加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 跪求大侠们驻足赐教
回复: 跪求大侠们驻足赐教看了columbiaman 发表的移民局指南,心里洼凉洼凉的。
回复: 跪求大侠们驻足赐教如果是改造项目,有可能因此难批准。就业计算会有问题。如果投资,526批准可能是遥远的等待。
回复: 跪求大侠们驻足赐教如果是改造项目,有可能因此难批准。就业计算会有问题。如果投资,526批准可能是遥远的等待。点击展开... 就是搞不懂啊。有关注过这个项目的大侠给支支招吗?呜呜~~~~
回复: 跪求大侠们驻足赐教你能把就业报告传上来吗?
回复: 跪求大侠们驻足赐教给投资人一个提示,借贷型项目并不比股权型项目能保证本金的安全。借贷其实更可怕。因为借贷是非抵押贷款,promissory note, 还款保险系数比股权还低。
回复: 跪求大侠们驻足赐教给投资人一个提示,借贷型项目并不比股权型项目能保证本金的安全。 借贷其实更可怕。因为借贷是非抵押贷款,promissory note, 还款保险系数比股权还低。点击展开... 马妹妹忘了最关键的环节:区域中心的借贷项目不是投资人直接借贷资金给项目公司,而是由区域中心的集资机构(LP)借贷给项目,虽然区域中心往往是拼凑个所谓第三方支付承诺(Promissory Note)(他们解释说移民政策不允许项目方直接提供还款保证但是第三方承诺是允许的)来安抚投资人,给很多投资人一种感觉以为他们的投资款获得返还是有保障的。 这就像你投资给一个私募基金,基金把大家的钱借给一个公司使用收取利息,不管在这个过程里面是否添上个第三方担保什么的,你能保证私募基金肯定还你钱吗? 区域中心的借贷模式原理如下:1.投资人对区域中心的LP投资(不对项目投资)2.投资人与项目之间没有任何财务或任何法律关系3.区域中心与投资人共同的LP以无抵押贷款借钱给项目4.一切顺利的前提下,项目应该还款给LP(不是给投资人)5.如果项目能还款给LP,投资人判断LP是否以及何时还款给你 至于所谓的第三方对LP贷款给项目这个放款行为给出的退还担保(比如Promissory Note)我是从来没有见过真实可执行的,相信移民局也没见过,否则I-526不大可能获批!
回复: 跪求大侠们驻足赐教最近关注一个项目:华盛顿希尔顿酒店改造项目,是否属于借贷类项目?这样的话,不是不允许的吗?大侠快给支支招吧。本人要疯了!!!点击展开... 知道什么人在忽悠了吧。 如果借贷类项目不行,那些英文比她不知道好多少倍的美国本土律师会不知道?否则那么多项目方和律师,怎么会一点动静都没有,你看看哪个知名律师出来提这事了? 现在可以负责任地告诉你,你被人忽悠了。有些东西要自己鉴别真伪。给骗你的人一个鸽子吻,安心睡觉吧! 注:鸽子吻=(ge+wen)=滚
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关看了columbiaman 发表的移民局指南,心里洼凉洼凉的。点击展开... 有人乱讲,有人乱听,甚至不会听。 不负责任的咨询害人不浅!
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关给投资人一个提示,借贷型项目并不比股权型项目能保证本金的安全。借贷其实更可怕。因为借贷是非抵押贷款,promissory note, 还款保险系数比股权还低。点击展开...反对!NCE与JCE之间的贷款,通常是抵押贷款。
不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关知道什么人在忽悠了吧。 如果借贷类项目不行,那些英文比她不知道好多少倍的美国本土律师会不知道?否则那么多项目方和律师,怎么会一点动静都没有,你看看哪个知名律师出来提这事了? 现在可以负责任地告诉你,你被人忽悠了。有些东西要自己鉴别真伪。给骗你的人一个鸽子吻,安心睡觉吧! 注:鸽子吻=(ge+wen)=滚点击展开...当初在这个论坛信誓旦旦为芝加哥会议中心项目担保的中介该滚出这个论坛。现在偷偷摸摸修改以前的帖子,并四处发表说当初就发现项目有诈骗,摇身一变。 这种骗人的无良中介,注:鸽子吻=(ge+wen)=滚一休哥:看看下面的链接吧,小V2011年12月还力挺这个项目呢,不是骗子是什么!http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=521261引用:作者: visatousa 那个时候已经是2011年中秋,520一期已经接近尾声,凭我们的地位获得任何项目的首席代理都是轻松。真应了苏东坡与佛印的故事,心中有屎,看什么都是屎。
对无良中介,要人人喊打!引用:作者: EB5fan 鲲鹏国际 北京金腾国际 上海国服 上海容恺移民 深圳亚美欧 郑州枫华海外发展咨询有限公司 嘉城海外集团 福建神州因私出入境服务中心 广西一方海外信息服务有限公司 北京澳加百利出国咨询有限公司 中侨海外 上海华夏出国这些中介应该好好检讨!世贸通也该榜上有名,涉嫌编造谎言。他为了掩盖他当年的欺骗言论,6天前他把下边的回帖给删改了。visatousa, 你说你核查了芝加哥会议中心的项目方从IFA得到3亿贷款的资料。请出示。不然骗子中介俱乐部里又多了一个。我曾经问他:VISA, 项目方出的这些文件,你有没有和出据这些文件的政府核查真实性呢。 比如说,他们声称从ILLINOIS FINANCIAL AUTHORITY 的到3亿多的贷款。 你有没有和这个州政府核查,有这笔贷款给他们吗? 这比到中领事馆去认证那封信有用多了visatousa: 有啊.
回复: 跪求大侠们驻足赐教知道什么人在忽悠了吧。 如果借贷类项目不行,那些英文比她不知道好多少倍的美国本土律师会不知道?否则那么多项目方和律师,怎么会一点动静都没有,你看看哪个知名律师出来提这事了?点击展开...芝加哥会议中心的项目就是美国本土的律师,项目方, 经经济学家搞除啦的呀,被无良中介推荐给中国投资人,250人受骗。有什么可以迷信美国的律师和无良中介的。
回复: 跪求大侠们驻足赐教Zoe Makhsous • The Chinese Broker, The WorldWay group made blatant lies during the initial promotion campaign. Were U. S. firms involved in these too?Quote:George, On Sept 27, 2011 I asked you if you have verified that the developer has the commitment letter from Illinois Financing Authority of the bond issuance for the project. You replied yes in your response on Sep 27, 2011. But you just erased this answer 5 days ago. If you didn't lie, why you needed to edit all your responses from 2 years ago.VISA, 项目方出的这些文件,你有没有和出据这些文件的政府核查真实性呢。比如说,他们声称从ILLINOIS FINANCIAL AUTHORITY 的到3亿多的贷款。 你有没有和这个州政府核查,有这笔贷款给他们吗? 这比到中领事馆去认证那封信有用多了。I wonder how many Chinese brokers really have their clients' interest in mind when they promote all those mega regional center projects full of misrepresentations yet doling out large kickbacks to the Chinese brokers?Michael Gibson:The U.S. firms participated in this offering by making it a reality without doing any KYC investigations or independent due diligence to verify the claims being made by Sethi. If you look at all of the U.S. professionals who are responsible for putting together an offering package and subsequent I-526 application for residency you will see a list of firms and service providers who should have known better:Securities attorneysImmigration attorneysEconomists Escrow AgentsFinancial Institutions (Loop Capital)Public officials (State and local, ie. the Governor of Illinois)Feasibility study providersEB-5 "consultants" & findersTogether they provided Sethi the credibility that he needed to promote this fraud and convince people to invest. Without the support of the above, some of whom traveled to China to promote the investment, he would never have been able to persuade the Chinese investors to subscribe. The Chinese migration agents are only the point of the spear in this conspiracy. It is easy to overlook the involvement of an entire industry of U.S. persons who directly or indirectly support these fraudulent offerings by creating the documents, structure and legitimacy that are required by these con men to perpetrate their fraud on unsuspecting investors. That Sethi committed fraud in misrepresenting the risks involved in the investment appears to be clear, that is not unique in the EB-5 program. The real story here is how many U.S. firms and individuals contributed to the losses suffered by the investors through providing him the structure, marketing material and legitimacy that he surrounded himself with to support the fraud over a very long period of time.That Chinese migration agents don't care about their clients should not be news to anyone here on this board. The truth is that many U.S. firms, attorneys and service providers don't care either as they are more concerned with capturing the finders and commission based fees involved in the transaction and not at all concerned about the activities of the issuers or the well being of their investor clients (in the case of immigration attorneys). Hopefully the SEC / DOJ will continue their investigation into the activities of the U.S. firms and individuals that participated in the offering and marketing that supported the fraud committed by Sethi / IRCTC. If not the regulators, then the investor's attorneys who could easily go after the assets of the U.S. firms involved to bring relief to their clients for their losses.
回复: 跪求大侠们驻足赐教反对!NCE与JCE之间的贷款,通常是抵押贷款。点击展开...空口无凭,请出示哪个项目的promissory note是有抵押的?
回复: 跪求大侠们驻足赐教网路堵塞了几天,内心实在纠结。谢谢上面各位DX的指点。我已感觉心力交瘁。非常需要知道和了解这个项目的大侠就这项目给出明确建议,到底是否继续参与,还是马上变更项目?不行就转投股权类项目去了。再次感谢!
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