加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民官方正式报道:投资移民项目取消,现有积压申请退回
http://www.budget.gc.ca/2014/docs/plan/pdf/budget2014-eng.pdfEconomic Action Plan 2014 proposes to replace the ineffective Immigrant Investor and Entrepreneur programs with an Immigrant Investor Venture Capital Fundpilot project.The Government of Canada is committed to immigration that contributes to job creation and economic growth. In recent years, significant progress has been made to better align the immigration system with Canada’s economic needs.The current Immigrant Investor Program stands out as an exception to this success. For decades, it has significantly undervalued Canadian permanent residence, providing a pathway to Canadian citizenship in exchange for aguaranteed loan that is significantly less than our peer countries require.There is also little evidence that immigrant investors as a class are maintaining ties to Canada or making a positive economic contribution to the country. Overall, immigrant investors report employment and investment income below Canadian averages and pay significantly lower taxes over alifetime than other categories of economic immigrants. For these reasons, the Immigrant Investor Program has been paused since July 2012 and the Entrepreneur Program since July 2011.Economic Action Plan 2014 proposes to end these underperforming programs.To eliminate the existing backlog, which is diverting resources away from better performing economic immigration streams, the Government intends to return applications and refund associated fees paid by certain federal Immigrant Investor Program and Entrepreneur Program applicants who applied on or before Budget Day.In place of the current Immigrant Investor Program, the Government will introduce a new Immigrant Investor Venture Capital Fund pilot project, which will require immigrants to make a real and significant investment in the Canadian economy. The Government will also undertake consultations on a potential Business Skills pilot program. Together, these pilots will test new and innovative approaches to business immigration that will better fuel the continued growth of the Canadian economy.
回复: 官方正式报道:投资移民项目取消,现有积压申请退回五万多投资移民,平均等待已经4年以上,每人大约12000元审批费,6亿八千万人民币加国移民部无息用了四年,这个做法实在是没有诚信可言!
回复: 官方正式报道:投资移民项目取消,现有积压申请退回汇率还降了呢,白等四年。
回复: 官方正式报道:投资移民项目取消,现有积压申请退回太不靠谱了!消耗了我们多少精力!
2010年6月FN,2011年3月份第一次补料,2012年补料二次。2013年2月收免面通知。2013年3月22号打款。5月份QSC。6月初递料联邦。10月底联邦FN。2015年3月12号收到体检表。2015年3月19号体检。2015年4月22号寄护照,胜利在望了...... 超赞 赏 一 一天一点 0$(VIP 0) 1402014-02-11#5 回复: 官方正式报道:投资移民项目取消,现有积压申请退回楼上的,你应该木有事儿的。。。
回复: 官方正式报道:投资移民项目取消,现有积压申请退回砍的是联邦 省的还暂时安全应该
回复: 官方正式报道:投资移民项目取消,现有积压申请退回砍的是联邦 省的还暂时安全应该点击展开...
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]砍的是联邦 省的还暂时安全应该点击展开...省的听说要斩,只是听说
如有任何疑难,吃饭和遊山玩水上问题欢迎找我联系。 超赞 赏 frankben 0$(VIP 0) 7722014-02-12#9 回复: 官方正式报道:投资移民项目取消,现有积压申请退回已拿枫叶卡的投资移民有无影响??
回复: 官方正式报道:投资移民项目取消,现有积压申请退回貌似公平,加拿大保守党政府的政客们很会玩呀。
回复: 官方正式报道:投资移民项目取消,现有积压申请退回已拿枫叶卡的投资移民有无影响??点击展开...LS这种应该没有吧。。。好羡慕!
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