加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 美国国安部调查eb-5项目涉嫌欺诈,违反证券法
HEAT ON INVESTOR VISASPay-to-stay citizenship program gets ‘Priority 1’ audit at Homeland Security因为EB-5项目的招募普遍违反证券法,美国证券管理委员会已经调审500多份案件。Federal officials are giving the highest priority to a review of the burgeoning “investor visa” program for wealthy immigrants, focusing on issues such as fraud and national security threats, The Daily has learned.The U.S. Department of Homeland Security described the review as a “fast-moving audit” and “has designated this review as a ‘Priority 1’ meriting reporting to the Secretary [Janet Napolitano],” according to an internal announcement obtained exclusively by The Daily. The audit is focusing on fiscal year 2010 through the present, during which time the number of investor visas issued annually has more than doubled. “It is a high-profile program with lots of dollars involved, lots of congressional interest and lots of potential for egg on the secretary’s face,” said a high-level official in the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Homeland Security’s visa-granting agency, which administers the program. To qualify for the investor visa, known as EB-5, a foreigner must generally invest a minimum $500,000 in a job-creating venture. If the investment creates 10 jobs in two years, the investor and family members can apply for permanent residency and eventually citizenship. If not, they face deportation. Regardless of the outcome, there is no guarantee of repayment.Often, money from multiple foreign investors is pooled to create alternative financing packages for developers that can total hundreds of millions of dollars. Though a lifeline for developers across the country after the 2007 financial crash, the program has been plagued by criticisms of fraud and abuse.Homeland Security’s inspector general has requested 27 sets of documents related to the program. Of the documents, six focus on “national security threats,” seven on “fraud, waste and abuse” and one on “adjudicator or supervisory conduct,” according to the memo.The number of EB-5 visas issued increased from 1,369 in fiscal 2010 to 3,002 in the first three quarters of fiscal 2012. Since each visa represents an investment of $500,000 or $1 million, depending on the area, as much as $1.5 billion in financing was potentially approved through the program during the first three quarters of 2012.“It became so difficult for developers to get funds that EB-5 money became a great source of money to build some projects that might not have otherwise been built,” said visa consultant William Yates, who worked as a federal immigration official for three decades and helped reinvigorate the EB-5 program in the late 1990s after fraud and mismanagement nearly shut it down. To accommodate the explosion of interest in the program, the agency has quadrupled the number of officers working on investor visas, said spokesman Christopher Bentley, who declined to comment further. USCIS attorneys acknowledged in an internal memo, exclusively reported on by The Daily last week, the potential for widespread violations of securities regulations in the program, just as an agency official said the Securities and Exchange Commission had requested “some 500 files” to review.因为EB-5项目的招募普遍违反证券法,美国证券管理委员会已经调审500多份案件。
回复: 美国国安部调查eb-5项目涉嫌欺诈,违反证券法不在美国招募的,豁免SEC登记。又在做无用功!现在有没有500个项目?
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