/moving quickly, the investment opportunity is between now to July 2012, on a first come first service basis. There are only 5 gaming licenses in the State of Maryland, the Maryland Live! Casino is the largest with 4,750 slot machines and it is located in the prime location between Washington DC ? Baltimore, MD Corridor, adjacent to the Arundel Mills Mall, the largest Mall in Maryland. The area has one of the highest population densities, and is one of the wealthiest region in the nation. The projected gaming revenue for the next five years would be more than sufficient to pay back the loan from the EB-5 investors. The project has a 6 years loan term, with the provision of prepayment/early payment after the 5th year. Another noteworthy point of this project is that if I-526 is denied, the capital investment of $500,000 and the administration fee of $45,000 will be returned within 30 days. This guarantee is incorporated in the Confidential Offering Memorandum. The EB-5 investment is a Private Investment, investors have to be accredited before we can provide detail investment information, i.e. Confidential Offering Memorandum, Feasibility Study, Economist Report, Subscription Agreement, Operating Agreement … for evaluation to see if the project fits their investment goals. When they are ready to invest, Immigration Attorney, Puyang & associates will assist them in the preparation of documents and I-526 immigration filing.[FONT='Times New Roman','serif'][/FONT] Please do not hesitate to contact me if you and your friend have further questions. Look forward to hearing from you. I have summarized the project for quick reference.项目名称: Maryland Live! Casino www.marylandlivecasino.com中文名:马里兰博彩中心项目地点:Arundel Mills Mall, 美国马里兰州, 安妮阿伦德尔县开发商:The Cordish Company具体情况:博彩中心坐落在大华府走廊-巴尔的摩市的中心地带, 交通方便, 距离美国首都华盛顿特区约25英里. 这里是全美最富有, 人口最稠密的地区之一, 也是全美第四大消费市场. 博彩中心紧邻Arundel Mills Mall, 是大华府地区著名的综合性购物中心,集零售,餐饮和娱乐的场所.博彩中心将设置4750台最先进的角子游戏机, 游戏机是由马里兰政府投资及保养, 价值在1.2亿美元. 博彩中心内设有酒吧, 餐饮和娱乐空间,总面积214,000平方英尺, 建有4,380 个车位。周边有11家酒店。2011 年1月28日奠基,外壳已建好, 现在内部装修, 预计2012年6月开始营业。现在离开张时间为 111 天, 即3个半月.项目EB5 投资方式是六年借贷(Loan)。发展商有权在第五年后开始偿还 (early repayment without penalty)共200个EB5名额,至05/31/2012截止, 先到先得。博彩中心每年利息回报为2.5%, 扣管理费1.5% 。项目总值5.6亿美元, EB-5投资1亿美元, 占总投资18%。创造3,542个就业机会.投资资金为[FONT='Tahoma','sans-serif']50[/FONT]万[FONT='Tahoma','sans-serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif'][/FONT]项目行政费/发行费为4.5 万。如移民签证I-526被拒签,投资资金和认购金额全部返还。
回复: 马里兰博彩中心项目--各位看官评评有人说投资移民像是赌博。这里真来个赌场项目! 可是, 上回MIT的两个学生用了一种算法,不是在拉斯维加斯赢大了吗?! 即使投资移民像是赌博, 投资赌场项目不一定是赌博。 关键在于你有没有评估风险的资料和方法! 这就是世界级数学高手(有成果为证)有何参与帮助搞此投资移民报告!请看:报告目录摘要1 项目简介1.1 项目分析1.2 项目评估1.3 绿卡批准风险1.3.1 历史数据1.3.2 就业机会创造的评估1.4 资金安全性1.5 投资回报率2 背景资料2.1 区域中心,运营商和投资实体的资质调查2.2 MCFI和John Chang2.2.1 管理层2.3 Cordish 公司背景调查2.3.1 管理层3 兴建赌场与当地居民的反应及相关草案事件4 赌场竞争5 马里兰州地区经济6 结论联系:[email protected]/qq:2409454099查证:http://www.blfact.com转自:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_a15e7520010114ab.html
独立 • 专业 • 化雾 • 减险项目名称:Maryland Live! Casino 如移民签证I-526被拒签,投资资金和认购金额全部返还。点击展开... 问题就出在最后一句,这个项目是没有监管账户的。 这个项目不通过监管账户运作。如果I-526被拒,资金已经动用了,还钱就要看项目方的现金储备、还款能力和信用了。 如果一个项目没有监管账户,通常情况下,这将会是移民中介不可承受的风险,这种项目一般是不接的。
回复: 马里兰博彩中心项目--各位看官评评问题就出在最后一句,这个项目是没有监管账户的。 这个项目不通过监管账户运作。如果I-526被拒,资金已经动用了,还钱就要看项目方的现金储备、还款能力和信用了。 如果一个项目没有监管账户,通常情况下,这将会是移民中介不可承受的风险,这种项目一般是不接的。点击展开... 这项目钱不进监管账户?这年头还有不进监管的项目?
回复: 马里兰博彩中心项目--各位看官评评这项目钱不进监管账户?这年头还有不进监管的项目?点击展开...你当CMB不存在?
回复: 马里兰博彩中心项目--各位看官评评这项目钱不进监管账户?这年头还有不进监管的项目?点击展开... 你当美国生活(American Life)不存在?
回复: 马里兰博彩中心项目--各位看官评评当时否掉的原因: 1、 没有牌照 2、 没有监管 3、 其他资金来源没有支持文件
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