加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - EB5资金使用:买房置地


Acquiring Real EstateQ: May a regional center use funds from EB-5 investors to acquire real estate? A: In general, yes, subject to the requirement of Matter of Izummi, 22 I & N Dec. 169 (Comm’r 1998), that the “full amount of money must be made available to the business(es) most closely responsible for creating the employment upon which the petition is based.” For example, a job-creating enterprise may propose to allocate some EB-5 funds to purchasing land and allocate other EB-5 funds to developing and operating a business on the purchased land, and the jobs created by the enterprise can be apportioned among all the EB-5 investors. It is important to note, however, that real estate acquisition is not generally recognized as a job-creating activity in and of itself. Thus, it is not generally reasonable to treat funds spent on real estate acquisition as inputs to an employment impact model. Where some EB-5 funds will be used for real estate acquisition, such apportionment should be detailed in the business plan.USCIS does recognize that certain soft costs directly related to real estate transactions may reasonably be counted as valid job-creating expenditures and inputs to regional input-output models. In addition, soft costs related to the development and construction of EB-5-supported projects on designated land parcels may be considered on a case-by-case basis. If the input-output model utilized in the economic impact analysis provides specific categories for the soft costs, the multiplier categories specific to these costs should be used instead of bundling such costs under general construction expenditures.

回复: EB5资金使用:买房置地买房置地本身一般不能产生就业,所以用于房地产项目的投资不可作为创造就业的投入计算。 USCIS认知用于一项规划性的土地开发项目的配套设施投资对产生就业可能有作用,所以容许对房地产开发项目的配套设施投入按具体案情具体分析的原则予以考虑

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