加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 【群嘲】不管黑中介白中介,能把人弄出去就是好中介,请不要再互相攻击!
回复: 群嘲不管黑中介白中介,能把人弄出去就是好中介,请不要再互相攻击!有些人做不了区域中心项目,却尽干些太监骂青楼的事
中国移不动 超赞 赏 E EB-5黑马 0$(VIP 0) 1,7562012-08-02#3 回复: 群嘲不管黑中介白中介,能把人弄出去就是好中介,请不要再互相攻击!是有人手里拿着区域中心的项目,觉得陷阱太深,不想把投资人推进去。先做直投项目,大家手牵手,一起走。有些中介只要搞到中介费外加区域中心的提成,什么项目都敢做。自己意想移民局的游戏规程。能给投资人搞到526就是赚钱的目的。在美国投资移民的游戏里,526只是个订婚戒指,829才是结婚证书。若829不成功,会被美国移民局给下逐客令,投资人又打包回来了。中介也不要学路易16世那种,等我死后,那管洪水滔天的中介态度。
回复: 群嘲不管黑中介白中介,能把人弄出去就是好中介,请不要再互相攻击!有些人做不了区域中心项目,却尽干些太监骂青楼的事点击展开... MILWAUKEE区域中心项目http://choosemilwaukee.com/investmentzone.aspx Investment opportunities available in the Milwaukee Region:FirstPathway Citizenship FundThis fund invests in properties that qualify for EB-5 status. Each property is reviewed for its ability to generate the necessary direct and indirect jobs. Once this requirement has been established, the Fund analyzes the potential return on investment (ROI) and security of the overall project. Contact:FirstPathway PartnersRobert Kraft, Chairman & CEO311 E. Chicago St., Suite 510Milwaukee, WI 53202Phone: 888-560-3688China Office: 862161498274Email: [email protected]: www.firstpathway.comNew Life Senior Wellness CenterNew Life Senior Wellness Center plans to convert and construct a mid-sized assisted living facility in the Lake Geneva region to provide senior care services, including memory care, assisted living care and adult day care. The facility aims to meet strong demand for senior care and is to be managed by a local management company specializing in senior care. Contact: Zoe MakhsousPhone: 312-685-8515The Professional CenterThe Professional Center consists of a brand-new office building located within Milwaukee’s large, historical redevelopment district. The Professional Center will cater to young professionals and entrepreneurs in the city. The Professional Center consists of approximately 62,500 square feet of office space.Contact:Gorman & CompanyPhone: 608-835-3900Website: www.gormanUSA.comVantusVantus Manufacturing Corporation Systems plans to market, manufacture and sell personalized orthopaedic medical devices. Customer targets include Veterans Affairs hospitals and medical centers throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico. Contact:VantusEmail: [email protected]: www.vantus.comBrew House (closed with 30 investors)Building on Milwaukee’s proud beer brewing heritage, this former brewery site in downtown Milwaukee is moving forward with redevelopment plans. The Brew House consists of two historic buildings located within the city's large, historical redevelopment district.Geneva Ridge (closed with 40 investors)For generations, Lake Geneva in southern Wisconsin lake country has drawn thousands of visitors from across the U.S. Midwest. From sparkling beaches to shopping, dining and entertainment, this thriving lake community is home to concerts, festivals, boutiques, galleries and boat races. This condominium hotel is enjoying its $100 million+ redevelopment, thanks in part to funds invested through the Milwaukee Regional Center.
回复: 群嘲不管黑中介白中介,能把人弄出去就是好中介,请不要再互相攻击!有本事比美,比烂什么的最没意思了……这又不是民主选举,证明别人烂不能保证你就好
回复: 群嘲不管黑中介白中介,能把人弄出去就是好中介,请不要再互相攻击!"不管黑中介白中介,能把人弄出去就是好中介,请不要再互相攻击"一一一这种说法是伪命题。
Jack Ma:because we don't think of making money, but we make a lot of money. 超赞 赏 农 农业创业 0$(VIP 0) 362012-08-03#7 回复: 群嘲不管黑中介白中介,能把人弄出去就是好中介,请不要再互相攻击!要是能把人合法弄出去,还叫黑中介?
回复: 群嘲不管黑中介白中介,能把人弄出去就是好中介,请不要再互相攻击!真的很为国内中介担忧,更为通过中介办理的朋友担忧,我实在是太幸运了!
回复: 群嘲不管黑中介白中介,能把人弄出去就是好中介,请不要再互相攻击!要是能把人合法弄出去,还叫黑中介?点击展开...合法是合谁的法?这里能把人“合法”的弄出去的都有在大陆合法经营出入境中介服务的证照么?没牌不就是黑中介?
回复: 群嘲不管黑中介白中介,能把人弄出去就是好中介,请不要再互相攻击!"不管黑中介白中介,能把人弄出去就是好中介,请不要再互相攻击"一一一这种说法是伪命题。点击展开... 依照这个逻辑,自由、民主、正义、奥运精神神马的都是伪命题。
回复: 群嘲不管黑中介白中介,能把人弄出去就是好中介,请不要再互相攻击!看楼主其他帖子攻击中介也挺厉害的。
Jack Ma:because we don't think of making money, but we make a lot of money.看楼主其他帖子攻击中介也挺厉害的。点击展开... 1.我又不是中介,为什么不能说中介坏话?我只是说你们不要互相攻击,给我提供弹药嘛……2.其实我不攻击中介,我只是攻击一下中介的213说辞,比如“项目被拒不是我们做错了,是移民局审错了”。
回复: 群嘲不管黑中介白中介,能把人弄出去就是好中介,请不要再互相攻击!是有人手里拿着区域中心的项目,觉得陷阱太深,不想把投资人推进去。先做直投项目,大家手牵手,一起走。 有些中介只要搞到中介费外加区域中心的提成,什么项目都敢做。自己意想移民局的游戏规程。能给投资人搞到526就是赚钱的目的。 在美国投资移民的游戏里,526只是个订婚戒指,829才是结婚证书。若829不成功,会被美国移民局给下逐客令,投资人又打包回来了。 中介也不要学路易16世那种,等我死后,那管洪水滔天的中介态度。点击展开...829才是结婚证书。
回复: 群嘲不管黑中介白中介,能把人弄出去就是好中介,请不要再互相攻击!No! 这两个人本来就没有打算过一辈子! I-829更像是分手协议离婚,成不成都要分手的。哈哈!
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关 超赞 赏 E EB-5黑马 0$(VIP 0) 1,7562012-08-17#16 回复: 群嘲不管黑中介白中介,能把人弄出去就是好中介,请不要再互相攻击!没有829批准,也就没有婚姻关系的存在,婚都不用离的。移民局直接去遣返,让你回国等退彩礼吧!
回复: 群嘲不管黑中介白中介,能把人弄出去就是好中介,请不要再互相攻击!No! 这两个人本来就没有打算过一辈子! I-829更像是分手协议离婚,成不成都要分手的。哈哈!点击展开...投资人要和美国绿卡离婚?
回复: 群嘲不管黑中介白中介,能把人弄出去就是好中介,请不要再互相攻击!有个电影,名字就叫绿卡。主角之一是法国那个大鼻子。对了,你们怎么看待男性鼻子关联说?真蓝,你进来讲讲?
You and I have memories Longer than the road That stretches out ahead.投资人要和美国绿卡离婚?点击展开... 拜托,人只能和人结婚。 LP和GP本来就没打算过一辈子,说好同居五年罢了。做投资不会找Eb-5的GP来做
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关 超赞 赏 写在墙上的脸想当厨子的司机 0$(VIP 0) 1,5132012-08-20#20 回复: 群嘲不管黑中介白中介,能把人弄出去就是好中介,请不要再互相攻击!毛SIR说过,不以结婚为目的的恋爱都是耍流氓!你们这些流氓啊。。。总想日后再说。
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