加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - Full-time position
"A full-time position can be filled by two or more qualifying employees in a job sharing arrengenment as long as the 35 working hours per week"哪位大侠能给稍解释下 “sharing arrengenment"
回复: Full-time position应该是sharing arrangenment吧?"共享协定"大意是指,只要都满足每周35个工作时数,2个或以上的合格员工是可以共享同一个全职职位的. 比如说,一个餐厅是可以同时请两个全职的侍应生的。希望可以帮你。
回复: Full-time position"A full-time position can be filled by two or more qualifying employees in a job sharing arrengenment as long as the 35 working hours per week"哪位大侠能给稍解释下 “sharing arrengenment"点击展开...移民局网上定义 A job-sharing arrangement whereby two or more qualifying employees share a full-time position will count as full-time employment provided the hourly requirement per week is met. This definition does not include combinations of part-time positions or full-time equivalents even if, when combined, the positions meet the hourly requirement per week. The position must be permanent, full-time and constant. The two qualified employees sharing the job must be permanent and share the associated benefits normally related to any permanent, full-time position, including payment of both workman’s compensation and unemployment premiums for the position by the employer.
回复: Full-time position应该是sharing arrangenment吧?"共享协定"大意是指,只要都满足每周35个工作时数,2个或以上的合格员工是可以共享同一个全职职位的. 比如说,一个餐厅是可以同时请两个全职的侍应生的。希望可以帮你。点击展开...
回复: Full-time position移民局网上定义 A job-sharing arrangement whereby two or more qualifying employees share a full-time position will count as full-time employment provided the hourly requirement per week is met. This definition does not include combinations of part-time positions or full-time equivalents even if, when combined, the positions meet the hourly requirement per week. The position must be permanent, full-time and constant. The two qualified employees sharing the job must be permanent and share the associated benefits normally related to any permanent, full-time position, including payment of both workman’s compensation and unemployment premiums for the position by the employer.点击展开... 一个餐厅有10个岗位,但配菜可由两个全职洗碗工交替完成,也就是实际是9个员工。
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