加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民如何添:"15. Full name, address and relationship of person willing to assist".
On Confirmation of Permanent Residence form, 大家短登时是15项的: "15. Full name, address and relationship of person willing to assist". 是添的枫叶卡邮寄地址吗?还是不同的地址?
回复: 如何添:"15. Full name, address and relationship of person willing to assist".ding
回复: 如何添:"15. Full name, address and relationship of person willing to assist".帮顶
Don't worry, be happy. 超赞 赏 M maple leaf 0$(VIP 0) 1642008-04-04#4 回复: 如何添:"15. Full name, address and relationship of person willing to assist".ding
回复: 如何添:"15. Full name, address and relationship of person willing to assist".Don't fill in CPR until the immigration officer asks you to do so.Only sign your name in front of the officer!!!
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