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福罗里达州官方网站报道凯乐木业开工了http://www.flgov.com/2013/01/25/gov...ber-one-to-bring-350-jobs-to-suwannee-county/由州长和地方官员共同宣布。我们有客户做这个项目。风险主要是美国建筑业和房地产周期。 Governor Scott and Local Leaders announce Klausner Lumber One to bring 350 jobs to Suwannee County On January 25, 2013, in News Releases, by Staff Governor Rick Scott today announced the construction in Suwannee County of the Klausner Lumber One sawmill, a high-tech facility that will create 350 permanent jobs and inject $130 million in capital over three years. Construction on the site will require 700 additional positions. Governor Rick Scott said, “In addition to creating hundreds of employment opportunities for Florida’s families and further growing the state’s economy, the construction of this facility represents true partnerships between many different local and statewide organizations. Their efforts will create 350 new jobs for Florida families in this community. We welcome Klausner Lumber One to our state.” Friedrich Klausner of Klausner Lumber One said, “This project has been a huge undertaking with many challenges that we have been able to work through with Suwannee County. But this is inevitable with a project of this size. The significant impact on this region has made it all worthwhile! We are pleased to be here and will be good corporate citizens in this community.” State Representative Elizabeth W. Porter said, “I am positively thrilled that Suwannee County can now count Klausner Lumber One among one of its newest businesses. I wish to congratulate the civic, business and community leaders who have put so much time and effort into bringing this venture to Suwannee County. It is a testament to their hard work and dedication to improving the opportunities for their residents and their communities. I also wish to thank Governor Scott, the Department of Economic Opportunity, Enterprise Florida and the Institute of Government at FSU, as well as all the other state agencies and organizations involved for their assistance in making this endeavor become a reality. This new enterprise will mean jobs and benefits for the people of the area in a time when jobs are what is needed most. I am optimistic that this will only be the first of many exciting announcements about new jobs and industry coming to our area to locate in one of our catalyst sites in Suwannee and Columbia counties, and I look forward to continuing to do my part to assist in that process.” At its new Florida site, Klausner will work primarily with southern yellow pine. Dennis Music, owner and president of Music Construction, Inc., understands the impact yellow pine usage will have on the area. Dennis Music said, “Klausner’s choice of materials will greatly benefit the local pine tree market. This will help create the need for people to re-plant the area, which has been on the decline in recent years. I know a lot of timber cutters and they’re all really excited to see this happen. Their livelihoods depend on competition and this will be great for business. Additionally, the Klausner business model is international so that means they’re bringing in export dollars as well as domestic sales. The new mill will be a big economic engine for our entire region.” Commission Chairman Wesley Wainwright said, “This is a great day for Suwannee County and the region. The impact will not only be felt here in Suwannee County but will have a significant economic effect in many other North Florida Economic Development Partnership (NFEDP) counties. It has been an honor and a privilege to work with Klausner officials. These folks are truly world-class professionals.” Aside from Board of County Commissioners, other organizational partners in the project included Enterprise Florida; Suwannee County Economic Alliance; Florida Institute of Government at Florida State University; North Florida Economic Development Partnership; and the state departments of Economic Opportunity (DEO), Environmental Protection (DEP), and Transportation (FDOT). In total, 14 counties in the North Central Florida region supported the project. Wainwright added, “Without the ongoing technical assistance provided by Diane Scholz of the Florida Institute of Government and the North Florida Economic Development Partnership, Inc., this project would not have succeeded. The coordination between the county and the company, and the successful collaboration with state agencies, company officials and engineers, and the local economic development official, Dennis Cason, were unprecedented.” The construction industry in and around Suwannee County will be among the first to see the competitive impact of a new sawmill, and Jimmy Norris, president and owner of Southern Heritage Builders, Inc., is encouraged by Klausner’s move. “We use Klausner lumber on as many buildings and homes as we can,” said Norris. “Before we had any association with the company or knew they were considering moving here, we asked a supplier to bring in Klausner lumber because the quality is better than other products we’ve used. I was 100 percent sold on their product before seeing their operation, which is incredible. I’ve been around sawmills all my life and I’ve never seen an operation that is so state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly and pristine.” News of Klausner’s move to the area has been welcomed by more than just those in the lumber and building industries. Longtime residents of the area understand the impact this new business will have on the regional economy. “We’re excited about Klausner Lumber coming to the area,” said Coy Howell, manager of North Florida Printing Company, Inc. “I was born and raised here and my family’s printing business has been here since 1967. We’re always looking for new businesses to come here and energize the area. New business means getting the local economy going, not only in our town and county, but the entire region. We’re thankful to be in operation 46 years later but a lot of people around here need jobs and it’s great to see the economy growing. I believe a lot of people will be cheering when they see this announcement.” Cason, president of the Suwannee County Economic Alliance, points out that the new facility will bring a wealth of opportunities to an area of the state in need of job creation. “The economic impact will be felt throughout all of North Central Florida and beyond. Our entire region is excited about their decision to locate at the Suwannee County catalyst site.” A catalyst site is an area within a rural community targeted for high value-added jobs, capital investment and economic growth. The site in unincorporated Suwannee has that designation. “The North Florida Economic Development Partnership (NFEDP) is very excited about the project announced for Suwannee County, this being the first development on a catalyst site in our region. The direct and indirect jobs will provide a vital shot in the arm to this area, as we still have 10-11 percent unemployment,” said Allen Cherry, chair of the North Florida Economic Development Council. “Along with the direct jobs, this project will also be a huge boost to the timber industry in Suwannee and the surrounding counties. We sincerely appreciate the efforts of the Governor’s Office, Suwannee County, Enterprise Florida, Inc., the Department of Economic Opportunity and the staff of the NFEDP in making this regional project a reality. The Klausner family’s first sawmill was founded near Kitzbuehl, Austria in 1918. Since then, their mills have become known as the most productive in the world. Klausner operates two in Germany, which have been exporting to the United States since 1997. In the early 1900s, Suwannee County was home to the two largest sawmills in Florida. “A century later, history repeats itself with Klausner and the potential for the largest sawmill in North America,” Cason said.

华尔街日报报道SLS拉斯维加斯破土动工 开发商预计这个项目很快就会有526获得批准。开发商垫资2400万美元动工。EB5资金在3个526 批准之后就可以正式用于项目之中了。美国参议院多数派领袖内华达州参议员Harry Reid是这个项目最大的支持者。这个开发商的另一个在洛杉矶的商业地产项目在4个月里集资2亿美元的EB5资金已经售罄。http://blogs.wsj.com/developments/2013/02/13/real-estate-news-closed-casino-banks-on-u-s-program/Closed Casino Banks on U.S. Program By ALEXANDRA BERZON and KRIS HUDSON A closed Las Vegas landmark that was a Rat Pack hangout in its glory days may get a makeover through a federal program that offers green cards to foreign investors. Enlarge Image Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images PLAYING VEGAS: Dean Martin performed at the Sahara in the 1960s film 'Ocean's Eleven.' Sam Nazarian wants to redevelop the hotel-casino. Los Angeles nightclub operator and hotelier Sam Nazarian is set Wednesday to begin construction on a $415 million renovation of the old Sahara casino and hotel, which once entertained such guests as Sammy Davis Jr., Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. Mr. Nazarian has been trying to finance the redevelopment since 2007, when he and partner Stockbridge Capital Group LLC purchased the property on the Las Vegas Strip from Gordon Gaming Corp. Mr. Nazarian and his partners are now able to move forward because they believe they are close to coming up with as much as $215 million—or 52% of the overhaul's cost—from the immigrant investment program known as EB-5. The program, which awards green cards to foreigners who make job-creating investments, has become increasingly popular among hospitality developers seeking financing during a down time for new construction. Mr. Nazarian's SBE Entertainment Group says it already has $150 million in commitments from Chinese and Thai citizens and other would-be immigrants who each agreed to make $500,000 debt investments in the project in exchange for a green card. None of the money is available at this point, but SBE will be free to use much of it once a handful of the foreigners get their initial visas from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Enlarge Image SBE Entertainment A rendering of the former Sahara casino, which is being converted into the SLS Las Vegas. If all goes according to plan, the Sahara, to be renamed the SLS Las Vegas, would become one of the first EB-5-financed casinos. At least one other in Las Vegas—the closed Lady Luck downtown—is seeking $120 million in EB-5 funds for a renovation and rebranding initiative. The EB-5 program has been around since the early 1990s, but its use is now increasing because more-traditional forms of financing are more difficult to obtain. Hotels, in particular, are popular choices for EB-5 investors because they most often produce the targeted number of jobs needed—in desk attendants, housekeepers, valets and managers—for the investor to keep their visas, according to Jim Butler, a partner in Los Angeles law firm Jeffer, Mangels, Butler & Mitchell LLP, which advises hoteliers on EB-5 financing. "Every couple of years there's a new structure everyone's talking about, and now it's EB-5," says Anthony Capuano, Marriott International Inc.'s MAR -0.51% head of development. Marriott has done more than a dozen deals to franchise or manage hotels for third-party owners who have used EB-5 funds. Hotel developers and government officials trying to spur development say EB-5 helps create jobs. But others criticize the program because it gives rich foreigners advantages not available to poorer ones. Also, hotel competitors worry that the new projects created by the program will put downward pressure on room rates and occupancies. Jon Bortz, chairman, president and chief executive of Pebblebrook Hotel Trust, PEB -0.16% which owns 26 U.S. hotels, called the EB-5 program "a travesty" in that it allows some foreigners to buy their visas while less-affluent applicants can't. He added that hotels financed with EB-5 sometimes add rooms to markets when demand doesn't justify them. "The financing is cheap because it's from people who aren't looking for a return on their investment," he said. There were 7,641 visas issued through the EB-5 program in 2012, a record year. The figure was 3,463 in 2011 and only 502 in 2006, a year when financing was plentiful from other sources. Statistics on the number of hotel projects that are getting EB-5 funds aren't available, but people in the business say it is on the rise. David Loeb, a hotel analyst for Robert W. Baird & Co. estimates that hotel projects financed at least in part with EB-5 could account for as much as a quarter of a percentage point of the industry's tepid growth this year. Developers haven't built many hotels since the recession, with U.S. room-supply growing by only 1.5% in 2010, 0.8% in 2011 and 0.9% last year, according to Lodging Econometrics. The analysis firm predicts that growth rate will increase to 1.1% this year. Major chains are using the EB-5 program more frequently. Hilton Worldwide Inc. executives said that roughly 3% of the 560 Hilton-branded hotels currently under development in the U.S. are financed at least in part with EB-5 proceeds. Under the program, EB-5 investments can either be debt or equity and range in size between $500,000 and $1 million, depending on the unemployment rate in the project's location. Investors get a visa upon making an investment. They get permanent immigration status, known as a green card, if they can document that at least 10 jobs were created after two years. Applicants also are subject to standard background checks. They generally get the principal back on their investments in five years but receive very little return because of the numerous lawyers and other middlemen involved in the process. Hotel executives say that the projects getting funded by EB-5 would be financially viable without the program. "None of these are magical solutions to finance bad deals," said Mr. Capuano of Marriott. "The ones we've done we've been confident about underwriting." Still, the structure has become one way to finance projects that otherwise wouldn't get backing from conventional lenders, or at least at a much lower cost. Since the recession, most developers have had to put up at least 50% of a given hotel project's cost. Now, developers of some projects are covering more than 60% of the project's cost entirely with EB-5 proceeds, allowing them to take bigger risks. In Las Vegas, Mr. Nazarian and Terry Fancher, a Stockbridge executive managing director, have struggled to find affordable financing for the Sahara project partly because a glut of new rooms have kept rates down. But they insist the SLS Las Vegas will draw new visitors who are already fans of Mr. Nazarian's night life and hotel empire in other parts of the country. The developers said they are confident some of the visas will be approved soon. Stockbridge is confident enough that it has put about $24 million into the project to start construction. Mr. Fancher said the group underestimated how much it might be able to raise from foreign investors. Recently, in a separate project—a mixed use development in Southern California—Stockbridge raised $200 million in just four months, he said. Write to Alexandra Berzon at [email protected] and Kris Hudson at [email protected]

回复: 华尔街日报报道SLS拉斯维加斯破土动工看看苦苦挣扎的负债赌场,已经开始雇佣律师和银行家搞重组了。 Revel, the struggling Atlantic City casino, has hired restructuring lawyers and bankers to mull options for reworking a heavy debt load, said people familiar with the matter. Revel Entertainment Group LLC, whose operating subsidiary runs the casino and carries roughly $1.2 billion in debt, hired law firm Kirkland & Ellis LLP and investment bank Moelis & Co. within the past week, the people said. Discussions on how to address the debt are at an early stage and decisions haven't been made on next steps, the people said. Revel has been bailed out by investors several times since opening in April ...​

回复: 华尔街日报报道SLS拉斯维加斯破土动工好赖话都听不出来?Rat Pack hangout是 鼠帮巢穴!! the EB-5 program "a travesty" in that it allows some foreigners to buy their visas while less-affluent applicants can't. He added that hotels financed with EB-5 sometimes add rooms to markets when demand doesn't justify them. "The financing is cheap because it's from people who aren't looking for a return on their investment," he said.-----这句话更无耻,占了便宜还笑话EB-5是个“莫大的讽刺”

回复: 华尔街日报报道SLS拉斯维加斯破土动工开发商预计这个项目很快就会有526获得批准???----比这个项目早得多的项目还没有获批呢

回复: 华尔街日报报道SLS拉斯维加斯破土动工开发商预计这个项目很快就会有526获得批准???----比这个项目早得多的项目还没有获批呢点击展开...美国参议院多数派领袖内华达州参议员Harry Reid是这个项目最大的支持者。

回复: 华尔街日报报道SLS拉斯维加斯破土动工美国参议院多数派领袖内华达州参议员Harry Reid是这个项目最大的支持者。点击展开... 两字,没用。


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