加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民省提名投资移民 - 联邦投资移民program将会结束
请看下面报道:http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...nvestors-path-to-citizenship/article16792106/ (节选) Tories’ new budget to close program giving investors path to citizenship The program, founded in 1986, has been primarily used by Chinese immigrants – from Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China. Key drivers included upheaval after the crackdown in Tiananmen Square in 1989, the 1999 handover of Hong Kong to Beijing, and the growth of the millionaire class in mainland China. The Conservatives, who undertook major immigration reforms to attract skilled immigrants, and made no secret of their distaste for “Canadians of convenience” who seek citizenship but live abroad, consider the investor program a relic of a different era. The program grants permanent residency to newcomers who make an interest-free loan to a provincial or territorial government, money that is supposed to be used for economic development. Sources say the government believes the immigrant investor class pays significantly less in taxes over the decades than other economic immigrants, have less proficiency in English or French and are less likely actually to reside in Canada. A source said the government is acting based on data that show that, 20 years after arriving in Canada, an immigrant investor has paid about $200,000 less in taxes than a newcomer who came in under the federal skilled worker program, and almost $100,000 less than one who was a live-in caregiver. In the past 28 years, more than 130,000 people have come to Canada under the investor program, including applicants and their families. The Conservatives feel newer economic-immigrant programs are doing a better job of attracting newcomers who will integrate well into Canadian society and build the economic base. These include the Canadian Experience Class, which fast-tracks residency for temporary foreign workers already in Canada and non-Canadians who have graduated from universities and colleges here. In recent years, Canada has admitted about 3,000 immigrant investors a year through the federal program – 11,000 when spouses and dependents are included. Largely from China, Taiwan and South Korea, these newcomers’ primary destinations are Ontario and British Columbia. Federal and provincial immigration department data obtained by Vancouver immigration lawyer Richard Kurland revealed this week that about 45,000 wealthy Chinese alone are on the immigrant investor program’s waiting list and want to move to British Columbia. Those on the waiting list after the federal investor immigrant program is scrapped will have to apply through other programs. Sources say that scrapping this category will allow in more newcomers through other economic immigrant categories, including the new Startup Visa program, which offers permanent residency to immigrant entrepreneurs who can secure funding from Canadian investors. When he was immigration minister, Jason Kenney complained in 2012 that the cash brought in by immigrant investors frequently sits idle on provincial government balance sheets rather than stimulating the economy. “Right now, all Canada gets from the investor immigrant program is five years of use of about $750,000,” Mr. Kenney said in 2012. “That’s the $800,000 contribution minus commissions and fees. … It basically means that provincial governments that are getting that money are offsetting their debt service costs.”
回复: 联邦投资移民program将会结束6600个联邦投资移民申请会被退回,并refund,请看报道:http://o.canada.com/news/national/f...mps-immigrant-investor-entrepreneur-programs/Federal budget: Government dumps immigrant investor, entrepreneur programsOTTAWA – The federal government is eliminating once-and-for-all the much-maligned immigrant investor and entrepreneur streams, refunding applications for 66,000 individuals at a cost of $2 million.The decision, announced in Tuesday’s budget, will not, however, affect the Quebec investor stream, which has also come under fire for allowing wealthy immigrants to enter the country, invest in the province, then set up shop in British Columbia or Ontario.“In recent years, significant progress has been made to better align the immigration system with Canada’s economic needs. The current immigrant investor program stands out as an exception to this success,” say budget documents.“For decades, it has significantly undervalued Canadian permanent residence, providing a pathway to Canadian citizenship in exchange for a guaranteed loan that is significantly less than our peer countries require.”Critics, including Employment Minister Jason Kenney, have said the program is little more than a cash-for-visa scheme that fast-tracks permanent residency for those who can cough up $800,000 which is actually just a loan that’s returned in five years. It’s also not much compared to other countries, which have set thresholds as high as $1.6 million.The investor program has been temporarily shelved since July 2012, while the entrepreneur program has been on hold since July 2011. Those in the backlog were being processed during that time but the wait could take a decade in some cases.About 59,000 immigrant investor applications will be tossed as a result of the decision, along with 7,000 entrepreneur applications.The government is working on a pair of pilot projects, including a new Immigrant Investor Venture Capital Fund and business skills program to replace the streams.The government previously introduced a start-up visa to lure entrepreneurs to Canada with the promise of automatic residency even if their venture failed.Kenney has long complained that the now defunct entrepreneur program merely attracted shopkeepers rather than a potential Bill Gates or Steve Jobs.Other immigration measures in the budget:-The federal government is expected to generate $100 million in new tax revenue by the end of 2018-2019 by eliminating the five-year tax exemption that’s allowed wealthy new immigrants to avoid paying taxes on offshore assets.-The government will commit $11 million over two years and $3.5 million ongoing to strengthen the Labour Market Opinion process to ensure Canadians get a crack at available jobs ahead of temporary foreign workers.-The government is committing $14 million over two years, and $4.7 million a year in ongoing funding, to support the implementation of the Expression of Interest system for economic immigrants. This will allow provinces and employers to cherry-pick from a bank of vetted potential immigrants rather than assess people on a first come, first served basis. The program is poised to launch in January 2015.
回复: 联邦投资移民program将会结束随着66000个申请退回,预计当中的大部分人会考虑其他方式和国家的移民。在此,我根据在这个行业多年的经验分析一下移民的前景和当中热门选择的一些问题,供大家参考。BCpnp和其中的buy-out计划关注我天涯这个帖子的朋友,一定会注意到Buy-out计划刚出来的时候,我建议大家去走这个途径。但是时过境迁,特别是66000申请退回后,很多国内的中介甚至温哥华的移民顾问都引导客人走这个途径,我对此是抱有深深的疑虑的。其中的问题如下:1.资产泡沫从一个故事说起,2011年buy-out计划刚推出来的时候,我带一个北京的客人去温哥华岛维多利亚的一家经营超过5年的小超市考察,超市大约250平方米,雇员连超市老板两夫妇在内大约5个人,扣除所有费用和工资(老板两夫妇也发工资的),一年的利润是2万多加元。开价18万加元,在回温哥华的船上时,打电话来说可以降价到12万不包括存货。前一段时间和一个realtor(通常buy-out的生意都是realtor找的)谈,他说如果这个生意在现在的话,大约是要40万加元了。因为现在一个合乎资格的生意,有3到4个offer在抢,投资者没有选择,所以至少是加价10万加元。我也看过两个realtor给我的生意list,价格都高得离谱。比如一个nanamo的一个修车厂,需要23万加元,而我看到一个盈利的在高贵林的修车厂开价才10万加元。只不过,前者是可以办移民而已。2.名额你可能说,没关系,只要能通过,花这笔钱也认了。好,那么我们看看通过率会有多少。虽然官网上并没有quota的这个说法,但无论是和BCPNP的官员在公开的场合还是私下谈论,笔者一再追问BC PNP投资计划的名额问题,虽然他们不太愿意回答这个问题,但是还是透露了会控制在一年200个名额左右,而且是没有压力的,也就是说,完不成这个名额也是没所谓的。这个也可以从每年批准的个案得到验证。好,现在上图分析 从上图分析,2013年有818个申请,其中regional business有524个,大部分是buy-out的,如果名额只有200多个的话,你的成功率是多少?当然我承认成功率是关乎到个案申请的很多方面,比如说申请人本身,生意的本身和商业计划书。3.后续经营和网上的所谓diy攻略不同,BCPNP通常喜欢投资者的投资资金1/3用于购买生意,1/3用于upgrade生意,比如说装修和增加经营品种等,1/3作为最多6个月的capital fund,当然这是个大约数。投资者通常会想无论生意本身的好坏,只要拿到省提名证书后,就把生意卖掉,所以就算亏也不会太多。但是从拿到该证书到拿到PR身份现在大约在16个月(以后有缩短的大势),而且虽然,从法规上你是可以卖掉生意,但是移民顾问和律师通常建议你等你拿到枫叶卡才处理,因为不希望你challenge移民局。所以,你还是要考虑一下你的资金。(待续)
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