加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省企业家移民的说说你们的进度,都到哪一步了?我的案子是



2001.6FN 2004.11.Me----------------5 2004.12.07所有资料补齐 2004.12.24---------------122005.7登录加拿大至今 超赞 赏 677 0$(VIP 0) 8332012-11-08#2 回复: 魁省企业家移民的说说你们的进度,都到哪一步了?我的案子是这是官方网站的相关信息:Asia - BIQ in Hong Kong Country of residence ​ Month ​ Afghanistan, American Samoa, Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Bora Bora, Brunei, Cambodia, Caroline Islands, Christmas Island, Cook Islands, East Timor, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Johnston Atoll, Kiribati, Kosrae, Laos, Macao, Malaisia, Maldives, Mariana (Islands), Marshall islands, Micronasia, Midway Island, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nauru, Nepal, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, Norfolk Island, North Korea, Northern Mariana Islands, Pacific Islands, Palau (Belau), Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn Island, Philippines, Ponape, Sabah, Sarawak, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Tawan, Tahiti, Thailand, Tonga, Truk Island, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wake Island, Wallis, Western Samoa, Yap Island No selection interviewfor these countriescurrently1 and 2​ Vietnam November 20123​ Japan May 20123​ People's Republic of China August 20113​ Pakistan February 20113​ 1 If you have submitted an application for immigration, consult the next update for more information. 2 Please note that, for some of these countries, we have not received any applications for immigration. 3 If you have submitted an application for immigration before this date and your file is complete, you should have been called for a selection interview. Middle East - Service aux Gens d'affaires Country of residence ​ Service aux Gens d'affairesMontréal(see note) ​ Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Gaza, Irak, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait City, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, West Bank, Yemen March 20123 1 If you have submitted an application for immigration, consult the next update for more information. 2 Please note that, for some of these countries, we have not received any applications for immigration. 3 If you have submitted an application for immigration before this date and your file is complete, you should have been called for a selection interview. Other - Service aux Gens d'affaires Country of residence​ Service aux Gens d'affairesMontréal (see note) ​ Africa (without Maghreb), Eastern Europe, Latin America, Maghreb, North America, Western Europe March 20123​ 1 Please note that, for some countries in these regions of the world, we have not received any applications for immigration. 2 If you have submitted an application for immigration before this date and your file is complete, you should have been called for a selection interview. 3 If you have submitted an application for immigration before this date and your file is complete, you should have been called for a selection interview. Note : Since January 1st, 2009, applications for selection certificates for businesspeople from Africa (with Maghreb), America, Europe and Middle-East must be submitted to the Service aux Gens d'affaires in Montréal. USEFUL INFORMATION Selection missions for businesspeople are carried out in several countries at different times of the year. Some missions can take place on the same dates in a given territory. Consult the schedule of selection missions which is updated every two months, but is subject to change at any time.

2001.6FN 2004.11.Me----------------5 2004.12.07所有资料补齐 2004.12.24---------------122005.7登录加拿大至今 超赞 赏 C caiyueyun 0$(VIP 0) 5322012-11-08#3 回复: 魁省企业家移民的说说你们的进度,都到哪一步了?我的案子是这个项目具体什么要求啊~

回复: 魁省企业家移民的说说你们的进度2012--8月档案号,目前等待

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