加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民取签信被退回HK,准备再发信,请朋友们帮忙指教
使馆回E-mail说4月18日取签信已经发出,说我的地址是无效的地址,可是前几次使馆来信使用的地址都是没有改变呀,我的收信地址还用改吗?使馆回信:Please be advised that visa x 3 have been issued to you on 18 April 2007. However, mail sent to you was returned due to insufficient address.Mail was sent to the address below :(家庭地址)Please confirm if above address is correct. Upon receipt of your confirmation of mailing address, visa pick up letter will be sent to you.现正准备给HK发第二封信,信的内容请大家多多指教,谢谢!准备回信的内容:Dear Visa Officer:Thank you for getting your reply so quickly. I have two ideas about the visa pick up letter which was returned to you:1) Can I use the E-mailed pick up letter to get the visa if you would like to send the Pick Up Letter on E-mail to this address? 2) I would like to change my mailing address to replace the former one, also the former address is correct.The new mailing address is:(单位地址)Yours sincerely,朋友们,可以这样写吗?多谢指教!
从心开始 超赞 赏 rabbit_rain 0$(VIP 0) 8642007-06-25#2 回复: 取签信被退回HK,准备再发信,请朋友们帮忙指教你在另一版面的也发过这个主题,我帮你改了下,你看到没?
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