加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民正在选择登陆城市的可以看以下
正在选择登陆城市的可以看一下刚看到一篇文章,觉得对选择登陆城市可能会有点参考作用,拿出来和大家一起分享. As well, only a minority of Quebecers - 44 per cent - think society should try harder to accept minorities' customs and traditions. In the rest of Canada, a strong majority - 75 per cent - thought so.The phone poll of 1,500 Canadians, including 1,000 Quebecers, was done over the Thanksgiving weekend, between Oct. 4 and 10, on behalf of the Montreal-based Association for Canadian Studies.It was carried out one month after the start of cross-Quebec hearings by the Bouchard-Taylor commission, which is taking the pulse of the province on the issue of "reasonable accommodations" of minorities.The poll found other differences in attitude between Quebecers and other Canadians:Immigrant code of conduct: Only one in three people in the rest of Canada likes the idea of a "code of religious and cultural conduct" for immigrants to follow. In Quebec, though, the idea is more popular: half said they support it.Women's rights: Seventy-five per cent of Quebecers want to amend the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to make the equality of men and women more important than the rights of religious groups. In the rest of Canada, support for such a measure is lower - 65 per cent.Hijabs and niqabs: More people in the rest of Canada think it is fine for Muslim women to wear a head scarf (80 per cent, vs. 70 per cent in Quebec) and even a full face-veil (60 per cent, compared with 40 per cent in Quebec).Teachers wearing hijabs: Three out of four Canadians outside Quebec don't mind hijabs on teachers in public schools. By contrast, only half of Quebecers have no problem with it.Students in hijabs: Quebecers are even less keen to let girls wear hijabs in class. Forty-five per cent say it is fine, versus. 70 per cent in the rest of Canada.Jewish kippas in hospitals: Three out of four Canadians have no problem with Jewish doctors wearing the kippa scalp-covering on duty, but only half of Quebecers don't mind.Prayer rooms: Less than one-third of Quebecers favour prayer facilities in colleges and universities, compared with two-thirds in the rest of Canada (support is even higher in the Maritimes, Alberta and Ontario).Crucifixes: They are more important to Quebecers, but only by a slim majority. Fifty-one per cent here want crucifixes on the walls of public schools. Elsewhere in Canada, only 40 per cent want them.Religious schools: More than any other Canadians, Quebecers don't want their taxes to pay for religious schools - 69 per cent are against full funding for religious public schools, and 67 per cent don't want any subsidies at all for private ones."Overall, the survey reflects a certain ambiguity Quebecers have about the value of different cultures," said Jack Jedwab, executive director of the Association for Canadian Studies."They value them, but at the same time they want immigrants to give up the customs that set them apart."He added: "But when it comes to anti-Semitic and racist remarks, one is tempted to ask, 'How much is too much?' "On some issues, however, people in the rest of Canada appear less tolerant of minorities and foreigners.In Alberta, for example, where the booming economy is a magnet for newcomers, 35 per cent of people say society is threatened by an influx of non-Christian immigrants - the highest percentage in the country.And almost half of people in Ontario - 45 per cent - said society is changing too quickly "because of all the minorities we have here," as the question put it.The poll's margin of error is 2.9 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.Montreal Gazette
回复: 正在选择登陆城市的可以看以下do you means Quebec is not fit for asia newcomer?
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