加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于BC省提名的求教贴
愿万能仁慈的上帝保佑我等早日踏上北美大地! 超赞 赏 S shenat 0$(VIP 0) 592012-08-14#2 回复: 关于BC省提名的求教贴我们公司可以做,不过我们是加拿大的公司。投资餐馆如果是在大温地区以内基本不行,竞争太激烈。大温地区和大阿博斯福地区以外可以。如果是直接购买原业主已经经营满5年的更好。详情请见:WWW.CANADABCPNP.COM
回复: 关于BC省提名的求教贴我们公司可以做,不过我们是加拿大的公司。投资餐馆如果是在大温地区以内基本不行,竞争太激烈。大温地区和大阿博斯福地区以外可以。如果是直接购买原业主已经经营满5年的更好。详情请见:WWW.CANADABCPNP.COM点击展开...我在北京开了家寿司店,300平米,开业已8年,有戏吗。
愿万能仁慈的上帝保佑我等早日踏上北美大地!我在北京开了家寿司店,300平米,开业已8年,有戏吗。点击展开... 不能说没戏,但是风险非常大……如果40万对于你来说不算大钱,可以赌
回复: 关于BC省提名的求教贴QQ:573643925.BC省提名。希望办此项目的朋友多多交流
回复: 关于BC省提名的求教贴以下是BC禁止行业Bed and breakfasts, hobby farms and home-based businesses ・ Pay day loan, cheque cashing, money changing and cash machine businesses ・ Pawnbrokers ・ Coin operated laundries ・ Automated car wash operations ・ Sale of used goods (excluding collectibles, or where the business provides value-added services such as repairs, refurbishing, or recycling) ・ Real estate development/brokerage, insurance brokerage or business brokerage ・ Businesses involved in the production, distribution or sale of pornographic or sexually explicit products or services, or in the provision of sexually oriented services Any other type of business that by association would tend to bring the program or the Government of British Columbia into disrepute不欢迎不代表禁止,可以尝试申请,即使面谈或商业计划没通过也不过损失些申请、考察费用。毕竟楼主申请BC PNP只能用自己的主业餐馆。如果商业计划写的好,能打动移民官,还是有机会登陆去投资的。 祝好运!
回复: 关于BC省提名的求教贴以下是BC禁止行业Bed and breakfasts, hobby farms and home-based businesses ・ Pay day loan, cheque cashing, money changing and cash machine businesses ・ Pawnbrokers ・ Coin operated laundries ・ Automated car wash operations ・ Sale of used goods (excluding collectibles, or where the business provides value-added services such as repairs, refurbishing, or recycling) ・ Real estate development/brokerage, insurance brokerage or business brokerage ・ Businesses involved in the production, distribution or sale of pornographic or sexually explicit products or services, or in the provision of sexually oriented services Any other type of business that by association would tend to bring the program or the Government of British Columbia into disrepute不欢迎不代表禁止,可以尝试申请,即使面谈或商业计划没通过也不过损失些申请、考察费用。毕竟楼主申请BC PNP只能用自己的主业餐馆。如果商业计划写的好,能打动移民官,还是有机会登陆去投资的。 祝好运!点击展开...多谢啦
愿万能仁慈的上帝保佑我等早日踏上北美大地!QQ:573643925.BC省提名。希望办此项目的朋友多多交流点击展开... 号码不存在啊
回复: 关于BC省提名的求教贴你好,BC的请进群聊吧242997547
BCPNP QQ242997547 互相交流 超赞 赏 F freebird80000 0$(VIP 0) 312012-09-16#10 回复: 关于BC省提名的求教贴如何进群242997547啊?请加我一个吧。
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