加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 美国养老行业项目介绍
最近有很多养老项目出来,就想和大家可以讨论一下这个行业的盈利模型。我用一个我们项目附近的养老社区提供的各种服务和收费标准来做介绍1. Senior Housing 老年公寓 月租金 每月500左右。低收入老人只要几十美金就可以。除了包括水电杂费,组织简单的文化活动外,没有别服务的。2. Independent Living 入院押金 $14,000美金,350 平方英尺 的 单居 每月 $620美金。服务包括: 每月一次房间大清扫,水电费供热收垃圾费,有限电视,文化活动,每周一次洗床单,到当地购物, 全套电器,空调。额外收费的服务:食堂一日三餐,理发,洗个人衣物,接送看医生,买药。
回复: 美国养老行业项目介绍Assisted Living 养老护理中心包括以下3种护理级别:3. Supportive Living 每天$88美金,每月$2640美金包括:个人单间,每日两餐,24小时护理人员值班,服药提醒,每周换洗床单,每周一次打扫房间,一周两次扶助洗浴,水电费供热收垃圾费,有线电视,文化活动,每周一次洗床单,到当地购物, 全套电器,空调,呼叫设施。4. Assisted Living 每天$100-120美金,每月$3000-3600美金包括:个人单间,每日三餐(可送餐)外加间餐,24小时护理人员值班,服药提醒,安排护送看医生,每周换洗床单,每周一次打扫房间,每天扶助洗漱穿衣,一周两次扶助洗浴,水电费供热收垃圾费,有线电视,文化活动,每周一次洗床单,到当地购物, 冰箱,空调,呼叫设施。额外的护理还包括大小便失禁护理,轻微失忆症老人的指引等。5. Memory Care 每天$166美金,每月$4980美金。包括: 个人单间,每日三餐(可送餐)外加间餐,24小时护理人员值班,服药提醒,安排护送看医生,每天护士查询,特别安排的文化活动。每天扶助洗漱穿衣,一周两次扶助洗澡,大小便失禁护理,失忆症老人的导引。 每周换洗床单,每周一次打扫房间,还包括水电费供热收垃圾费,医疗生活用品,有限电视,空调,呼叫设施。另外收费的服务包括:理疗服务,理发,洗个人衣物,个人需要的日用品,医药用品等。
回复: 美国养老行业项目介绍Nursing Home医疗护理中心有以下两种服务:5. Assisted Living and Memory Care 每天$233美金,每月$6990美金。包括: 个人单间,每日三餐(可送餐)外加间餐,24小时护理人员值班,服药提醒,安排护送看医生,每天护士查询,特别安排的文化活动。每天扶助洗漱穿衣,一周两次扶助洗澡,大小便失禁护理,失忆症老人的导引。 每周换洗床单,每周一次打扫房间,还包括水电费供热收垃圾费,医疗生活用品,有限电视,空调,呼叫设施。另外收费的服务包括:理疗服务,理发,洗个人衣物,个人需要的日用品,医药用品等。6. Skilled Nursing Care 每天 $246-$273美金, 每月$7380-$8190美金。包括 个人单间,每日三餐(可送餐)外加间餐,24小时医疗护理, 医药用品,文化活动,有线电视。另外收费的服务包括:理疗服务,理发,洗个人衣物,个人需要的日用品等。
回复: 美国养老行业项目介绍从护工配备的标准来分,1. Senior Housing 没有护工配备, 其他人工主要是负责公寓楼的维护。管理员会组织些节假日的活动。平均租金为$500左右。2. Independent Living 没有护工的配备,但提供家政服务,每天的文化活动。包吃包住月住费平均为$1500左右。3. Supportive Living. 有护工配备,提供简单护理和家政服务。人员配备比例差不多是1个护工负责10-12个老人。月住费平均为$2500左右。4. Assisted Living. 有护工配备,提供各级别的护理和家政服务。人员配备比例差不多是一个护工负责6-10个老人。 月住费平均为$3500左右。5. Memory Care. 有护工配备, 提供特别的护理和家政服务。人员配备比例从一个护工负责3-6个老人,甚至一对一护理。 月住费平均 $4500.6. Skilled Nuring Care. 除了护工外,还有注册护士服务。单间的月住费平均为$7000.
回复: 美国养老行业项目介绍我们做的是特别设计的Memory Care养老院,别的级别的养老院也不是我们的兴趣。经过我们多年的研究,这类的护工密集的养老院才是最适合做直接就业的EB-5 Express直通车项目。我们的经验也是证明这一点。在今年移民局严格审查区域中心项目,项目审批一年有余,我们的项目首批投资人4个月收到526批准。在美国, Dementia病症发病率非常高,85岁以上的老人,发病率是50%。这类养老院需要特别设计,一般的养老院无法护理这些老人。如果投资人真的去考察这类型的养老院,就可以知道其入住率和收入都是非常高的。5. Memory Care 每天$166美金,每月$4980美金包括: 个人单间,每日三餐(可送餐)外加间餐,24小时护理人员值班,服药提醒,安排护送看医生,每天护士查询,特别安排的文化活动。每天扶助洗漱穿衣,一周两次扶助洗澡,大小便失禁护理,失忆症老人的导引。 每周换洗床单,每周一次打扫房间,还包括水电费供热收垃圾费,医疗生活用品,有限电视,空调,呼叫设施。另外收费的服务包括:理疗服务,理发,洗个人衣物,个人需要的日用品,医药用品等。有护工配备, 提供特别的护理和家政服务。人员配备比例从一个护工负责3-6个老人,甚至一对一护理。
回复: 美国养老行业项目介绍这是一个美国EB-5人士在Linkin给我的的回帖Congratulations Zoe ! I recently posted an article where I identified Assisted Living facilities as ideal candidates for EB5 investments. Demand for Senior Living facilities is increasing, these types of businesses are very labor intensive so they can meet the job requirements, there is a real estate component that is attractive to investors. Conventional financing once solid financial performance data is available can create an appealing exit strategy. Posted by Marc S. Hyman JD
回复: 美国养老行业项目介绍项目是 真的很 好 !全球老年化越来越严重了 ! 但是,美国的 老年人有没有钱支付这么贵的费用?
回复: 美国养老行业项目介绍项目是 真的很 好 !全球老年化越来越严重了 ! 但是,美国的 老年人有没有钱支付这么贵的费用?点击展开...美国有公费养老和自费养老之说。美国人真正的有钱一族实际是60岁以上的老人,和中国的国情不同。这些人非常节省,投资的时候正赶上美国经济上升期,投资什么都赚钱。后辈的美国人就没有他们幸运了。这些老人卖掉房产加上其他的投资收入,就可以支付他们余生的30-40万的养老费。美国的社会福利之一就是对穷人的补助,这也包括养老的福利。所以穷人住养老院,政府买单。美国国家预算的三大支出就是国防,老人的公费医疗和穷人补助。 这也是我们进入这个行业的一个考虑因素。
回复: 美国养老行业项目介绍EB5 Business Trend: US Population Is Aging & The Opportunities It Presents * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *According to the U.S. government over 10,000 Baby Boomers are retiring everyday.The growth in the aging population in the U.S. is creating numerous business opportunities with EB5 possibilities such as:* Retirement Communities for Seniors* Medical & Non-Medical Staffing Services for In-Home Care for Seniors* Assisted Living Facilities for Seniors* Transportation & Shopping Services for Seniors* Health Monitoring & Security Monitoring Services for Seniors* Home Maintenance & Support Services for SeniorsFor all EB5 Advisors ( Lawyers, CPA's etc. ) with clients looking to invest in companies, real estate developments or service providers that are capitalizing on this rapidly evolving market, new opportunities are emerging almost every day.Several well funded , highly reputable RC's are focusing on this market segment . There are also lots of high quality Direct Investment opportunities for entrepreneurs who want to run a business.
回复: 美国养老行业项目介绍中国养老院已开始招收外国老年顾客。养老国际理财才是新趋势。
回复: 美国养老行业项目介绍SENIOR HOUSING & HEALTH CARE OPTIONS DEFINITIONS & TERMSACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING A person’s daily routine of basic functions, for example, bathing, dressing, eating, walking and other personal care activities.ADULT DAY CARE A day care service/setting that provides a social environment and activities to accommodate the needs of both the physically and mentally challenged elderly. This type of care can be scheduled on a daily, weekly or part-time basis.ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE A condition which affects the brain and may result in loss of memory, mood swings, speech imbalance, confusion/hallucinations and incontinence. Advanced stages of this disease generally require 24-hour care. Dementia brain disorders that obstruct and diminish cognitive performance such as memory, judgment, personality and social function.ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY (ALF) This lifestyle is a state licensed community offering assistance with daily living activities. These facilities have medical personnel assisting with medication, administration, dressing, bathing, and social activities. They normally have Levels of Care that offer a variety of extra services. The Levels of Care indicate an additional monthly fee from the base price.CONTINUING CARE RETIREMENT COMMUNITY (CCRC) This community is commonly called Life Care. This lifestyle has a campus consisting of Independent Living (I/L), Assisted Living (ALF), and Skilled Nursing (S/N). They typically offer the full selection of amenities associated with retirement living. A large endowment fee in addition to a monthly maintenance fee can be expected.CUSTODIAL CARE This is supervision and/or assistance of activities of daily life offered in the home environment. This typically is a 24-hour program for an individual who does not desire to live in a congregate home.EXTENDED CONGREGATE CARE LICENSE (ECC) Supplementary licensing available to assisted living facilities which permits them to render a larger range of services to their residents as their level of care expands, as long as the resident does not need skilled 24-hour nursing care.GUARDIANSHIP A formal, legal procedure in which the Circuit Court appoints an adult person (a Guardian) to exercise some or all of the legal rights and powers of another person (a Ward), after the Court has found that the Ward lacks the capacity to perform some or all of the tasks necessary to care for his or her person or property.HOME HEALTH this program is state licensed medical personnel offering professional services in the home environment. Home Health typically offers medication assistance, homemaking, bathing assistance and rehabilitation therapy.HOSPICE This is specialized care to lessen the physical and emotional discomfort of the terminally ill. These services are offered to caregivers and families, as well. Hospice can be offered in the home setting or at a hospice home.MEDICAID The health insurance program financed by Federal and State Governments for qualifying low income persons age 65 and over. Eligible individuals can receive payment of their Medicare deductibles, co-payments and nursing home care. Medicaid waiver allows for an individual to remain in an assisted living facility, who would otherwise require a nursing home setting. The program provides Medicaid reimbursement to the assisted living facility.MEDICARE This is the national healthcare insurance program for eligible people 65 and older and in some cases disabled individuals. Medicare Part A covers hospital costs while Part B cover’s physician bills and other medical expenses.OMBUDSMAN COUNCIL A senior advocate service that protects the rights of residents in assisted living facilities by researching complaints and resolving disputes by initiating corrective action.OPTIONAL STATE SUPPLEMENT (OSS) Financial assistance provided through Social Security Administration for people who require assisted living.PERSONAL CARE FACILITY (P/C) This community specializes in caring for the memory impaired resident. This Extended Care Community commands an additional license from the state as the medical personnel are trained for the special needs of dementia.RESPITE CARE The purpose pf respite care is to furnish the primary caregiver a short-term relief from their day-to-day responsibility. This care is available in or away from the home.SENIOR HOUSING (INDEPENDENT LIVING) INDEPENDENT LIVING housing facilities are a special kind of care designed to provide comfort and support to people who need that extra care. These facilities include pain and symptom management as well as physical care. Living in senior housing enables you to have the time you so richly deserve to enjoy precious freedom in a resort environment with the amenities of education and social activity, transportation, culture, health facilities, as well as nature's bountiful gifts. You will feel at home watching the sunset from a number of our senior housing locations. For more information on our senior housing facilities feel free to browse our consultant pages as they offer information about facilities for you or your loved ones. SKILLED NURSING FACILITY (SNF) These state-licensed long-term care facilities offer 24-hour medical care provided by registered nurses (RN), licensed practical nurses (LPN) and certified nurse assistant (CNA). They also are required to have a house physician. This facility cares for the very frail residents who are totally dependent on nursing care. This facility typically has a short-term rehabilitation unit for residents needing rehab between hospital and home.
回复: 美国养老行业项目介绍美国的养老院可以简单地分成护理型和非护理型养老院。 非护理型养老院实际就是高级公寓,收入主要靠房租。 护理型养老院收入更主要是靠护工的护理服务,盈利高一些。重症护理的收费是养老服务行业中是最高的,收费都是在$4000以上一个月。收费在$2000左右的,只是高级老人公寓,不是护理型的养老院。非护理型的养老院未来的前景不是很明朗,收入主要是房租。很多老人无法卖掉现有的房产搬到这些高级老人公寓去。 等到老人的身体状况变差,老人已经没有选择,必须到护理型的养老院去。其实,各种养老院的固定资产的投入都差不多,重症护理的设施还相对投资少些,因为房间小了。盈利都是靠护工赚出来的。重症护理的护工和老人的比例要求也是最高,创业能力就强。
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