加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - GTA事件继续升温
http://washingtonexaminer.com/mcaul...lobby-for-transportation-bill/article/2526172The former Democratic National Committee chairman also addressed criticism from Cuccinelli that his electric car company, Mississippi-based GreenTech Automotive, hasn't created the jobs McAuliffe promised it would."I've been involved in business my whole life. I've started a lot of businesses. I've invested. Some businesses work, some don't," McAuliffe said, adding that it wasn't a concession that GreenTech has failed. "It's the experiences you learn from business. And we can look at different businesses this way, that way, but I promise you I can bring a long history of working together, working with other folks in a commonsense, bipartisan way to create jobs."
回复: GTA事件继续升温到底这个项目怎么样呀,看GTA的CEO在网上慷慨激昂,愤怒言辞,连耶稣,什么主都请出来了,说的老诚恳了,还要告诽谤者,到底是真是假,谁知呀!
回复: GTA事件继续升温到底这个项目怎么样呀,看GTA的CEO在网上慷慨激昂,愤怒言辞,连耶稣,什么主都请出来了,说的老诚恳了,还要告诽谤者,到底是真是假,谁知呀!点击展开...那是因为主和耶稣都没驾照!!
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