加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - EB-6签证法案提案建议分享本已开始紧张的每年10000个EB-5签证名额
Start-up 签证可能会占用EB-5签证的10000个名额的其中一部分。用参议员Senator John Kerry (D-MA) and Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN)今年发起的Start-up EB-6签证建议增加鼓励创投公司移民类别,但新的动议建议使用现在本已开始紧张的EB-5签证名额。 原文见http://www.pehub.com/175375/importing-brain-capital-eb6/ 内容:Importing Brain Capital with EB6Posted on: December 03, 2012 by David DrakeSenator John Kerry (D-MA) and Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) introduced a Start-Up Visa Act earlier this year. This has legs and in essence is responding to a need in the Green Card Immigration Visa program. The current EB5 visa allows up to 10,000 investors spending $500,000-$1,000,000 in a US company or realty investment to get a two year temporary green card for themselves and their children under 21. A permanent greencard can be applied for after two years when the investors can prove that at least 10 people were full time employed from their investment. This has been highly successful in real estate investments. In addition, EB5 has been highly sought by parents wanting to send children to study in the US. Now Senators Kerry and Lugar are looking to allocate portion of these 10,000 allocated annual visas towards the proposed EB6 program.EB5 expert Michael Gibson adds: “The Startup Visa is a great concept in that it would allow the foreign entrepreneur an opportunity to come to the U.S., get funding for their idea and then create a company which could employ a number of U.S. citizens. Entrepreneurship is vital to our economy and if we exclude foreign nationals from the ability to create our future engines of growth, then we are doing a disservice to Americans looking to work in industries which represent the future as well as creating a stronger, more vibrant and diverse United States workforce able to compete in a global economy.” Under the EB6 proposal, US VCs & angel investors with $250,000 to invest in an immigrant’s startup will enable those immigrants to get temporary two-year visas. These temporary visa holders would then be able to apply for permanent green cards should the entrepreneurs be able to prove that they employ at least five people full time or have company assets of north of $1 million. I would think this would inject VC firms with LP capital. We have long discussed that the less fortunate VC firms that have problems raising capital would see opportunities in retail investors and hit the University population for foreign students. EB5 firms do this now so why wouldn’t a VC fund partner up with our EB5 partner firms? Vince Molinari of Gate Technologies has an international span with investors states: “We have already seen a huge amount of interest from angel, private equity and venture capital firms looking to access foreign capital to co-invest in U.S. companies as a way to increase the number of investments that they can do and diversify the risk to their partners and shareholders.” Gibson states: “This is beneficial to the foreign investors as well as they now have a US partner with experience in managing investments and monitoring the development and operational risk that welcomes their investment on equal terms as their US counterparts. It is a win-win for both the foreign investors looking to invest their capital in the US into more illiquid and non-traditional investments concerned with asset preservation and the US financial firms looking to increase their assets under management.” Most EB5 firms we know that have been in business for five or more years know that their investors trust them and are seeking alternative investments to US realty. This would allow a more structured symbiotic partnership to expand. Foreign families will gladly invest $250,000 plus into a VC fund if their kid entrepreneurs get the investment instead of spending $500,000 to a third party getting the investment. What do you think?
回复: EB-6签证法案提案建议分享本已开始紧张的每年10000个EB-5签证名Gibson 成事不足败事有余,什么时候他都算EB5 Expert了?
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关Gibson 成事不足败事有余,什么时候他都算EB5 Expert了?点击展开... 呵呵,他就是到处出面。
回复: EB-6签证法案提案建议分享本已开始紧张的每年10000个EB-5签证名这个破提案,看看媒体2011年的报道:美国麻州民主党参议员克里(John Kerry)、印地安纳州共和党参议员卢格(Richard Lugar)以及科罗拉多州共和党参议员尤德尔(Mark Udall)2011年提出了一项法案,旨在减缓技术移民的回流,及促进美国的创业。这是继2010年初起草的“创业签证法”(Startup Visa Act)的更新升级版,解决了原草案里的主要缺点。新版本添加的某些条款,如允许在美国就读大学的外国学生以及持H-1B签证的劳工在美国创业。 这个法案的核心是让留学生及H-1B等技术劳工有机会创业,并以EB-6签证形式留在美国。在今年3月获得通过后将可能打开创业移民的大门。新的2011年“创业签证法”,让移民创业者如果获得合格的美国投资人投资他新创的公司,便可获得两年的签证。比克里-卢格2010年“创业签证法”更扩大的是,符合条件的移民还包括H-1B签证持有人以及虽居住在美国以外、但在美国有业务的企业家。 为了容纳这种新的签证,提案要求:现有发给外国人投资100万美元创造10个就业机会的EB-5签证要作出调整。在新的EB-6类别下,签证将发给有知识资本的创新企业家,而不是那些想要买签证的外国有钱人。把EB-5签证每年的1万个配额中的大部分转给新的EB-6类别。提案并未要求新签证的配额数。 提案中允许发EB-6签证给符合条件的人士,以下是提案中三种创业移民的规定条件: 1.居住在美国之外的企业家如果获得一名美国投资人同意,对他们的企业提供至少10万美元的资金便符合资格。两年后,这家草创公司必须为美国创造5个就业机会,而且要取得50万美元以上的融资或产生50万美元以上的年获利。 2. H-1B签证劳工或从美国大学科学、技术、工程、数学或计算机等科系的毕业生,如果年收入超过3万美元或拥有至少6万美元的资产,并有一名美国投资者至少投资2万美元在他们的企业,也符合资格。两年后,这家新公司必须已创造3个工作机会,并募集10万美元以上的资金或是产生10万美元以上的年获利。 3.在美国的业务已经达到10万美元以上的外国企业家也符合资格。两年后,他在美国的新公司必须已经创造3个就业机会,并募集10万美元以上资金或是产生10万美元以上的年获利。 该提案中值得注意的限制条件是:不是什么人都可以资助外国人的新创公司。条款中的“美国投资人”定义必须是合格的创业投资家,一个“超级天使”(super angel)(过去3年每年至少有两个5万美元以上投资案的美国公民)或符合资格的政府单位。 提案中对外国人在美国永久居留的要求非常严格:他或她的业务一定要成功,并创造美国的就业机会。这对任何潜在的移民都是一场赌博,如果他们失败,他们必须重新开始或离开该国,不过毕竟创业就是这样的:企业家要承担风险,并创造出价值。 美国现有超过50万名医生、科学家、研究员和工程师正陷入移民困境。他们拿临时的工作签证,正在等待数量有限的永久居民签证。这些人不能自己开公司,或在自己的社区扎根。他们排队等签证的时间内甚至不能换工作。他们如果被解雇,就必须立即离开美国。由于不愿生活在持续的恐惧中,加上事业也停滞不前,许多人选择返回家园。这个“创业签证法”的提案是让他们走创业之路便有机会留下来,这可能会打开移民创业的大门,而且这个计划不要纳税人一分钱,不过EB-6对EB-5的影响却是相当大:今年九月到期的EB5试验计划估计延期的可能不大,特别是奥巴马总统今年要面临大选的压力,改善就业数据是其首要工作,而EB5对就业状况贡献的作用历来均被国会质疑,因为其中大多数均是为买绿卡而来,而非真正投资在美国。这时提出以EB6来代替EB5,两党联合提出的这个提案的被通过性机会非常高,需要中国的同行做好未雨绸缪的准备。
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