加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民今年重新启动的投资移民替代项目中投资人的钱可能由私人机构管理
今年重新启动的投资移民替代项目中投资人的钱可能由私人机构管理。以下是英文媒体的报道:Alexander said money from immigrant investors shouldn't go to governments, but rather to the private sector - and a new pilot program to be launched later this year will encourage that.不过说实话,加拿大移民部长对投资移民的印象真不是太好 --- 受教育程度低,找工能力差,在加拿大低收入,欺诈钻空子滥用制度。唉,中国富人们以后要努力改善形象喽。Alexander said ... Participants ended up with lower education and employment than immigrants arriving through other programs, and they reported less income - "highly paradoxical, given this was an investment program designed to bring affluent people to Canada," Alexander said.He said the program was not creating jobs or bringing wealthy immigrants to live in Canada - and fraud and abuse were also big issues.
回复: 今年重新启动的投资移民替代项目中投资人的钱可能由私人机and fraud and abuse were also big issues.同意这个观点。
移民部授权注册移民法律顾问。专业办理移民、留学、签证。免费咨询请跟贴http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=670760网址:www.smartvisa.ca 人而无信,不知其可也。大车无輗,小车无軏,其何以行之哉? 超赞 赏 mihujack 0$(VIP 0) 2932014-02-14#3 回复: 今年重新启动的投资移民替代项目中投资人的钱可能由私人机不会再上当了
LZ“不过说实话,加拿大移民部长对投资移民的印象真不是太好 --- 受教育程度低,找工能力差,在加拿大低收入,欺诈钻空子滥用制度。唉,中国富人们以后要努力改善形象喽。”搞笑!
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