加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 为什么彻底审阅就业报告是投资区域中心EB-5项目的关键。
This is no hype. Our experience in this field convinces us that it's very important for a RC-based EB-5 Project principals to get the Jobs Impact Study reviewed by a knowledgeable EB-5 attorney who has a decent working knowledge of the EB-5 law. In our opinion, it's not enough to just have a competent economist review the Jobs Impact Study because often the economist does not have a good working knowledge of the subtle different requirements USCIS imposes on the Jobs Impact Study based on their interpretations of the EB-5 requirements. This is a not a knock against economists because the way USCIS views the job-creation requirement under EB-5 law differs from the normal way economists calculates jobs. The best way to protect your RC-based EB-5 Project is to get the Business Plan and Jobs Impact Studies and Offering Documents reviewed by an experienced EB-5 practitioner with a good working knowledge of jobs-counting methodologies and EB-5 law requirements. This is not a hype but what we believe to be the best advice we can give to the principals of any RC-based EB-5 projects. Therefore, even if you do not use us for this service, we strongly urge you to get this service through another qualified professional. We often see RC-based EB-5 projects started by someone who are unaware of these subtle conflicts and differences, and who end up paying for their ignorance with a lot of waste of money, time and reputation -- and also with disappointed and angry EB-5 investors. http://eb-5center.com/node/1039
回复: 为什么彻底审阅就业报告是投资区域中心EB-5项目的关键。In our opinion, it's not enough to just have a competent economist review the Jobs Impact Study because often the economist does not have a good working knowledge of the subtle different requirements USCIS imposes on the Jobs Impact Study based on their interpretations of the EB-5 requirements. This is a not a knock against economists because the way USCIS views the job-creation requirement under EB-5 law differs from the normal way economists calculates jobs. 我们的看法是,只是有一个知名经济师审阅就业报告是不够的。因为,常见的状况是,经济师并不了解移民局依据EB-5的要求,对就业报告有稍微不同的要求。这不是对经济师不敬。 只是因为移民局对EB-5法则中就业产生的要求和平常经济师计算就业是不同的。 We often see RC-based EB-5 projects started by someone who are unaware of these subtle conflicts and differences, and who end up paying for their ignorance with a lot of waste of money, time and reputation -- and also with disappointed and angry EB-5 investors. 我们见到许多时候,一些不了解这些差别和矛盾的区域中心负责人策划区域中心的EB-5项目,最后为他们的无知付出了大量的资金,时间,和声誉的代价,以及失望愤怒的EB-5投资人。 http://eb-5center.com/node/1039点击展开...
回复: 为什么彻底审阅就业报告是投资区域中心EB-5项目的关键。你们真当经济学家是无知白痴了?搞不清移民局要求的就业是什么回事吗? 你也大可不必借此小题大做,文人相轻,见怪不怪。
中国移不动 超赞 赏 D duqle美国投资移民专家 0$(VIP 0) 1142012-06-27#4 回复: 为什么彻底审阅就业报告是投资区域中心EB-5项目的关键。没看明白
美国投资移民你们真当经济学家是无知白痴了?搞不清移民局要求的就业是什么回事吗? 你也大可不必借此小题大做,文人相轻,见怪不怪。点击展开... 是移民局把这些经济学家当无知白痴,对区域中心的就业报告纠缠不清。 移民局要求的就业报告的模式和常见的经济学家的就业报告模式是有区别的。所以移民局的首席经济学家6/22出来讲话澄清一些基本原则问题。
回复: 为什么彻底审阅就业报告是投资区域中心EB-5项目的关键。没看明白点击展开... 区域中心就业报告的问题,真要具体情况,具体分析,很难抽象地解释。这就是为什么每个区域中心项目补材料的内容要求是不同的。现在区域中心项目都要补材料,就是移民局终于有了明白人,预测到这些项目在829阶段会有问题,要求项目方在526阶段就向移民局提供完成就业要求,降低829风险的策略。 我也一直在提醒,区域中心的就业报告是829绿卡的核心风险。
回复: 为什么彻底审阅就业报告是投资区域中心EB-5项目的关键。移民局首席经济学家622讲话,要求贷款方和租客要有长期利益关系,已经成为一大笑柄。讲话并不是法律,其实5月8日的郑重政策,已明确表明,对于已经有I-924批准或者I-526 批准的项目和后续的各阶段申请,都不会重新审查“租赁就业”问题, 问到具体要提供怎样的相关证据,多次被追问就是避而不谈,有业内人士总结如下:别问要提供什么证据,你要老老实实尽自己最大的努力,否则我会随时来查你。
中国移不动 超赞 赏 visatousa 0$(VIP 0) 4,2302012-06-27#8 回复: 为什么彻底审阅就业报告是投资区域中心EB-5项目的关键。I’m also not sure that developers will want to try EB-5 under the current conditions. Everyone who can show in advance that all your future tenants will house all new jobs in your building plus agree to a significant financial relationship with you, please stand up!
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关移民局首席经济学家622讲话,要求贷款方和租客要有长期利益关系,已经成为一大笑柄。讲话并不是法律,其实5月8日的郑重政策,已明确表明,对于已经有I-924批准或者I-526 批准的项目和后续的各阶段申请,都不会重新审查“租赁就业”问题, 问到具体要提供怎样的相关证据,多次被追问就是避而不谈,有业内人士总结如下:别问要提供什么证据,你要老老实实尽自己最大的努力,否则我会随时来查你。点击展开...
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