加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民13 是dm?? 我怎末看到是finalized? 膣道真我樵的劫果和大多?不一???
?才??打??真13了,我就以?dm了, 可是上?查查看不是?砧中的decision made,而是case finalized. 有?迷茫了,大家的13都是锢示case has been finalized ??
*_*篦?半年?不dm的查?信*_* 超赞 赏 gangnet 0$(VIP 0) 3,0802006-08-16#2 13 Your Case has been finalized. The result will be mailed to you.decision made,应该是CIC和香港的。
gangnet 说:13 Your Case has been finalized. The result will be mailed to you. decision made,应该是CIC和香港的。点击展开... 我?才短信?了另一?13咿了的北京tz,他真他是decision made~~ ,?不?是不斤我?visa吧~~
*_*篦?半年?不dm的查?信*_* 超赞 赏 gangnet 0$(VIP 0) 3,0802006-08-16#4 下面是北京的状态代码及意义。01 Scheduled for interview. 02 In queue for interview, not yet scheduled. 03 Our office will contact you. 04 Please contact our office. 05 Request letter sent {see Additional Information shown above}. 06 Awaiting information from external source. Please be patient. 07 Pending medical results. 08 Documents received, either from you or from an external source, are under review. 09 In queue for creation. 10 Pending preliminary assessment. 11 Our office will contact you {see Additional Information shown above}. 12 File is under review. 13 Your Case has been finalized. The result will be mailed to you. 14 Your file is in queue for assessment. 15 You are requested to attend an interview. Please present yourself. 16 The result of your application is ready. Please come to pick it up or advise us if you want us to mail it to you. 17 The result of your application has been sent to you. Please contact us if you have not received it by {see Additional Information shown above}. 18 We are waiting for your IELTS result. 19 You are on the interview standby list. 20 Your file has been transferred as per your request. 21 Medicals were sent to you on {see Additional Information shown above}. Please comply as soon as possible.
xiaofan191 说:我?才短信?了另一?13咿了的北京tz,他真他是decision made~~ ,?不?是不斤我?visa吧~~点击展开...decision made是发生在CIC上,has been finalised发生在BJCIC上,一般是BJCIC先于CIC
gangnet 说:下面是北京的状态代码及意义。 01 Scheduled for interview. 02 In queue for interview, not yet scheduled. 03 Our office will contact you. 04 Please contact our office. 05 Request letter sent {see Additional Information shown above}. 06 Awaiting information from external source. Please be patient. 07 Pending medical results. 08 Documents received, either from you or from an external source, are under review. 09 In queue for creation. 10 Pending preliminary assessment. 11 Our office will contact you {see Additional Information shown above}. 12 File is under review. 13 Your Case has been finalized. The result will be mailed to you. 14 Your file is in queue for assessment. 15 You are requested to attend an interview. Please present yourself. 16 The result of your application is ready. Please come to pick it up or advise us if you want us to mail it to you. 17 The result of your application has been sent to you. Please contact us if you have not received it by {see Additional Information shown above}. 18 We are waiting for your IELTS result. 19 You are on the interview standby list. 20 Your file has been transferred as per your request. 21 Medicals were sent to you on {see Additional Information shown above}. Please comply as soon as possible.点击展开... 非常感著~~可是我的13只有前半句,?有真噍寄劫果,就是呃?子的:CodeStatusENStatusFRStatusCH13Your Case has been finalised.Votre demande a été finalisé.你的申请已审理完毕。是不是不正常??我?在脊梁骨办?~~
*_*篦?半年?不dm的查?信*_* 超赞 赏 gangnet 0$(VIP 0) 3,0802006-08-16#7 已经结案了。等消息吧。这些状态含义是以前的,现在,北京大使馆换了点汤。
不用担心,我刚核实了一下,BJ使馆查询是13,Code StatusEN StatusFR StatusCH 13 Your Case has been finalised. Votre demande a été finalisé. 你的申请已审理完毕。
奔向未来,我的最爱 超赞 赏 Genese 0$(VIP 0) 3,2092006-08-16#10 ding
体检了之后13应该是好消息吧。good luck to u!
200104-05 递表北京大使馆,收到FN200603-04 5->12->8->12->13->17200609-10 香港-首尔-多伦多-首尔-多伦多-香港200702 收到枫叶卡和退费$485201101-02香港-多伦多-香港 超赞 赏 P ptllcc 0$(VIP 0) 152006-08-18#12 到了13就基本毕业了,以我的经验,两个星期左右就会17,再过两天就会收到大信封。恭喜恭喜!!!
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