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原文:http://eb-5center.com/files/Interim EB-5 Tenant-Occupancy GM.pdfInterim EB-5 Tenant-Occupancy GM December 2012by Joseph Whalen on Dec 28, 2012 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Office of the Director (MS 2000) This is a very welcome message from USCIS even Washington, DC 20529-2000 if it is LONG OVERDUE! This GM contains several key principles that this advocate and critic has been espousing. It looks like USCIS was paying attention to the stakeholders after all (or at least, eventually). December 20, 2012 GM-602-0001 Guidance Memorandum By Joseph P. Whalen at 5:39 pm, Dec 28, 2012 SUBJECT: Operational Guidance for EB-5 Cases Involving Tenant-Occupancy Purpose This guidance memorandum (GM) is intended to facilitate adjudication of cases involving issues related to the “tenant-occupancy” methodology for establishing job creation in EB-5 cases. The guidance has been formulated following careful internal deliberation, consultation with sister government agencies, and review of responses to requests for evidence (RFEs) issued in February 2012 to a number of outstanding Regional Center applicants who relied on the tenant- occupancy methodology. This guidance will be applied to pending cases and cases filed on or after the date of this guidance that rely on the tenant-occupancy methodology. This guidance does not rescind or supersede other EB-5 guidance. Scope Unless specifically exempted herein, this GM applies to and binds all U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) employees. Background Among the issues raised in the February 2012 RFEs, USCIS sought evidence that the projected jobs attributable to prospective tenants (which would occupy the commercial space created by the EB-5 capital) would represent newly created jobs, and not jobs that the tenant had merely relocated from another location. This determination is necessary to assess whether there is a reasonable causal link between the EB-5 enterprise and the job creation that would allow for the attribution of the tenant jobs to the EB-5 enterprise. These RFEs suggested the types of evidence applicants could submit to make this showing.NEXUS! Implementation Prior to issuing the February 2012 RFEs, USCIS determined that the tenant-occupancy methodology can satisfy the EB-5 program requirement of presenting a “reasonable methodology” that is “supported by economically or statistically valid forecasting tools,” if the applicant presents in “verifiable detail” information sufficient to establish by a preponderance of the evidence that the tenant jobs have resulted from the EB-5 enterprise (i.e., that the creation of2. GM-602-0001: Operational Guidance for EB-5 Cases Involving Tenant-OccupancyPage 2tenant jobs were facilitated by the EB-5 enterprise, for example through a showing of constrainton the supply of appropriate commercial space or of excess demand for such space).In regional center cases that rely on tenant occupancy models, as in any other regional centercases, USCIS requires evidence that the claimed jobs result, directly or indirectly, from theeconomic activity of the EB-5 commercial enterprise. Jobs that are merely re-located rather thancreated do not count. With respect to indirect job creation, the task for the applicants andpetitioners is to project the number of newly created jobs that would not have been created butfor the economic activity of the EB-5 commercial enterprise. In making that projection, they areto use economically and statistically valid forecasting tools.Whether an applicant or petitioner has demonstrated that an EB-5 enterprise caused the creationof indirect tenant jobs will require determinations on a case-by-case basis and will generallyrequire an evaluation of the verifiable detail provided and the overall reasonableness of themethodology as presented. To claim credit for tenant jobs, applicants and petitioners maypresent evidence backed by reasonable methods that map a specific amount of direct, imputed, orsubsidized investment to such new jobs. However, for applicants and petitioners that insteadseek to utilize a facilitation-based approach, USCIS will not require an equity or direct financialconnection between the EB-5 capital investment and the employees of prospective tenants.Rather, facilitation-based tenant job credit will depend on the extent to which applicants orpetitioners can demonstrate that the economic benefits provided by a specific space project willremove a significant market-based constraint. One way applicants and petitioners can make thisshowing is to indicate how a specific space project will correct market imperfections andgenerate net new labor demand and income that will result in a specified prospective number oftenant jobs that will locate in that space. In high unemployment areas in which new projects arenot likely to significantly displace other income or labor, applicants and petitioners shouldgenerally indicate how a specific project will fill an existing investment void in that area togenerate new demand for the tenant business. Prospective tenant jobs demonstrated byreasonable methods and supported by verifiable evidence pursuant to the above approaches maybe used as direct inputs into appropriate regional growth models to generate the number ofindirect and induced jobs that result from the credited tenant jobs.Where applications for regional centers are approved based on their use of tenant-occupancy This isprojections, the approval notices should contain appropriate language regarding the assumptions totallyunderlying the approval, which if not borne out may impact related adjudications at the I-526 or new forI-829 stages. 1 For example, a Form I-924 with I-526 exemplar may be approved where no USCIS.specific tenant has been identified to occupy space but where the applicant or petitionerreasonably projects that a restaurant will eventually lease the premises. 2 If, after approval of theI-924, the space is leased to a different type of tenant (i.e., a type of restaurant that yieldsdifferent expected employment or a non-restaurant), or fails to achieve previously projected1 USCIS will still apply the principles outlined in this guidance to Regional Centers that currently have an approvalnotice that does not include this language, subject to application of established USCIS policy calling for deference toprior decisions.2 A specific tenant does not need to be identified in order for the business plan to meet program requirements.However, the type of industry of the prospective tenant should be identified (e.g., a restaurant tenant or a clothingstore tenant) to meet the legal requirements set forth in Matter of Ho and 8 CFR 204.6(j)(4)(i)(B).3. GM-602-0001: Operational Guidance for EB-5 Cases Involving Tenant-OccupancyPage 3occupancy rates, such a change alone will not generally constitute a material change that triggersthe elimination of deference in an actual Form I-526 or negates any possibility of individualinvestors removing their conditions at the Form I-829 stage. 3 However, while such modifiedtenancy arrangement(s) may be permissible under EB-5 program rules, they could neverthelessimpact the project’s ultimate job creation numbers. Therefore, the approval notice shouldcaution that the approved job creation estimates are based on a restaurant occupying that space,and that if no tenant or a different type of tenant eventually occupies the space, the economicimpact analysis and ultimate job creation numbers will be revisited in future adjudications thatrelate to that project.USCIS will issue separate guidance on crediting jobs in a situation where more than one EB-5entity may be seeking credit for the identical job position. In the interim, where only one casefiled with USCIS has sought credit for a specific job position, that case should be credited withthe job, provided that all program requirements have been satisfied.Adjudication of cases involving tenant-occupancy should proceed based on these principles.UseThis GM is intended solely for the guidance of USCIS personnel in the performance of theirofficial duties. It is not intended to, does not, and may not be relied upon to create any right orbenefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or by any individual or other party inremoval proceedings, in litigation with the United States, or in any other form or manner.Contact InformationQuestions or suggestions regarding this GM should be addressed through appropriate channels tothe Service Center Operations Directorate.3 For example, it is not necessarily a material change if a shopping mall fails to lease one out of 50 retail spaces. Bycontrast, for example, if the projection was for a single type of tenant to occupy the entire building space and notenant materializes, that may be a material change.

回复: 移民局发布有关租赁就业的审批规则首先,属于填补地产租赁市场空白的项目,可以使用租赁就业原则。移民局会具体项目具体分析。防止使用租客搬迁来满足就业要求。

回复: 移民局发布有关租赁就业的审批规则带有526样板申请的924申请以及有526申请的项目,项目方要确认租客的行业性质,例如租客为非快餐餐馆。移民局在批准函件上会注明批准的前提是租客为非快餐餐馆。如果829时候,此地产租客不是非快餐餐馆,或者没有出租,就业报告的推算需要修改,重新计算就业人数是否满足829去除条件的要求。

回复: 移民局发布有关租赁就业的审批规则首先,属于填补地产租赁市场空白的项目,可以使用租赁就业原则。点击展开...传话又走样了。有可证实的证据,证明有超额需求,但移民局没有说必须是空白市场。

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关带有526样板申请的924申请以及有526申请的项目,项目方要确认租客的行业性质,例如租客为非快餐餐馆。移民局在批准函件上会注明批准的前提是租客为非快餐餐馆。如果829时候,此地产租客不是非快餐餐馆,或者没有出租,就业报告的推算需要修改,重新计算就业人数是否满足829去除条件的要求。点击展开...是谁说预先批准没有什么用的?现在看来有I-526批准或者I-924样本申请和项目预先批准的项目,真是弥足珍贵!请看备注:USCIS will still apply the principles outlined in this guidance to Regional Centers that currently have an approvalnotice that does not include this language, subject to application of established USCIS policy calling for deference toprior decisions.这就是传说中的“尊重政策”。

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关 超赞 赏 visatousa 0$(VIP 0) 4,2302012-12-29#6 回复: 移民局发布有关租赁就业的审批规则租赁就业的指导备忘录Guidance Memorandum的出台,让现在各移民审判官们都有法可依了,移民局整体审批速度可能会加快。

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关传话又走样了。有可证实的证据,证明有超额需求,但移民局没有说必须是空白市场。点击展开...In high unemployment areas in which new projects are not likely to significantly displace other income or labor, applicants and petitioners should generally indicate how a specific project will fill an existing investment void in that area to generate new demand for the tenant business.你是英文文盲啊?

回复: 移民局发布有关租赁就业的审批规则In high unemployment areas in which new projects are not likely to significantly displace other income or labor, applicants and petitioners should generally indicate how a specific project will fill an existing investment void in that area to generate new demand for the tenant business.点击展开...One way applicants and petitioners can make this showing is to indicate how a specific space project will correct market imperfections and generate net new labor demand and income that will result in a specified prospective number of tenant jobs that will locate in that space.另外should generally是“一般应该”的意思,绝非“必须”。现今社会还有多少是空白市场?关键是看是否generate new demand。这才是根本。你的阅读理解不及格。

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关 超赞 赏 visatousa 0$(VIP 0) 4,2302012-12-30#9 回复: 移民局发布有关租赁就业的审批规则To fill the current market gap(in that area) is another way.It's also work.

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关In high unemployment areas in which new projects are not likely to significantly displace other income or labor, applicants and petitioners should generally indicate how a specific project will fill an existing investment void in that area to generate new demand for the tenant business.你是英文文盲啊?点击展开...移民局对high unemployment areas的租赁就业项目就是这样要求的。你真该放下屠刀,立地成佛了。你为区域中心做遮羞布的行为导致多少投资人家庭惶惶不安的了。 你的投资人还靠自己组织难民营了。

回复: 移民局发布有关租赁就业的审批规则在高失业率地区的新项目不太可能显著转移(置换取代)其他收入或工作。所以TEA更不容易出现转移就业的现象。USCIS本来就不该对TEA地区有更加严厉的要求,因此USCIS在写文章的用词造成了误解或逻辑混乱。其本意就是Market Gap.

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关在高失业率地区的新项目不太可能显著转移(置换取代)其他收入或工作。所以TEA更不容易出现转移就业的现象。USCIS本来就不该对TEA地区有更加严厉的要求,因此USCIS在写文章的用词造成了误解或逻辑混乱。其本意就是Market Gap.点击展开...???????????

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