加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民询问后的回复--曾经询问过的朋友帮我分析一下。


今天的回复没有再说8-12weeks,是不是说明我的也要快了。昨天我发的询问的回复是:At this time all the documents that we require have been received, yourapplication has been sent to a Visa Officer for final review. Please bepatient.To monitor your application please go to the on-line case status page.http://www.beijing.gc.ca/templates/bj-en-visa.aspx?id=1539Regards,Economic Class Unit, Immigration Section Canadian Embassy, Beijing 19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang DistrictBeijing, PRC 100600Tel: (86-10) 6532-3031Fax: (86-10) 6532-1684Web site: www.beijing.gc.caE-mail : [email protected](ECU-011)一个月前我发了询问信件的回复是:Our office has received all the required documents needed to finaliseyour application and your application is indeed in the final stages.However, due to the huge volume of applications to be finalised, we donot anticipate finalising your application within the next 12 weeks.Please remain very patient. If during the coming months you need your passport please e-mail us andwe will provide you with the necessary instructions.We thank you for your patience and we ask that you monitor yourapplication on our on-line case status page:http://www.beijing.gc.ca/templates/bj-en-visa.aspx?id=1539Regards,Economic Class Unit, Immigration Section Canadian Embassy, Beijing 19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang DistrictBeijing, PRC 100600Tel: (86-10) 6532-3031Fax: (86-10) 6532-1684Web site: www.beijing.gc.caE-mail : [email protected]

2001,11,18 bjfn2004,10,17 补材料2004,12,4 体检,登陆费,补其他材料2005,2,3 补材料2005,2,16-〉 122005,3,17 -〉12 使馆打电话说材料不对2005,3,24-〉 82005,3,29-〉 12目前等待中我发现我的也是变来变去。2005,07,01收到使馆email,说我的visa做好要寄给我。12+ip2005,07,04 cic dm2005,07,07 132005,07,07 下午 取到签证2005年,08,09 ->5 写信询问,回复结果是This is a computer error, your status will be removed shortly.但是今天2005,08,22偶尔进来看看,居然还是5,到底的怎么了。打算2005年10月初登陆 超赞 赏 fafan 0$(VIP 0) 3,1132005-06-08#2 分析也没用!都是固定模式!

努力练琴,快乐成长欢迎光临肖老师温哥华钢琴教室 超赞 赏 fafan 0$(VIP 0) 3,1132005-06-08#3 看看这个帖子http://post.iask.ca/canadameet/topic/11140

努力练琴,快乐成长欢迎光临肖老师温哥华钢琴教室 超赞 赏 A andy 0$(VIP 0) 642005-06-08#4 谢谢,我看了你指引我看得帖子,本来自我感觉还良好了一下,看样子,还是要进入无望的等待中了。

2001,11,18 bjfn2004,10,17 补材料2004,12,4 体检,登陆费,补其他材料2005,2,3 补材料2005,2,16-〉 122005,3,17 -〉12 使馆打电话说材料不对2005,3,24-〉 82005,3,29-〉 12目前等待中我发现我的也是变来变去。2005,07,01收到使馆email,说我的visa做好要寄给我。12+ip2005,07,04 cic dm2005,07,07 132005,07,07 下午 取到签证2005年,08,09 ->5 写信询问,回复结果是This is a computer error, your status will be removed shortly.但是今天2005,08,22偶尔进来看看,居然还是5,到底的怎么了。打算2005年10月初登陆 超赞 赏 S sowoney 0$(VIP 0) 1952005-06-08#5 我收到同样的信已经一个月了,现在还是12.

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