加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民主申请人带孩子登陆而配偶不登陆会发生什么?



回复: 主申请人带孩子登陆而配偶不登陆会发生什么?哪位大侠知道,如果主申请人带孩子登陆,而配偶由于工作关系不能同去,是否会影响主申请人和孩子的登陆及后续事宜(比如办各种手续及计算移民监及入籍等等)?点击展开... 建议出入境最好夫妇两个一起带孩子,加拿大海关特别喜欢管这种事。笑面从网站:http://www.voyage.gc.ca/main/before/faq/children_travel-en.asp抄了一点,你自己慢慢仔细看吧。 [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Q: What documents should be carried by a child travelling alone or by a parent or guardian travelling with a child?[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]A: Foreign officials and transportation companies are vigilant concerning documentation for children crossing international borders. Make sure you carry the proper identification for yourself and any children travelling with you, including any documents that might be required by the authorities of the country you intend to visit, and by Canadian authorities on your return to Canada with the child. Generally, persons younger than 18 years of age could be considered children. Proper identification includes, but is not limited to, a valid passport for the child when travelling outside Canada. In addition, we recommend:[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]That a consent document or letter be carried to prove that the child has the permission of the absent lawful parent(s) or guardian to travel. This document should be specific to each trip and should include contact information for the parent(s) or guardian. A sample is provided forparents to use as a model to draft their own consent letter.[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This consent document could be required even if the separation or divorce documents award custody of the child to the accompanying parent, but the non-custodial parent has legal access or visiting rights to the child. [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In addition to the certified consent document from the absent parent, a copy of any separation, divorce or custody decree might be requested.[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]A child of divorced or separated parents who is travelling without either parent could use either one consent document signed by both parents or two separate documents.[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]If a legal guardian is accompanying the child, then a copy of the court order granting guardianship might also be requested.[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]If only one parent's name appears on the birth certificate, and the child is travelling with the other parent, then we also recommend that a certified copy of the child's birth certificate be carried.[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]If one parent has died, a certified copy of the death certificate could also be carried.[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Remember that customs officers, as well as other authorities, inside and outside Canada are looking for missing children and may ask questions. Make sure you carry the proper identification for yourself and any children travelling with you. In addition to passports, proper identification could include, but is not limited to, birth certificates, citizenship cards, landed immigrant records and certificates of Indian status.[/FONT]

http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 懒 懒懒的猫 0$(VIP 0) 362007-06-04#3 回复: 主申请人带孩子登陆而配偶不登陆会发生什么?谢谢楼上答复,不过可能我没说清楚,我不是问带孩子的问题,主要是问配偶不登陆,是否影响主申请人的问题.如果我们办成了移民,孩子也已经18岁了,所以不存在上述说的那个问题.我是想知道如果夫妻一方不登陆(付申请人),甚至放弃移民,那主申请人和孩子是否受影响?这样问是因为我们还是主要想把孩子送过来,自己并不真的想过来,而我们知道主申请人是一定要过来的(至少要登陆的),所以选择主申请人带孩子先过来,但就怕如果付申请人不来,会不会人家不让我们入境?

回复: 主申请人带孩子登陆而配偶不登陆会发生什么?谢谢楼上答复,不过可能我没说清楚,我不是问带孩子的问题,主要是问配偶不登陆,是否影响主申请人的问题.如果我们办成了移民,孩子也已经18岁了,所以不存在上述说的那个问题.我是想知道如果夫妻一方不登陆(付申请人),甚至放弃移民,那主申请人和孩子是否受影响?这样问是因为我们还是主要想把孩子送过来,自己并不真的想过来,而我们知道主申请人是一定要过来的(至少要登陆的),所以选择主申请人带孩子先过来,但就怕如果付申请人不来,会不会人家不让我们入境?点击展开... 只要主申请人先登陆就可以。以后都各管各的。

http://www.canadameet.com 超赞 赏 懒 懒懒的猫 0$(VIP 0) 362007-06-04#5 回复: 主申请人带孩子登陆而配偶不登陆会发生什么?多谢!

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