加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 美国生活公司洛杉矶14575项目被拒了,正在打官司


美国生活公司“14575Innovation Drive 项目"I-526批准被移民局Revoked(被取消)Immigrants Claim U.S. Improperly Denied them Residency After they Spent Millions Creating JobsLOS ANGELES (CN) - Eighteen immigrants claim in court that the United States improperly denied them residency after they spent $11.5 million to create jobs for almost 300 Americans. The 18 plaintiffs say they joined together to create a limited partnership that raised nearly $12 million to renovate unused office and warehouse space in Riverside County, 60 miles from downtown Los Angeles. They say their investments created "a minimum of 278 new jobs for U.S. workers." Plaintiffs from China, Malaysia, South Korea, Vietnam, the United Kingdom, India, Iran, Canada and the Netherlands accuse Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and two underlings of denying residency under the I-526 program. The plan grants legal residency to a person and his or her immediate family for investing $500,000 or more in this county to create at least 10 jobs for U.S. workers. Under the plan, foreign nationals fill out a conditional version of DHS's I-526 form to obtain an immigration visa. The applicant must show that he or she has made the $500,000 investment or is actively in the process of investing that much money to "create fulltime positions for not fewer than 10 persons either directly or indirectly," according to immigration law. The applicant has 2 years to file a second petition that removes the conditional status and grants permanent residency. Lead plaintiff Courtney Carlsson says the plan - part of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1990 - was intended to attract foreign capital and encourage economic development in rural or economically depressed areas. The law made 10,000 immigration visas available for foreign investors. Those who invested outside of rural or targeted economically repressed areas were required to invest $1 million, according to 60-age federal complaint. A 1993 amendment allowed applicants to apply a methodology recognizing jobs created indirectly by their investments. The Department of Homeland Security may cancel a conditional visa within 2 years if the person fails to meet investment conditions or breaks the law. Otherwise, the department must adjudicate the permanent residency application within 90 days of the petition or interview, under the law. Once approved, the immigrant and his or her immediate family are granted permanent residency. The plaintiffs say the defendant U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services approved their American Life Development Co. in 2009. The company's scope included commercial and industrial, warehouse, office retail and civic development, which received amended approval in 2010.The immigrants say they created a limited partnership called 14575 Innovation Drive in 2011 to buy the commercial space. The plan was to attract 24 immigrant-investors and raise $12 million. So far, they've spent more $6 million to buy the property, and another $609,000 to make improvements, they say. The plaintiffs say they have attracted 23 investors and raised $11.5 million. As they planned to spend another $600,000 to make more improvements and buy adjacent property for $2.4 million, DHS revoked their permanent residency petitions, according to the complaint. The group says ICE, a creature of the Department of Homeland Security, began going after them in April this year, after the granting eight of the plaintiff's petitions in late 2011. DHS issued notices of intent to revoke (NOIR) for the approved petitions and requests for evidence (RFE) on the petitions it hadn't yet approved. Both memos were "virtually identical in content and argument," the immigrants claim. "Defendants' NOIRs and RFEs contain numerous factual errors. They assume incorrectly that Innovation LP had not purchased the property; its funds had not been used to renovate the property; its funds were held in an escrow account; and that plaintiffs' capital was not infused into the business and the renovations," according to the complaint. (22) ICE questioned virtually everything the immigrants had done, according to the complaint. It "faulted plaintiffs for not presenting a business plan that stated when tenants would occupy the building, the costs and nature of the property's purchase and renovation and a market analysis for leasing the property. Defendants, however, largely ignored the detail provided in the I-526 petition and supporting documents that this was a plan to purchase a specific property which would then be leased to one or more tenants," the complaint states. "'t is not appropriate to take credit for the employment impacts created by the unrelated business ventures of future tenants,'" rejection letters stated. The rejection reflected a new tactic by the agency, implemented after the immigrants' petitions had been filed and approved and after their money had been spent on the properties, the plaintiffs say. Their attorney, Ira Kurzban, with the Miami firm of Kurzban Kurzban Weinger Tetzeli and Pratt, says he corrected the errors made in the USCIS memos. Kurzban told the defendants that the immigrants already had a tenant leasing the property - Container Connection of Southern California - with its management and logistics operations housed in the renovated warehouse. Kurzban also detailed how the immigrants spent their investments, according to the complaint. The government responded by revoking the immigrants' petitions, faulting them for "spending only $7.75 million thus far and not the $11.5 million in accumulated capital. Defendants revoked and denied the petitions because there is no "assurance that the entire amount of the petitioners' and [Innovation LP's] capital will in fact be used to carry out the business of the commercial enterprise and placed at risk for the purpose of generating a return," the immigrants say, citing the USCIS's response. They claim the government also faulted them for raising only $11.5 million instead of $12 million, for having only one tenant rather than the number they forecast, and their decision to expand by purchasing an adjoining property. "None of these changes, however, are material, nor are they 'discrepancies.' They are all completely consistent with the regulations that do not contemplate that a project will be completed at the [petition] stage," the complaint states. The government claimed that analyses the immigrants relied on for their business plan were faulty. The group disagrees. "The regional center was approved for investments in commercial/industrial development; mixed-use development; light industry/warehouse; office space; and retail development among others. The defendants confuse the purpose of the regional center with the creation of jobs by the tenants.The 'reasonable methodologies' look to indirect job creation through the tenants' employment irrespective of whether that economic activity is the same as the regional center's approved economic investment clusters.It is unlikely that they would be the same in any case. Although defendants disavow the use of the tenant-methodology here, the result is the same. Defendants simply disregard accepted reasonable methodologies because they no longer believe they can count jobs created by tenants in a real estate renovation project," the immigrants say in their complaint. The immigrants seek declaratory and injunctive relief for improper retroactive application, arbitrary and capricious action in violation of immigration laws and the Administrative Procedure Act, exceeding statutory authority and due process. They specifically seek immigration documents for themselves and their children so they can remain in the United States for the duration of the proceedings.

回复: 美国生活公司洛杉矶14575项目被拒了,正在打官司"The immigrants say they created a limited partnership called 14575 Innovation Drive in 2011 to buy the commercial space. The plan was to attract 24 immigrant-investors and raise $12 million. So far, they've spent more $6 million to buy the property, and another $609,000 to make improvements, they say. The plaintiffs say they have attracted 23 investors and raised $11.5 million. As they planned to spend another $600,000 to make more improvements and buy adjacent property for $2.4 million, DHS revoked their permanent residency petitions, according to the complaint. ........... The government responded by revoking the immigrants' petitions, faulting them for "spending only $7.75 million thus far and not the $11.5 million in accumulated capital. Defendants revoked and denied the petitions because there is no "assurance that the entire amount of the petitioners' and [Innovation LP's] capital will in fact be used to carry out the business of the commercial enterprise and placed at risk for the purpose of generating a return," the immigrants say, citing the USCIS's response." Thus, the USCIS is actually right. If anything, it is the RC that is at fault for misrepresenting facts and failing to follow through. The discrepancy is in the amount invested.

回复: 美国生活公司洛杉矶14575项目被拒了,正在打官司去年有投资人把这个项目的资料发给我,让我帮评论一下。项目的文件之一就是地产评估报告。这个评估报告已经说明,整修过的资产价值好像是680万左右。当时我就告诉他,如果投资这个项目,你的投资一下子损失到60%,因为你们投资人投入1200万,但资产只值680万。厂房购买要600多万,但美国生活的装修工程公司收费600万,其中花60-70万去做装修,移民局说工程公司多赚的500多万,都进了自己的腰包,没有给当地创造就业。移民局说的是有道理的。项目方说要用其余的钱买别的楼,可能是补材料以后的计划吧。在原始的商业计划里1200万没说要购买其他地产。这个是material change。829时这样做都够拒绝的标准了,526补材料时改变商业计划,就使整个项目拒掉了。这些原告投资人,听中介律师忽悠,就去打官司。 绿卡官司,829的时候值得打,526的时候就开打,到了829时还有弹药吗?

回复: 美国生活公司洛杉矶14575项目被拒了,正在打官司去年有投资人把这个项目的资料发给我,让我帮评论一下。项目的文件之一就是地产评估报告。这个评估报告已经说明,整修过的资产价值好像是680万左右。当时我就告诉他,如果投资这个项目,你的投资一下子损失到60%,因为你们投资人投入1200万,但资产只值680万。厂房购买要600多万,但美国生活的装修工程公司收费600万,其中花60-70万去做装修,移民局说工程公司多赚的500多万,都进了自己的腰包,没有给当地创造就业。移民局说的是有道理的。项目方说要用其余的钱买别的楼,可能是补材料以后的计划吧。在原始的商业计划里1200万没说要购买其他地产。这个是material change。829时这样做都够拒绝的标准了,526补材料时改变商业计划,就使整个项目拒掉了。这些原告投资人,听中介律师忽悠,就去打官司。 绿卡官司,829的时候值得打,526的时候就开打,到了829时还有弹药吗?点击展开...这个官司是526的官司?

回复: 美国生活公司洛杉矶14575项目被拒了,正在打官司对。 项目至少有一个526已经批准,然后被取消(revoked),其余的是补材料后被拒(denied)。这个官司是为了526, 不是829. 这个项目526时候不拒,829时候也得拒。material change to business plan. 移民局其实从区域中心那里拯救了这些投资人,他们反过来和移民局打官司?如果不是个租赁就业的项目,投资人可以撤回以前的申请,按改变的商业计划重新申请526. 现在租赁就业已经是死棋,这个项目就没救了。

回复: 美国生活公司洛杉矶14575项目被拒了,正在打官司一声叹息。不知诉USCIS什么?

回复: 美国生活公司洛杉矶14575项目被拒了,正在打官司因为钱已经花出去了,不和USCIS打官司的话,就要和American life打官司了

回复: 美国生活公司洛杉矶14575项目被拒了,正在打官司其实,和american life也没什么官司可以打,本来就没说保证526能通过。聪明的那5个投资人就没凑热闹打官司,直接就转项目去了。其他的18个打官司的投资人帮着american life 拖时间退款。

回复: 美国生活公司洛杉矶14575项目被拒了,正在打官司这个项目的起诉书我看过了,虽然不是我的项目,但实话实说,胜诉没问题。

回复: 美国生活公司洛杉矶14575项目被拒了,正在打官司官司胜诉与否就看移民局和AAO是否断定项目方商业计划有重大变化了,material change. 每次移民局526被起诉,原告律师团都是信心满满,祝他们这次好运了。不然,真是浪费时间。

回复: 美国生活公司洛杉矶14575项目被拒了,正在打官司这个项目的起诉书我看过了,虽然不是我的项目,但实话实说,胜诉没问题。点击展开... 潜水好久,看您还是比较。。。。。,请教您对520大桥有何看法?

回复: 美国生活公司洛杉矶14575项目被拒了,正在打官司官司胜诉与否就看移民局和AAO是否断定项目方商业计划有重大变化了,material change. 每次移民局526被起诉,原告律师团都是信心满满,祝他们这次好运了。不然,真是浪费时间。点击展开... 前一段看您贴说520大桥补件了,可是在移民局网站上查不到补件状态,是和原因?请教有进一步消息吗?

回复: 美国生活公司洛杉矶14575项目被拒了,正在打官司前一段看您贴说520大桥补件了,可是在移民局网站上查不到补件状态,是和原因?请教有进一步消息吗?点击展开...这些架让中介自己打吧。看转贴http://www.chineseinla.com/f/page_viewtopic/t_177247.html发布人: 彩迷 发布于: 2012/08/26, 8:22 pmUSCIS在审查520大桥的项目补料。区域中心在六月初对USCIS提出的RFE,提交了补料。补料内容最主要是关于项目的风险,USCIS要求项目方说明购买BONDS如何符合EB5投资 AT RISK的要求。据说项目方就这个问题提交了一千多页的材料。正常补料,USCIS应该在60天做出回应,现在已经80多天了,我估计很快就会有结果了。发布人: visatousa 发布于: 2012/08/28, 7:17 pm纯属造谣!520大桥I期从来没有收到过一次美国移民局的补料要求RFE,还有比这个项目资料更齐全的吗?资料多审理时间当然要长,光发行公告就几百页。发布人: lj三 发布于: 2012/08/28, 8:05 pm楼上未免太激动了吧?事实真的是如此吗?应该拿出证据来证明自己

回复: 美国生活公司洛杉矶14575项目被拒了,正在打官司这些架让中介自己打吧。 看转贴http://www.chineseinla.com/f/page_viewtopic/t_177247.html 发布人: 彩迷 发布于: 2012/08/26, 8:22 pmUSCIS在审查520大桥的项目补料。区域中心在六月初对USCIS提出的RFE,提交了补料。补料内容最主要是关于项目的风险,USCIS要求项目方说明购买BONDS如何符合EB5投资 AT RISK的要求。据说项目方就这个问题提交了一千多页的材料。正常补料,USCIS应该在60天做出回应,现在已经80多天了,我估计很快就会有结果了。 发布人: visatousa 发布于: 2012/08/28, 7:17 pm纯属造谣!520大桥I期从来没有收到过一次美国移民局的补料要求RFE,还有比这个项目资料更齐全的吗?资料多审理时间当然要长,光发行公告就几百页。 发布人: lj三 发布于: 2012/08/28, 8:05 pm楼上未免太激动了吧?事实真的是如此吗?应该拿出证据来证明自己点击展开... 谢! 求教520 一期还有进一步的消息吗?

回复: 美国生活公司洛杉矶14575项目被拒了,正在打官司这个项目的起诉书我看过了,虽然不是我的项目,但实话实说,胜诉没问题。点击展开...不敢苟同,我认为翻盘希望渺茫。程序是不是走得太快了,不经过MTR,就直接让投资者陪着打官司?

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