加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民一个困惑俺很久的问题,请明白人指点!
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.做一个健康快乐,纯粹朴实的人。随遇而安,自食其力,尽力帮助需要帮助的人。 超赞 赏 Genese 0$(VIP 0) 3,2092006-06-07#2 俺也想知道,帮你顶
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.做一个健康快乐,纯粹朴实的人。随遇而安,自食其力,尽力帮助需要帮助的人。 超赞 赏 A Aim宅 0$(VIP 0) 33,6082006-06-07#5 啊哟,题目太大,俺不懂电~~~~~
喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗? 超赞 赏 R Roy HE您的私人移民专家 0$(VIP 0) 3,1122006-06-20#6 不可能的, 如果接地, 第一太危险,不知道每年或每天要被电死多少人;另外,耗能太大了, 在构建节能社会的今天就更不可能让电力资源白白消耗! 肯定是有回路的,本人没学过电力,不清楚,但在铁路边的唯一危险是被火车撞, 这点偶是知道滴!
Hope you all could be successful and make your happy new life in the new country! MSN: [email protected]: herui1999QQ: 188088319Weibo: www.weibo.com/roymigration 超赞 赏 xianzijj 0$(VIP 0) 14,4952006-06-21#7 什么意思?不明白。。。
尼奥宠物,一个目前最流行,孩子们最爱的游戏 SOSG动漫社团 闪耀青春综合娱乐社区 超赞 赏 J joeqq 0$(VIP 0) 852006-06-22#8 我的答案:1。 首先,电力机车供电方式有overhead wire,third rail, on-board storage device 三种。楼主大概指的是第二种。2。第二种的工作方式:The third rail is located either in between the two running rails or, usually, on the outside of them. The electricity is transmitted to the train by means of a sliding "shoe" (pick-up or contact shoe) which is held in contact with the rail. On many systems an insulating cover is provided above the third rail to protect employees working near the track; sometimes the shoe is designed to contact the side (side running) or bottom (bottom running) of the third rail, allowing the protective cover to be mounted directly to its top surface. When the shoe slides on top, it is referred to as "top running". When the shoe slides on the bottom it is not affected by the build-up of snow or leaves.3。那第三种危不危险呢?As with overhead wires, the return current on a third-rail system usually flows through one or both running rails, and leakage to ground is not considered serious.但是!!!An unguarded electrified rail is a safety hazard, and some people have been killed by touching the rail or by stepping on it while attempting to cross the tracks. However, such incidents are usually the result of carelessness on the part of the victim.所以,电力机车及其轨道是危险的,请大家远离!
joeqq 说:我的答案: 1。 首先,电力机车供电方式有overhead wire,third rail, on-board storage device 三种。楼主大概指的是第二种。 2。第二种的工作方式:The third rail is located either in between the two running rails or, usually, on the outside of them. The electricity is transmitted to the train by means of a sliding "shoe" (pick-up or contact shoe) which is held in contact with the rail. On many systems an insulating cover is provided above the third rail to protect employees working near the track; sometimes the shoe is designed to contact the side (side running) or bottom (bottom running) of the third rail, allowing the protective cover to be mounted directly to its top surface. When the shoe slides on top, it is referred to as "top running". When the shoe slides on the bottom it is not affected by the build-up of snow or leaves. 3。那第三种危不危险呢?As with overhead wires, the return current on a third-rail system usually flows through one or both running rails, and leakage to ground is not considered serious. 但是!!!An unguarded electrified rail is a safety hazard, and some people have been killed by touching the rail or by stepping on it while attempting to cross the tracks. However, such incidents are usually the result of carelessness on the part of the victim. 所以,电力机车及其轨道是危险的,请大家远离!点击展开...看了这个好怕怕啊....,以前俺经常在铁轨上走,俺家那里的铁路80年代就电气化了...
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.做一个健康快乐,纯粹朴实的人。随遇而安,自食其力,尽力帮助需要帮助的人。 超赞 赏 laochi 0$(VIP 0) 2302006-06-22#11 有轨电车确实是靠铁轨构成回路的,我老家大连就至今还有轨电车,想来电力火车也是如此。至于说跨步电压,肯定是没有这个问题,有轨电车在城市中穿行当然是绝对安全的,电力火车的轨道长期也未封闭,当然也不会有触电的危险。这个原因想想也很简单,电流在两根老粗的铁轨中,电阻非常小,人的步子再大能跨多远?这一步长的铁轨的极小的电阻产生的电压也极小,自然造不成触电。另外大概铁轨下面另有电缆和铁轨连接也说不定。但是地铁没有上面的辫子,供电电缆,上面英文帖子说的叫“三轨”就在站台下面,所以下到站台下面是危险的。
Sometimes I wonder if men and women really suit each other. Perhaps they should live next door and just visit now and then. 超赞 赏 laochi 0$(VIP 0) 2302006-06-22#12 解释一下跨步电压,跨步电压产生的原因是电源与大地接触时有较大的电阻。比如断了的高压电线落在地上,这时就会产生跨步电压。但是如果接地电阻很小,比如避雷针的接地,尽管雷电有上万伏电压,但是因为接地良好,所以在避雷针下面附近地区不会产生跨步电压。有轨电车也是一样,因为铁轨铺设在地面,接地面积很大,所以接地电阻很小,也就不会产生跨步电压。
Sometimes I wonder if men and women really suit each other. Perhaps they should live next door and just visit now and then.看了这个好怕怕啊....,以前俺经常在铁轨上走,俺家那里的铁路80年代就电气化了...点击展开... 你说的不属于第二种,应该是第一种。所以地上的双轨只是接地,没有电流的,不用害怕。 只要你没有碰到third rail, 就不会有危险。1977年曾发生过韩国移民 Sang Yeul Lee因为喝醉后小便不慎碰到third rail而毙命。后来他的妻子状告芝加哥铁路局。
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