加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民前天去香港取签了解到的退费事宜!
家园很多筒子关心登陆费退费的问题,我就将自己在香港取签时拿到的注意事项中关于退费部分给大家贴出来,看看就完全明白了。 英文部分:The Canadian Government announced a 50 percent reduction of the Right of Permanent Residence Fee. The new Right of Permanent Residence Fee is $490.The change is effective as of 12:00 a.m。on May 3,2006。if you paid the Right of Permanent Residence Fee,but did not become apermanent resident until after 12:00 a.m。on May 3,2006,you are entitled to a refund。At the present time,refund procedures can only be made in canada;you will be given an application kit at the Port of Entry in Canada.Please refer to the CIC HQ website at www.cic.gc.ca for refund procedures & details.Please refer to the attached information sheet. No further explanation will be provided by the counter staff. 中文:加拿大政府宣布已领取移民签证者而于2006年5月3日后才入境加拿大报到者,可获退达百分之五十的落地费退款,新的收费为$490。今天领取了移民签证者,退款手续必须于加拿大境内办理。请参阅附页。相关资料亦上载于加拿大政府网页:www.cic.gc.ca柜台职员将不做任何解释。后面附上了退费的表格,需要复印COPR和你的落地费收据。
Eight Glories , Eight Disgraces for VOGlory in the hard work; taking the long-vacation taking as a disgrace. Glory in quickly issuing File Number; taking application rejecting as a disgrace.Glory in a quick Medical Exam issue; taking a deliberate delay as a disgrace.Glory in trusting applicants; taking applicants suspecting and background investigation as a disgrace. Glory in anwering any questions from applicants; taking no reply as a disgrace.Glory in giving satisfactory answers; taking irresponsibilities as a disgrace.Glory in a quick decision-making after ME; taking any delays and procrastinations as a disgrace. Glory in immediately issuing PL after DM ; taking case never-closing as a disgrace.对绿绿的对子花时间聆听。许多矛盾因我们聆听技能的荒废而产生而这十分简单:你只需要什么都不说。 超赞 赏 jie_ming 0$(VIP 0) 1,1752006-06-02#3 谢谢!热心人啊
家在温哥华 超赞 赏 婕婕的妈妈 0$(VIP 0) 2902006-06-02#4 我们是4月初体检并且交了登陆费,2周前接到中介通知说可以退钱,今天拿到了退款5000多人民币,正在和LG算帐中,觉得很有问题啊.50%的话应该退回8000RMB的啊据中介说是来回汇票手续费以及汇率等因素导致的损失,但是这个损失也太多了点啊!但是由于本人对于汇率等问题比较白痴,所以问下哪位大虾能帮我解惑啊?不胜感激!
01年3月FN,06年11月香港取签,07年2月短登温哥华http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=99489 08年3月长登多伦多http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=194589 欢迎去踩踩我的blog http://lucyz79.blog.163.com/ 超赞 赏 山里红 0$(VIP 0) 1,1922006-06-02#5 是北京的吗?有退款凭证吗?
Something we were withholding made us weak, until we found out that it was ourselves. 2007年1月27日登陆温哥华找寻生命里的缘分 超赞 赏 mxdld 0$(VIP 0) 2,2982006-06-04#7 顶
租房攻略报税问答班芙班芙 超赞 赏 婕婕的妈妈 0$(VIP 0) 2902006-06-07#8 我是上海人,在香港申请的,钱是中介叫我去拿的,是现金,好象没有什么退款凭证.中介说先按原来的标准买了汇票过去,但是被退回了,又再按新标准再买汇票过去,所以损失了买汇票的手续费和变动汇率的钱.但是我算不过来,总觉得损失得太多了.
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