加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于请国内保险公司开证明-求助!
回复: 关于请国内保险公司开证明-求助!自己顶!
回复: 关于请国内保险公司开证明-求助!不懂,帮顶
回复: 关于请国内保险公司开证明-求助!我也顶一下!那位支支招啊!
阿福宝 超赞 赏 deepbluehanwaiting... 0$(VIP 0) 3,3802008-06-23#5 回复: 关于请国内保险公司开证明-求助!我用的是这个样板,把自己的资料套进去就行了。另外,最好要主管人士或者经办人的亲笔签字,国外认这个。 [FONT=宋体]无交通事故理赔的证明样本:[/FONT][FONT=宋体]您的保险公司信纸台头[/FONT][FONT=宋体]公司地址,电话及传真[/FONT]Dear sir/madam,This is to verify that Zhang xiaohui Carried vehicle insurance with PICC Property and Casualty Company LTD under policy number ([FONT=宋体]保单号[/FONT])Automobile insurance has been in force from (10, 10, 2006) to (18, 05, 2008).Its license plate is Beijing F 63208.Automobile insurance has been in force for Driver: ZHANG XIAOHUI from (10, 10, 2006) to (18, 05, 2008)She has a safe drive record and never ask our company any compensate.SIGNATURE[FONT=宋体](签名)[/FONT]NAME[FONT=宋体](姓名)[/FONT]POSITION[FONT=宋体](职务)[/FONT]TELEPHONE NUMBER 861-0-[FONT=宋体]座机号[/FONT]
It is the best of times, it is the worst of times; it is the age of wisdom, it is the age of foolishness. 超赞 赏 J jerryszxl 0$(VIP 0) 4242008-06-24#6 回复: 关于请国内保险公司开证明-求助!想直接考g2是要交管所的证明还是保险公司的呀?Applicants who self–declare more than 12 months of driving experience at the time of application are required to present written authentication of their out-of-country driving experience from the originating licensing agency, or from the Embassy, Consulate or High Commissioners’ offices representing the licensing jurisdiction.originating licensing agency 我理解是交管所吧,保险公司也行么?你们这是为G照准备的吗?
13oct08 Torontodealing with dandelion 超赞 赏 J jerryszxl 0$(VIP 0) 4242008-06-26#7 回复: 关于请国内保险公司开证明-求助!这个一定要保险公司的章么?现在有很多代理做保险的公司可以吗?还有办这个有什么用呀?
13oct08 Torontodealing with dandelion 超赞 赏 C caoxn 0$(VIP 0) 352008-06-30#8 回复: 关于请国内保险公司开证明-求助!多谢大家!
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