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(爱达荷州西部Gold Hill金矿的清洗器械,在从旧尾矿里洗涤黄金。这种经营从2009年就开始了。Chris Butler ) Gold Hill矿业和开垦公司从Quartzburg控股公司租赁了土地和采矿权。 上周五, Placerville附近的黄金矿工们结束了近20万吨的矿石和废石的拖运,这些矿石和废石是1938年博伊西盆地第一波采矿结束时留下来的。 加工过程本质上是一个巨大的、高效的洗矿槽,不使用任何化学物质来冲走质轻的石头。清洗站和破碎机不会引起水质问题,部分原因是没有砷和重金属的存在。 “我们离开时,将让这个小山谷比当我们刚来时要好,”Gold Hill开垦和矿业公司的总裁Chris Guill说,“我们为此感到骄傲。” 当环保组织正在努力阻止CuMo钼矿山和亚特兰大金矿的时候,因为顾虑到博伊西河。Gold Hill从一个距博伊西不到30英里历史性的矿区,再生了成千上万的盎司的黄金。爱达荷州保育联盟看到了允许,没有反对。 “我们支持负责任的开采,” 联盟的公共土地保护主管约翰・罗宾逊说,“我们只是想确保水质是受到保护的。” 最初的开采始于2009年,从成千上万吨的花岗岩和其它坐落于山一样大小的矿井外的旧矿堆里(可以追溯到1863年)筛选黄金。 这个开采过程留下了1250公斤装矿石和免费黄金的袋子。必须进一步处理才能从每个袋子里提取到1.5盎司黄金。尽快材料级别很低,但最初的清洗是便宜的,足以让矿工运行下去。 “唯一的运作方式是大规模地去做,”Guill说。 最初,矿主被告知矿堆包含价值5000万美元的黄金。Guill说这个估计是非常高的,因为成吨的材料里根本没有黄金。 但Guill说直到全部完成前,他们不知道究竟有多少黄金。因为他们是一个私人公司,他们的利润报告不对外公开。 操作程序依赖于水的处理,通过清洗装置携带走压碎的岩石。而且它还必须相对清洁,Guill说,否则黄金将被和废石一起冲走。 因为格兰姆斯溪支流花岗岩溪的西分叉的水位已经下降到如此之低,Guill并不肯定他能否在这个秋天完成作业。可能很快就会被迫关闭。 Don和博伊西的Candy Miller在2005年购买了Quartzburg的鬼镇,发现他们坐落于一座字面意义上的金矿上。他们获得289英亩土地的所有权,和一个满是该矿地质记录的车库。 他们把资产出售给Gold Hil,开始了一个试验工厂来处理表面上的材料,不需要任何竖井、隧道或坑道。公司雇佣了一个承包商Knife River来管理其挖掘和清洗站。Knife River根据Gold Hill的设计升级了作业区,日处理量提到到1000吨。 但Gold Hill不仅仅是采矿。它还从事开垦业务。 该公司刚刚得到允许,把36,000吨的矿山尾矿从土地管理局管理的公共土地上拖走。废石位于25英亩土地上,毗邻Gold Hill的资产。 Guill赞扬BLM和其他机构能迅速采取行动,允许公司现在就运输废石头,因为场地上正好有设备。如果必须明年回来,它可能无法抵消将可负载10吨的大型矿山卡车和装载机再带回来的成本。 该公司希望继续开采位于美国林务局的土地伯沙撒煤矿附近的废物堆。但博伊西国家森林官员没能及时完成评估。 Gold Hill的官员表示,明年他们将花费高达100,000美元把设备再搬回来。但Guill也正在该地区寻找其他尾矿。 “并不需要大量的黄金,也是值得的,”Guill说。 是什么让这个矿不同于其他同级别的矿?是因为Gold Hill不是用证券市场来支付其探测。除了当前的矿石处理,他们还有来自中国投资者的EB-5资金。 Gold Hill矿脉于1863年被发现。该资产包含19个专利债权,包括Gold Hill, Eisler 和Yellowjacket。公司在其网站上说,历史记录表明Yellowjacket有400,000盎司的黄金潜在可能性。以今天的黄金价格,价值超过6.7亿美元。 最终Gold Hill将决定是否去地下开采获得更多的黄金。尽管金矿是在私有土地上,它也将需要州政府和联邦政府的许可。这将使该公司担心开采会影响到博伊西河,并带来更多的审查。 “我们会关注更多,”保护联盟的罗宾逊说。 Guill说是否会转入地下开采,现在还为时过早。如果是要这么做,公司将挖掘新的竖井和隧道而不使用旧的。瑞恩・麦克德莫特(Ryan McDermott)一位地质学家,走遍了大部分矿山,已经绘制出表图指出不同程度的黄金和矿石。 该地区的岩层产生了格里姆斯溪和其下方的砂矿,在历史上产生了超过200万盎司的黄金。麦克德莫特有矿主的记录作为引导。 “这个矿山的历史数据是我看过的最好的,”麦克德莫特说。 Gold Hill决定是否地下开采之前,必须做更多的探索,包括钻井,而这是昂贵的。处理旧的矿堆是盈利的,因为黄金的价格现在涨太高了,而且是持续增长的趋势。 (原文来源:http://www.idahostatesman.com,作者:Rocky Barker) 需要了解有关爱达荷州金矿二期和三期EB-5项目,请联系“移民超市”或Westlead Capital。 相关文章: 黄金价格持续攀升, EB-5金矿项目前景将看好

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上善若水 厚德载物 超赞 赏 visatousa 0$(VIP 0) 4,2302012-11-14#3 回复: 爱达荷州黄金矿业状况报告By ROCKY BARKER [email protected]: Gold Hill Mining and Reclamation leases its land and mineral rights from Quartzburg Holding Co.On Friday, gold miners near Placerville were finishing hauling to their mill nearly 200,000 tons of ore and waste rock that had been left when the Boise Basin’s first wave of mining ended in 1938.The processing, essentially a large, efficient sluice box that washes away lighter rock, uses no chemicals. The wash station and crusher don’t cause water quality problems in part because no arsenic and heavy metals are present.“We will leave this little valley better than when we came,” said Chris Guill, president of Gold Hill Reclamation and Mining Co. “We’re proud of that.”While environmental groups are fighting to stop the CuMo molybdenum mine and the Atlanta Gold mines because of concerns about the Boise River, Gold Hill is recovering thousands of ounces of gold from a historic mining area less than 30 miles from Boise. The Idaho Conservation League watched the permitting that was necessary and did not oppose any of them.“We support responsible mining,” said John Robison, the league’s public lands conservation director. “We just want to make sure the water is protected.”The initial processing, started in 2009, winnows the gold in several forms from thousands of tons of granite and other rock sitting in mountain-sized piles outside old mine sites dating back to 1863.The process leaves the remaining ore and free gold in one-and-a-quarter-ton bags. The contents must go through further processing to recover up to 1.5 ounces of gold from each bag, but the initial sluicing is inexpensive enough to allow the miners to run even low-grade material through the mill.“The only way it worked was to do it big scale,” Guill said.Initially, the Millers were told the piles contained $50 million worth of gold. Guill said that estimate was very high since tons of the material held no gold at all.But Guill said they won’t know how much gold they have until the processing is done. And since they are a private company they aren’t reporting their profits publicly.The processing depends on water, which carries the crushed rock through the wash plant. And it also must be relatively clean, Guill said, or the gold is carried through the plant along with the waste rock.Since the water levels in the West Fork of Granite Creek, a tributary of Grimes Creek, have dropped so low, Guill isn’t certain he can finish the processing this fall. The operation may have to close soon.Don and Candy Miller of Boise bought the ghost town of Quartzburg in 2005 and discovered they were sitting on a literal gold mine. They took ownership of the 289 acres and a garage full of the geological records going back to the mine’s beginning.They sold the property to Gold Hill, which began a pilot plant to process the material that was sitting on the surface and required no shafts, tunnels or pits to access. The company hired a contractor, Knife River, to manage its excavation and the wash station. Knife River upgraded the plant on Gold Hill’s design and increased processing to 1,000 tons daily.But Gold Hill is not simply mining. It also has gotten in the reclamation business.The company just got a permit to haul 36,000 tons of mine tailings from public land managed by the Bureau of Land Management. The waste rock was on 25 acres adjacent to Gold Hill property, a continuation of the piles it was already processing.Guill praised the BLM and other agencies for acting quickly, allowing the company to move the rock now, while it has equipment on the site. If it had to come back next year, it might not have been able to justify the cost of bringing back large ore trucks and loaders that can scoop more than 10 tons per load.The company was hoping to continue with waste piles at the nearby Belshazzar mine, located on U.S. Forest Service land. But Boise National Forest officials have not been able to complete their assessment in time.Gold Hill officials say that could cost them as much as $100,000 to bring the equipment back next year, but Guill also is looking at other tailings in the area.“It doesn’t take a lot of gold to make it worthwhile,” said Guill.What makes this mine different from many in its class is that Gold Hill is not mining the stock market to pay for its exploration. In addition to its current processing of ore, it has capital from Chinese investors through the EB-5 immigration-investment program.The Gold Hill lode was discovered in 1863. The property holds 19 patented mining claims consisting of the Gold Hill, Eisler and Yellowjacket claims. Historical records indicate the Yellowjacket claim could have a potential 400,000 ounces of gold, the company said on its website. That is more than $670 million at today’s gold price.Eventually Gold Hill will decide whether to go underground to get more gold. Even though the mine is on private land, it would require state and federal permits, and that would bring the company up against the fears about mining impacts on the Boise River. And that would bring more scrutiny.“We would weigh in a lot more,” the Conservation League’s Robison said.Guill said it is too early to say whether the operation will go underground. If it does, the company will excavate new shafts and tunnels instead of using the old ones. Ryan McDermott, a geologist who has walked most of the property, has mapped out veins of quartz that have varying levels of gold and ore.The area’s rock formations were responsible for the placer deposits in Grimes Creek and below that historically produced more than 2 million ounces of gold. McDermott has the Millers’ records to guide him.“The historic data package for this property is one of the best I’ve ever seen,” McDermott said.Before Gold Hill can decide whether to go underground, it will have to do more exploration, including drilling, which is expensive. Processing the old piles was profitable because the price of gold is so high.“The change in the price of gold can turn waste into ore,” McDermott said.Rocky Barker: 377-6484Read more here: http://www.idahostatesman.com/2012/...-green-twist.html#storylink=cpy#storylink=cpy

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