加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 国务院显示区域中心EB5为U(没名额)
http://www.travel.state.gov/visa/bulletin/bulletin_5770.html 以上为链接,请大家帮助确认。
回复: 国务院显示区域中心EB5为U(没名额)Mistake in October Visa Bulletin Results in Temporary Suspension in Processing of EB-5 PetitionsBy Kate Kalmykov on October 5th, 2012On October 1st many U.S. Embassy and Consulates overseas, as well as the National Visa Center stopped processing EB-5 based immigrant visa petitions for regional centers due to a mistake in the October visa bulletin. The visa bulletin for October 2012 erroneously noted that immigrant visa numbers for I-526 petitions approved through the EB-5 Regional Center pilot program were unavailable. It appears that the Department of State did not know that S. 3245 was signed into law on Friday, September 28th and extended the EB-5 Regional Center program. As a result of the extension, immigrant visa numbers for regional center based immigrants should not have been listed as unavailable and interviews should still have been scheduled. However, numerous applicants were told that their applications could not be processed because visas were “unavailable.” After being notified of the error, Department of State officials confirmed that they would correct the mistake and notify consular posts that I-526 petitions should continue to be processed.Additionally, the October visa bulletin also incorrectly described the employment-based 5th preference category. Specifically, it noted that there were two separate categories entitled: (1) 5th Targeted Employment Areas/Regional Centers” and then (2) “5th Pilot Program,” when in fact those are actually a single category. Targeted Employment Area designations that allow individuals to invest at the lower $500,000 threshold amount are applied in both the individual EB-5 category, as well as the regional center category.EB-5 investors who experience problems in processing of their applications due to this error are encouraged to contact their legal counsel immediately.
回复: 国务院显示区域中心EB5为U(没名额)这个名额问题只涉及使馆的面签和485转身份,跟526的审批无关
回复: 国务院显示区域中心EB5为U(没名额)谢谢! 美国国务院出这种错误真是过分!不会是10月停止,而等待公布新政策以后再开放吗?会是什么新政策呢?
回复: 国务院显示区域中心EB5为U(没名额)谢谢! 美国国务院出这种错误真是过分!不会是10月停止,而等待公布新政策以后再开放吗?会是什么新政策呢?点击展开...还号称什么狗屁专家,每天就会妖言惑众给区域中心泼污水。10月份的显示U是因为法律没有批下来,现在11月份的已经显示C了,你不会读?http://www.travel.state.gov/visa/bulletin/bulletin_5779.html
回复: 国务院显示区域中心EB5为U(没名额)还号称什么狗屁专家,每天就会妖言惑众给区域中心泼污水。10月份的显示U是因为法律没有批下来,现在11月份的已经显示C了,你不会读?http://www.travel.state.gov/visa/bulletin/bulletin_5779.html点击展开...是的,如果延期未能签署,那么所有没有拿到绿卡和签证的人就都要停滞下来,使馆也就不会在10月面签任何区域中心的人,即使526过了也相当于没有用。这正说明了之前大家在探讨延期不通过的后果时候,很多中介的说法是不对的。 退一万步说,这个名额有还是没有跟526的审批并没有关系。如果延期不通过,并不代表移民局就不审理526,只是说审理的标准不一样了。
回复: 国务院显示区域中心EB5为U(没名额)还号称什么狗屁专家,每天就会妖言惑众给区域中心泼污水。10月份的显示U是因为法律没有批下来,现在11月份的已经显示C了,你不会读?http://www.travel.state.gov/visa/bulletin/bulletin_5779.html点击展开... 请您靠后一点。。。没轮到你发言呢。 哦对了,不用准备,不会叫你的,去睡吧。
回复: 国务院显示区域中心EB5为U(没名额)请您靠后一点。。。没轮到你发言呢。 哦对了,不用准备,不会叫你的,去睡吧。点击展开... 瞧瞧人家,文明人发飙,道貌岸然,不带一个脏字。佩服。不过,别人对你的指正是对,还是对呢?
回复: 国务院显示区域中心EB5为U(没名额)瞧瞧人家,文明人发飙,道貌岸然,不带一个脏字。佩服。不过,别人对你的指正是对,还是对呢?点击展开... 认为不对,没接受,所以也没道歉。 我在论坛表达我的理解,发表我的评论,提出我的建议,分享我所能获得的信息。 您给的“道貌岸然”评价也挺有水平啊。
回复: 国务院显示区域中心EB5为U(没名额)对它直接屏蔽就行了
回复: 国务院显示区域中心EB5为U(没名额)对它直接屏蔽就行了点击展开... 您怎么了?
回复: 国务院显示区域中心EB5为U(没名额)我觉得,这个事情有三种可能:1.别有用心2.真傻3.别有用心但真傻 个人认为第三种可能性比较高。
回复: 国务院显示区域中心EB5为U(没名额)哈哈哈,我笑瘫了
回复: 国务院显示区域中心EB5为U(没名额)对比一下:国务院发布2012年10月区域中心没名额签证名额控制管放出区域中心名额开始按申请人国籍分配
回复: 国务院显示区域中心EB5为U(没名额)对比一下:国务院发布2012年10月区域中心没名额签证名额控制管放出区域中心名额开始按申请人国籍分配点击展开... Already? Fifth: Employment Creation: 7.1% of the worldwide level, not less than 3,000 of which reserved for investors in a targeted rural or high-unemployment area, and 3,000 set aside for investors in regional centers by Sec. 610 of Pub. L. 102-395 ( meaning 3000 visa for $500K Regional Center and 7000 visa for $1,000,000 or $500,000 Direct Investment) I was just told this morning the visa interview is on hold until Presidential election is finished.
回复: 国务院显示区域中心EB5为U(没名额)Already? Fifth: Employment Creation: 7.1% of the worldwide level, not less than 3,000 of which reserved for investors in a targeted rural or high-unemployment area, and 3,000 set aside for investors in regional centers by Sec. 610 of Pub. L. 102-395 ( meaning 3000 visa for $500K Regional Center and 7000 visa for $1,000,000 or $500,000 Direct Investment) I was just told this morning the visa interview is on hold until Presidential election is finished.点击展开... Need confirmation about the interview on holding, Thanks
回复: 国务院显示区域中心EB5为U(没名额)有大侠知道加州洛杉矶好莱坞综合商业园区项目吗???怎么样???谢谢
回复: 国务院显示区域中心EB5为U(没名额)招募376人的超大规模马拉松地产开发项目。独家操作更增加了募集期的长度。第一顺位抵押品不足。非Eb-5资金也尚未到位。
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