加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民省提名投资移民 - NB项目暂停
Province temporarily pauses the business applicant category of the Provincial Nominee Program06 September 2013Media Contact(s)Tyler Campbell, communications, Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour, 506-444-3194.FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government is temporarily pausing the business applicant category of the Provincial Nominee Program. Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Danny Soucy made the announcement today.“We need to pause this category of the program to effectively manage the current inventory of applications and to ensure we are providing high quality service standards to those already in the queue,” said Soucy. “This pause will not affect the skilled workers stream of the Provincial Nominee Program.”Due to changes in federal, provincial and territorial immigration programs, New Brunswick has been receiving an unusually large volume of applications to the business applicant category. Other jurisdictions, including the federal government, have taken measures to manage their inventories.“Immigrant entrepreneurs are a key building block in our plan to rebuild New Brunswick,” said Soucy. “They create jobs and their families increase our population while enriching our culture and society.”During the pause, new business applicants will not be accepted. All prior applications will be evaluated according to current eligibility requirements. The total number of applications currently under review is more than 1,500, which represents more than two years worth of potential program nominations. The federal government currently caps New Brunswick at 625 nominations per year.The pause will remain in effect until further notice.简单点说,申请量积压的太多了,所以商业类的NB移民申请暂停。
常驻家园。专注于投资移民项目。资料备索,全国范围内提供文件辅导上门服务微信号:jungui-22 QQ:8836316 军规的专线:13392828007 投资移民及省提名交流QQ群:2917998NB、王子岛、诺省交流QQ群:45429415 超赞 赏 第22条军规商业移民专家 0$(VIP 0) 1,3262013-09-06#2 回复: NB项目暂停总比都塞在那里半死不活、多年不给消息好。
常驻家园。专注于投资移民项目。资料备索,全国范围内提供文件辅导上门服务微信号:jungui-22 QQ:8836316 军规的专线:13392828007 投资移民及省提名交流QQ群:2917998NB、王子岛、诺省交流QQ群:45429415 超赞 赏 daniel0293 0$(VIP 0) 1,0562013-09-06#3 回复: NB项目暂停狼~~~~~~~终于来了
回复: NB项目暂停请问:我们已于6月初递交C料至省,并得到省档案号的有影响吗?我们是属于已经在队列中的"库存"吗?会按什么条件重新审理?谢谢军规!
回复: NB项目暂停请问:我们已于6月初递交C料至省,并得到省档案号的有影响吗?我们是属于已经在队列中的"库存"吗?会按什么条件重新审理?谢谢军规!点击展开... 你这个正常审理,不影响。
常驻家园。专注于投资移民项目。资料备索,全国范围内提供文件辅导上门服务微信号:jungui-22 QQ:8836316 军规的专线:13392828007 投资移民及省提名交流QQ群:2917998NB、王子岛、诺省交流QQ群:45429415 超赞 赏 J jackie212cn 0$(VIP 0) 22013-09-07#6 回复: NB项目暂停请问规总,我们8月底才递了申请,应该是在6号前递到了,这种情况省里会如何处理呢?是不是算那1500人内?
回复: NB项目暂停你这个正常审理,不影响。点击展开...啊,那还好,谢谢了.不知道以后的审批速度会不会加快呢?
回复: NB项目暂停移民路不平坦那
回复: NB项目暂停请问:我的资料上周都OK了,但中介今天说项目没有了,资料用了,是这样么?后续还会有这个项目吗?谢谢!
回复: NB项目暂停不好意思,是“资料没有用了”
回复: NB项目暂停请问军规,我的资料也是刚准备好!中介说项目停了,但据说近几个月会重开,有可能增加雅思考试及保证金,不知是否正确?我们还需等待新政吗?
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