加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民管窥移民官员的水平和工作态度
(一个洋筒子的邮件) "Even though it's not directly relevant to the skilled workerapplication, I wanted to share our entry experience from earlier thisweek.My wife: grad student at UBC, US citizenMe: contract worker at Canadian branch of US company, US citizenSince we're American, we applied at the border (Vancouver airport).She had everything she needed to apply for a study permit (admission letter).I had everything I needed to apply for a work permit (letter ofintroduction, contract).At first, we showed the officer these documents and he assigned her astudy permit for two years and me a work permit for one year,classified as a management consultant.I was disappointed since I had hoped for an open permit, which Ibelieved I was entitled to as the spouse of a full-time student. Also,I wondered why my permit was not valid for the same length of timehers was.As we proceeded to the line to pay for our permits, I noticed that myname was misspelled on the work permit and her study permit had hermaiden name on it. So we decided to go back through the line to get itsorted out.Also, I decided to insist that I was entitled to an open work permit.The officer went back and hit the books for a while and when hereturned he agreed that I was entitled to an open work permit that wasvalid for the same length of time her study permit was.In all it took about four hours and a lot of stress to get everythingcleared up.Customs didn't even care about our goods to follow list. I'm sure theywill when our stuff arrives and we have to clear it!I guess the point is they're receptive to being politely disagreedwith and they take the applicant's right to appeal the decisionseriously."
圣经学习中,请多多指教!求购像这样的儿童乐高玩具 超赞 赏 广州阔少爷神之尊者§大象无形 0$(VIP 0) 1,4182006-08-18#2 ding
超赞 赏 Y yahooww 0$(VIP 0) 1,7832006-08-19#3 没想到啊没想到,居然有美国人往加拿大跑~
20050110 递件 20060612 ME20060731 DM 20060818 PL20061114 取签 20070609 登陆没想到啊没想到,居然有美国人往加拿大跑~点击展开...911以后去加拿大的美国人多了去了。
圣经学习中,请多多指教!求购像这样的儿童乐高玩具911以后去加拿大的美国人多了去了。点击展开... 错误观点,统计数据表明911后表示想要移民加拿大的美国人很多,但是实际上真正开始办理移民的没有几个。
关中耍大刀 说:错误观点,统计数据表明911后表示想要移民加拿大的美国人很多,但是实际上真正开始办理移民的没有几个。点击展开...我认识的两个老美就移民加拿大了,其中一个跟我说美国人移民到加拿大的最多。我想他的意思是美国人移民到其它国家的人口中,移民加拿大的占的比例最大。这当然可以理解,加拿大离美国最近。
圣经学习中,请多多指教!求购像这样的儿童乐高玩具 超赞 赏 wellssong 0$(VIP 0) 1,2502006-08-29#7 我认识的美国人当中也有往加拿大办移民的
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