加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 芝加哥欢迎你!


致芝加哥会议中心项目的投资人:谢谢参加了芝加哥会议中心的投资人,谢谢你们认可芝加哥为您首选投资目的地。虽然芝加哥会议中心的骗局项目让众多的投资人感到失望,但是芝加哥依然是充满活力的大都市,有很多机会。芝加哥市中心是全美人口增长最快的地区,也是富裕人士回流都市生活的典范。 最近芝加哥市长公布了6500万的投资计划,进一步改善芝加哥市中心的交通,文化和教育设施,也为新一轮的私人投资提供了机遇。 现在有很好的投资项目,EB-5投资人可以介入。 欢迎芝加哥会议中心项目的投资人以及其他投资人来加入。这些项目可以是直接就业,也可以是区域中心模式。 这将是第一个EB-5投资人为主导的项目。投资人的代表直接和项目方洽谈投资条件。我在芝加哥居住了近20年,非常热爱芝加哥,希望我能为EB-5投资人投资芝加哥牵线搭桥。欢迎投资人联系我,EB-5黑马。

回复: 芝加哥欢迎你!致芝加哥会议中心项目的投资人:谢谢参加了芝加哥会议中心的投资人,谢谢你们认可芝加哥为您首选投资目的地。虽然芝加哥会议中心的骗局项目让众多的投资人感到失望,但是芝加哥依然是充满活力的大都市,有很多机会。芝加哥市中心是全美人口增长最快的地区,也是富裕人士回流都市生活的典范。 最近芝加哥市长公布了6500万的投资计划,进一步改善芝加哥市中心的交通,文化和教育设施,也为新一轮的私人投资提供了机遇。 现在有很好的投资项目,EB-5投资人可以介入。 欢迎芝加哥会议中心项目的投资人以及其他投资人来加入。这些项目可以是直接就业,也可以是区域中心模式。 这将是第一个EB-5投资人为主导的项目。投资人的代表直接和项目方洽谈投资条件。我在芝加哥居住了近20年,非常热爱芝加哥,希望我能为EB-5投资人投资芝加哥牵线搭桥。欢迎投资人联系我,EB-5黑马。点击展开...

回复: 芝加哥欢迎你!芝加哥现在有个开发计划,一直是资金不足,无法开动。 我一年前介入了一点,是另外一个美国人领头,我也没太多介入。最近她的很多合作伙伴退出了,就是因为对她失去了信心。但这个开发项目是芝加哥市的重点项目,市政府和区政府都重视的,但政府机构能做的有限,重要还是资金的问题。 如果芝加哥会议中心的投资人能够组成一个基金,投资整个开发项目,这个开发项目就会成功。这绝对是流芳千古的项目,上世纪时是芝加哥富贵云集的地方,再开发后又会是芝加哥未来的一个旅游点。这个地区是TEA,50万投资地区,但潜力很大。

回复: 芝加哥欢迎你!芝加哥现在有个开发计划,一直是资金不足,无法开动。 我一年前介入了一点,是另外一个美国人领头,我也没太多介入。最近她的很多合作伙伴退出了,就是因为对她失去了信心。但这个开发项目是芝加哥市的重点项目,市政府和区政府都重视的,但政府机构能做的有限,重要还是资金的问题。 如果芝加哥会议中心的投资人能够组成一个基金,投资整个开发项目,这个开发项目就会成功。这绝对是流芳千古的项目,上世纪时是芝加哥富贵云集的地方,再开发后又会是芝加哥未来的一个旅游点。这个地区是TEA,50万投资地区,但潜力很大。点击展开...你可以找芝加哥项目的人联系呀,把那些人转过来,如果能做成功也是对大家的一种拯救,50万退回,以后做项目还要做一次证明文件,也很麻烦呀!!

回复: 芝加哥欢迎你!你可以找芝加哥项目的人联系呀,把那些人转过来,如果能做成功也是对大家的一种拯救,50万退回,以后做项目还要做一次证明文件,也很麻烦呀!!点击展开...是这样的。先为芝加哥项目的投资人建监管帐户,把钱转过来。有现成的项目,可以马上申请。投资项目是酒店和高档娱乐餐馆,混合型住宅,老年公寓,养老院。

回复: 芝加哥欢迎你!不少人对芝加哥已经没兴趣了

回复: 芝加哥欢迎你!有些投资人怕了芝加哥,其实他们应该怕的是"EB-5“,因为EB-5是有些人进行诈骗的法律保护伞。现在市场上的项目80%以上都是有诈骗行为的,即使526通过了,829时候,偿还本金的时候。 等到829绿卡没搞定,本金又无影无踪的时候,才发现自己被骗了,就太晚了。这个芝加哥会议中心在2011年推出的时候,我们几个在芝加哥居住的人,一直在提醒这个项目的风险。连我们芝加哥的人都不看好的项目,不知道国内的投资人在中介游说下,把这个项目当作EB-5的救星了。 自己扪心问问,上了这个当,该怪谁。 重要的是在以后选择EB-5,怎样不上当。

回复: 芝加哥欢迎你!不少人对芝加哥已经没兴趣了点击展开...现在有文章指出那个电动车项目也被联邦调查了,这个项目还有您和克林顿前总统的合影呢。是不是投资人也该怕克林顿总统的合影了呢?Feds look closer at cash source in McAuliffe car scamMCLEAN, Va. — A federal program that awards U.S. citizenship to foreigners in exchange for business investments is under increasing scrutiny as the assets of a Chicago company were frozen by the Securities and Exchange Commission.A Watchdog investigation found that Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe and a brother of Hillary Clinton used a similar “EB-5” operation to raise cash from foreigners in order to launch a new automobile manufacturing company. A financial adviser calls the McAuliffe operation a “fraud.”While McAuliffe and Anthony Rodham dodged questions about their business, SEC officials last month shut down a Chicago financier on charges of defrauding more than 250 foreign investors.The federal agents saidAnshoo Sethi created A Chicago Convention Center(ACCC) and Intercontinental Regional Center Trust of Chicago, and fraudulently sold more than $145 million in securities and collected $11 million in administrative fees from investors, primarily from China.According to the SEC, Sethi and his companies duped investors into believing that by purchasing interests in ACCC, they would be financing construction of the “World’s First Zero Carbon Emission Platinum LEED certified” hotel and conference center near Chicago’s O’Hare Airport.Investors were misled by Sethi’s regional center to believe their investments were purchasing U.S. citizenship through the EB-5 immigrant investor program, the SEC said.The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service has approved 226 regional centers to serve as conduits for EB-5 investments. USCIS says that since the program’s inception in 1990, the centers have attracted $6.8 billion in foreign funds to create 49,000 U.S. jobs.But as [color=rgb(0, 102, 204) !important]Watchdog.org reported this week, EB-5 investments don’t necessarily produce employment or success.[color=rgb(0, 102, 204) !important]TEAM PLAYERS: Gulf Coast Funds Management CEO Anthony Rodham, GreenTech Automotive founder Terry McAuliffe and GCFM board member Randy Wright.TEAM PLAYERS: Gulf Coast Funds Management CEO Anthony Rodham, GreenTech Automotive founder Terry McAuliffe and GCFM board member and Norfolk businessman Randy Wright. (Photo: Randy Wright & Associates)Officials in Mississippi say up to $20 million reputedly raised through the Rodham-led Gulf Coast Funds Management have yet to be delivered to GreenTech Automotive, an electric-car company founded by McAuliffe.Rodham, one of Hillary Clinton’s brothers, is president and CEO of Gulf Coast. A group of political associates of Bill Clinton, including his former IRS commissioner, serve on its board of directors.McAuliffe is a former chairman of theDemocratic National Committee and was a chief fund-raiser for Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 presidential bid.A second regional center — Virginia Center for Foreign Investment and Job Creation — lists Rodham as its registered agent. Both EB-5 centers, and GreenTech, share the same address in McAuliffe’s adopted hometown of McLean, Va.No officials at Gulf Coast, VCFIJC or GreenTech responded to Watchdog’s multiple requests for interviews over the past two weeks.GreenTech, which in 2010 announced plans to build an assembly plant in Tunica County, Miss., has not specified how many vehicles it has actually built or sold. The firm has issued just [color=rgb(0, 102, 204) !important]one press release this year, announcing a European distributor to handle a projected volume of 12,000 cars.A Watchdog reporter on Tuesday went to the Tysons Boulevard address listed by GreenTech and Rodham’s two regional centers as their headquarters. The doors were locked, the nameplate was stripped off, and the office was dark and empty. A phone call elicited another address at a nearby, less-prestigious building.[color=rgb(0, 102, 204) !important]POTTED PLANT: GreenTech and its EB-5 partner, Gulf Coast Funds Management, relocated to cozier quarters this year.POTTED PLANT: GreenTech and its EB-5 partner, Gulf Coast Funds Management, relocated to cozier, less-prestigious quarters. (Photo: Pamela Mullin)Tucked anonymously into a hallway corner like a broom closet, the new office is much smaller. The interior walls are adorned with a couple of pictures of McAuliffe’s “MyCar” and display the names: “GreenTech Automotive” and “Gulf Coast Funds Management.”The office was occupied by a lone receptionist who curtly and repeatedly declared that “no one” was available to be interviewed.“This is a private company. I know nothing,” said the woman who declined to give her name.Because the companies are private, the Virginia Department of Taxation said their financial records are exempt from Freedom of Information Act disclosure.But the Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration said neither regional center had yet paid its business license fees for 2013. GCFM was delinquent on its 2012 license, as well.County tax director Kevin Greenlief said his staff was looking into the situation.Michael Gibson, managing partner with U.S. Advisors, which administers EB-5 investment ventures across the country, said GreenTech’s funding program smacks of “fraud.”More broadly, Eric Ruark, director of research at the Federation for American Immigration Reform, told Watchdog: “The main problem with the EB-5 program is the almost total lack of oversight by USCIS.”“The regional centers, which are set up to ‘facilitate’ the investment of EB-5 monies in domestic companies, are largely unregulated and there is little transparency about where the money has gone or how many jobs have been created.“ ([color=rgb(0, 102, 204) !important]See report here.)Like GreenTech’s EB-5 hook-up, the Chicago scheme was all show, and very little go.The SEC alleged that Sethi, 29, and his companies falsely boasted that all necessary building permits had been acquired and that several major hotel chains had signed on.Investigators found that Sethi and his associates had spent more than 90 percent of the administrative fees collected from investors, despite promises to return the money if visa applications were denied.More than $2.5 million of the funds were directed to Sethi’s personal bank account in Hong Kong, the SEC said.According to USCIS, only four EB-5 regional centers have been shut down by the feds in the 23-year history of the program.[color=rgb(0, 102, 204) !important]USCIS CHIEF: Alejandro Mayorkas gets mixed reviews on EB-5 enforcement.Amid rising criticism, USCIS denied more regional center applications in the past year. Some credit agency director[color=rgb(0, 102, 204) !important]Alejandro Mayorkas with tightening accountability over EB-5 and its regional fund collectors.A [color=rgb(0, 102, 204) !important]government report shows that in fiscal 2012, USCIS approved 35 regional-center applications while rejecting 63. That reversed historic patterns. In 2011, 123 were approved and 58 were denied.Yet critics have questioned EB-5’s job-creation claims, which are calculated through a complex formula that includes “indirect” employment. David North of the enforcement-oriented Center for Immigration Studies says the formula was “invented” to meet the statutory requirement of creating 10 new jobs per $500,000 investment.GreenTech, in its agreement with Mississippi, pledged to hire 350 full-time workers by the end of 2014. Neither the company, nor the two regional centers, have said how many employees are currently at the car company.In 2005, the [color=rgb(0, 102, 204) !important]Government Accountability Office reported it could not determine how many jobs immigrant investors had established “because of the way USCIS credits the number of jobs created by an investor’s business.”“If there are non-EB-5 investors involved or the investment is part of a greater overall business expansion, USCIS credits the single EB-5 investor with the total of all jobs created even though many of the jobs are not the result of his portion of the investment,” the GAO report stated.“In one such example, USCIS credited a single immigrant investor with creating 1,143 jobs based on a $1.5 million investment.”Four years later, USCIS’ own ombudsman noted that long-standing concerns over “abuse, misrepresentation and fraud” led to prosecutions of “immigration fraud, wire fraud, money laundering and conspiracy” against the principals and officers of one EB-5 investment business.FAIR’s Ruark says that’s just the tip of a growing iceberg.“The reaction by USCIS has been to more heavily promote the program, while ignoring the obvious fraud and abuse,” he told Watchdog this week.USCIS does not provide a center-by-center breakdown of jobs created, or the financial status of the [color=rgb(0, 102, 204) !important]226 centers listed on its website. A disclaimer states that a regional center’s appearance on the roster “does not guarantee compliance with U.S. securities laws, or minimize or eliminate risk to the investor.”Rodham’s Gulf Coast Funds Management, licensed by USCIS to serve “targeted zones” in Louisiana and Mississippi, boasts of covering “the largest geographical area for a regional center in the United States.” [color=rgb(0, 102, 204) !important]Its website touts McAuliffe’s GreenTech vehicle.However, Gulf Coast, along with Rodham’s Virginia Center for Foreign Investment and Job Creation, is headquartered in Northern Virginia.VCFIJC, which was licensed last November, [color=rgb(0, 102, 204) !important]claims $100,000 in annual revenues, but the center has no website.[color=rgb(0, 102, 204) !important]Immigration Daily, a newsletter that tracks EB-5 and other entry programs, reported last month that USCIS may be “getting ready to issue Notices of Intent to Revoke to some regional centers within the coming few months.”“Such NOIRs will likely be not just for inactivity, but will possibly include issues connected to securities compliance,” the newsletter stated.USCIS press secretary Christopher Bentley said the agency would not comment on “speculation.” But he provided data showing that EB-5 immigrants who fail to meet financial thresholds are dropped from the program.Since the EB-5 program began, 4,895 immigrant investors received citizenship while 1,271 did not.And what happened to those 1,271?“It is our expectation that they will leave (the country),” Bentley said, deferring further questions to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement division.ICE did not respond to Watchdog’s inquiries.Ruark said, “Foreigners can and do invest in the United States without the expectation of gaining permanent residency. In fact, the EB-5 has such a poor record of return on investment that it is probably the least best option for someone who is an informed foreign investor.“The high incidence of fraud and failed projects makes it likely that many foreign nationals have been bilked through participation in the EB-5 program. This is something our own government recognizes, yet fails to correct.“Contact Kenric Ward at [email protected] or at (571) 319-9824. @Kenricward

回复: 芝加哥欢迎你!GTA电动汽车,将是比芝加哥事件还要大的骗局。2000w下去,一辆车都看不到。

回复: 芝加哥欢迎你!GTA电动汽车,将是比芝加哥事件还要大的骗局。2000w下去,一辆车都看不到。点击展开...又一个共和党保守派网路小流氓文章,原本借机攻击佛吉尼亚州民主党州长候选人泰瑞麦可利夫,今日其网站突然改标题,改内容了,并发表声明澄清!其所谓联邦政府调查该项目是一派胡言。见下文。http://watchdog.org/77761/sec-raids-illinois-based-cash-for-visa-program/“CLARIFICATION: Attorneys for Green Tech have contacted us and asked for a retraction of our April 1 and April 3 articles. In particular, they object to the use of the term “fraud” in our reporting. Lest there be any confusion about the point of our articles, we have updated them. To be clear, our articles were not intended to (and did not) accuse Green Tech of committing fraud. Instead, the articles pointed out that the federal EB-5 visa program – which trades citizenship for business investments and which Green Tech has used as a source of capital – has lax oversight, is prone to abuse and fraud, and cannot possibly deliver on its promises to taxpayers and investors. Our articles also quoted sources who criticized Green Tech’s reliance on the EB-5 program – the same criticism that Virginia officials leveled against the company in 2009. We stand by our reporting about the EB-5 program and will continue to investigate this important story. — Editors By Kenric Ward | Watchdog.org”

回复: 芝加哥欢迎你!楼上这篇文章只是把“fraud”这个词取消了,实际上内容上没有任何变化。如果这个GTA汽车项目没有问题,那么就展示一下eb5两年来生产了多少汽车,销售如何。不要只是反驳文章,GTA完全可以展示自己的东西。

回复: 芝加哥欢迎你!楼上这篇文章只是把“fraud”这个词取消了,实际上内容上没有任何变化。如果这个GTA汽车项目没有问题,那么就展示一下eb5两年来生产了多少汽车,销售如何。不要只是反驳文章,GTA完全可以展示自己的东西。点击展开...的确,多问问类似问题是很容易识破这种EB5版的庞氏骗局的。早期投资人的绿卡完全靠后续投资人的投入,只要有后续投资人,这个游戏就可以继续。

回复: 芝加哥欢迎你!骗子工作很卖力啊。

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