加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 急招我们牛肉的投资人,牛肉厂要破产了。大家报名集体诉讼吧



回复: 急招我们牛肉的投资人,牛肉厂要破产了。大家报名集体诉讼324945203

回复: 急招我们牛肉的投资人,牛肉厂要破产了。大家报名集体诉讼什么情况???

回复: 急招我们牛肉的投资人,牛肉厂要破产了。北方牛肉没钱买牛了。Northern Beef plant laying off 108April 26, 2013 9:35 am • Associated Press(1) CommentsABERDEEN, S.D. — Northern Beef Packers is laying off 108 of its 420 employees until it can raise enough money to buy more cattle, the company's top executive said Thursday.David Palmer, president and chief executive, said the plant has raised more than $150 million, but its planned acceleration of production is on hold until it can raise about $20 million more in working capital. Palmer called it an "unfortunate setback" but said the company is "confident that is only a temporary one" and he hopes to hire them back by late July.Northern Beef Packers is processing about 200 cattle per day from the Dakotas, Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota. The plant hopes to process 1,500 cattle per day.The 420,000-square foot facility in Aberdeen began slaughtering cattle last fall. Financial issues, lawsuits, local opposition, delinquent property taxes, flooding, an economic downturn and millions of dollars in liens repeatedly pushed back the opening date. The plant was given new life when Korean investors took over in 2009.

回复: 急招我们牛肉的投资人,牛肉厂要破产了。大家报名集体诉讼中国人真的是拯救世界啊,那么多失学儿童不去帮助,看见美国牛肉厂破产了就急了。

如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔 超赞 赏 E EB-5黑马 0$(VIP 0) 1,7562013-06-28#6 回复: 急招我们牛肉的投资人,牛肉厂要破产了。这可能成为典型的50万血本无归,绿卡无戏的案例。借贷型项目靠打官司讨款,能追回多少是未知数,至少是漫长的诉讼过程,比芝加哥会议中心要痛苦的多。 526移民肯定是要从头开始了。这个项目的结局再次打破了中介宣传的区域中心借贷型项目无风险的谎言。

回复: 急招我们牛肉的投资人,牛肉厂要破产了。大家报名集体诉讼还要打官司?再多些搭律师费?

回复: 急招我们牛肉的投资人,牛肉厂要破产了。大家报名集体诉讼顶起来

回复: 急招我们牛肉的投资人,牛肉厂要破产了。大家报名集体诉讼还要打官司?再多些搭律师费?点击展开...不打官司,50万就真的血本无归了。现在是中国的投资人拥有债权,打官司能追回多少看吧。 但829肯定是没戏了。 要再来50万,重来526了。

回复: 急招我们牛肉的投资人,牛肉厂要破产了。大家报名集体诉讼打了也够呛 跟谁打 啥名义?

回复: 急招我们牛肉的投资人,牛肉厂要破产了。大家报名集体诉讼打了也够呛 跟谁打 啥名义?点击展开...这时候就看区域中心占在谁的立场了。法律上,区域中心起头成立了投资人的有限合伙企业,把EB-5的资金贷款给了牛肉项目。 这个有限合伙企业应该向牛肉项目追讨贷款。 有限合伙企业的GP是区域中心,当然GP代表投资人向牛肉项目追讨贷款,保护投资人的利益。因为这个项目的41%的股份是70个韩国人拥有,这个项目也就成为中韩对决了。当初亨利移民和区域中心的官司还是有理由的,亨利公司起诉的理由也是现在这个项目破产的导因。不知后来的移民中介为什么不把这些风险告知给后来的中国投资人?

回复: 急招我们牛肉的投资人,牛肉厂要破产了。大家报名集体诉讼这律师费可挣老了。

回复: 急招我们牛肉的投资人,牛肉厂要破产了。大家报名集体诉讼你是律师?

回复: 急招我们牛肉的投资人,牛肉厂要破产了。www.changliulaw.com。他们夫妻两个都是律师。问问他们,多了解一些。

回复: 急招我们牛肉的投资人,牛肉厂要破产了。大家报名集体诉讼部分投资人是南州风电项目被拒后转到牛肉这个项目 上一个项目等了1年 然后这个项目526 等了一年 终于过了526 项目要破产保护。很难理解 世上还有更加悲催的事情么?

回复: 急招我们牛肉的投资人,牛肉厂要破产了。大家报名集体诉讼6266881079只有自己救自己了!!

回复: 急招我们牛肉的投资人,牛肉厂要破产了。大家报名集体诉讼我们LP6有70个人!20人左右是活人!!50人是死人!!!

回复: 急招我们牛肉的投资人,牛肉厂要破产了。大家报名集体诉讼是亨瑞公司拉的皮条!是亨瑞公司拉的皮条!是亨瑞公司拉的皮条!

回复: 急招我们牛肉的投资人,牛肉厂要破产了。大家报名集体诉讼跟破产没关系,资金紧缺限制了加速生产。South Dakota Beef Council Tours Aberdeen NBP Processing PlantJUNE 28, 2013 BY KATIE MILLER LEAVE A COMMENTSouth Dakota Beef Industry Council (SDBIC) directors toured the Northern Beef Packers (NBP) facility in Aberdeen Tuesday, June 25, providing a first-hand look at the first meat processing plant in the nation to be built from the ground up in the past 30 years.“It is a state-of-the-art plant,” says Gary Deering, Sturgis, SD rancher and SDBIC director. “It was very impressive. It’s exciting to have a packing plant of this level in South Dakota.”NBP began processing cattle on a limited basis in the fall of 2012. The plant, which is 420,000 square feet on 101 acres, currently employs 330 people. When operating at full capacity, NBP is expected to employ almost 600 workers and harvest 1,500 head of cattle per day. Dr. Temple Grandin, well-known designer of livestock handling facilities and a Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University, helped NBP with the design of its cattle holding area and the infrastructure to move cattle in for slaughter in the most efficient and humane manner possible.“It’s not every day that you have an opportunity to see a brand new packing plant,” says SDBIC Director of Industry Relations Tracey (Orsburn) Walsh. “The majority of our directors took advantage of the tour.”SDBIC Director Eric Sumption, a beef producer from Frederick, SD, says that as a director of the organization that administers the beef checkoff in the state it’s important to be familiar with all phases of the industry. “It’s not just about raising the calf, getting it to 500 pounds and then sending it to a feedlot,” insists Sumption. “It’s also about the processing end of the industry.”During SDBIC’s quarterly business meeting following the morning tours, representatives from the Pennsylvania Beef Council (PBC) updated directors on promotion projects in the northeastern part of the country—a 12-state area that is home to 23% of the U.S. population but generates only 2% of beef checkoff dollars. For the past several years, SDBIC has partnered financially with PBC and the Northeast Beef Promotion Initiative (NEBPI) to reach consumers in this highly populated area of the northeast.PBC Executive Director Bridget Bingham and Director of Marketing and Communications Kristi Rooker Kassimer explained that in 2013, South Dakota’s checkoff dollars helped connect with more than 885,000 consumers at the Pennsylvania Farm Show and Head of Charles Regatta, as well as informing food influencers at Wagon Farm Tours in New York and culinary students and chef instructors in a Beef in the Classroom project.In other business, directors heard reports from the Promotions and Prime Promoter committees, as well as from staff and South Dakota national directors serving on the Cattlemen’s Beef Board, Federation of State Beef Councils, and U.S. Meat Export Federation.SDBIC will hold its annual meeting on September 14 during the Beef Bowl on the South Dakota State University campus in Brookings.

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关 超赞 赏 visatousa 0$(VIP 0) 4,2302013-06-30#20 回复: 急招我们牛肉的投资人,牛肉厂要破产了。大家报名集体诉讼这个季节生牛价格贵,牛肉价低,资方部分裁员。

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