加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民使馆EMAIL是否可以作为使馆同意延迟体检的证据,并请高手帮我确认下使馆是不是同意迟延到可以和BB一起体检?
我给使馆发了EMAIL,题目如下:OBJECT: "My newborn's materials" and "The deadline of my wife's chest x-ray is urgent. Could you extend the limited time of my wife's additional tests from ninety days to the deadline of my son's who is newborn"最后要求“So I very expect that you could agree with my wife to carry out her chest x-ray and my son to carry out his medical examination at the same time to low my baby's tiredness.”使馆回复了EMAIL(内容如下),我想知道这是否意味着使馆同意我爱人可以推迟到等到孩子的体检通知后一起体检?EMAIL是否可以作为使馆同意的证据使用(主要是没有签名)?会不会出现在没收到我爱人补的X-RAY情况下,别的VO把我CASE给停了的情况?Your wife and child may undergo their medical exams anywhere as long asthey see a designated medical practioner on the CIC list. Your wife hasthe same amount of time to complete her medical exams as your son.Thank you for your compliance.Regards,Immigration
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