加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民急!!!什么时间香港领馆可以拿到签证,星期五下午行吗?
04.06.02 FN04.11.21 ME05.03.08 DM + MER05.05.09 PL签发,香港寄出05.05.19 PL到手05.07.06 长登多伦多 Met in UK, Married in UK, WILL FLY to Canada hand in hand. 超赞 赏 Channel T 0$(VIP 0) 5832005-05-25#3 最好先上HK OFFICE的网站看看,他们有没有放假。他们的假太多,中国的,外国的,传统的,宗教的,什么节日都过。
[FONT=黑体] [/FONT] 超赞 赏 xs-sherrysherry 0$(VIP 0) 7,6432005-05-25#4 我看了6月份是11日hk假期!6.3可以去!
超赞 赏 R Raymond 0$(VIP 0) 1,4242005-05-25#5 I don't know but I will up for you
2001.10 -> BJ FN2005.1.16 -> ME2005.5.17 -> Visa2005.7.28 -> Calgary 超赞 赏 new-canadian 0$(VIP 0) 2382005-05-26#6 谢谢大家了
每星期一,二,四,五,节假日除外 (注意:他们休中国和加拿大的假)然后要注意的就是一定要在1。15~2。00之间到交易大厦1座12层排队,晚了肯定进不去(我曾经遇到有人迟到,还一个劲的软磨硬泡,要通融,这点香港是行不通的)
超赞 赏 D daisy_fish 0$(VIP 0) 302005-05-26#8 > Contact Us > Opening Hours1) We are open to members of the public who wish to collect Temporary Resident Visa application forms, pay fees, attend pre-arranged interviews or otherwise have direct business with the Temporary Resident Unit during the following hours:Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 08:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday Closed 2) We are open to people invited to collect Permanent Resident Visas (Principal Applicant only) during the following hours:Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 01:15 p.m. to 02:00 p.m. Wednesday Closed 3) We are open to couriers for deliveries during the following hours:Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 02:00 p.m. to 03:00 p.m. Wednesday Closed Please note that our office will be closed:- On regular Public Holidays and- When a typhoon #8, #10 or Black Rain Signal is hoisted摘自http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/world/embassies/hongkong/immigration/HK/aboutUs/officeHours-en.asp
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