加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有查过caips的同志进来说说。
刚才看了caips的网站,好像并不麻烦,一个基本的查询60加币,5~6周出结果,用email寄。现在有如下两个问题: 1。好像从以前的帖子里发现必须要有加国的朋友帮助才行,在官方网站上没有体现这样的要求。请确认。2。caips能否得到确实有用的效果呢??诸位过来人都从中得到了什么信息呢? 在此感谢!!
机场接送服务.--暂停 通过 FE 考试。 需要复习材料的请 PM 我。 超赞 赏 反馈:fengyanqi123456 G graceinbj05 0$(VIP 0) 1902007-09-09#2 回复: 有查过caips的同志进来说说。关注....
2006年1月 FN HK 2007年11月28日 ME 2007年12月20日体检 2008年2月12日登陆费收据到2008年6月11日DM2008年6月18日PL 超赞 赏 joz 0$(VIP 0) 672007-09-09#3 回复: 有查过caips的同志进来说说。caips是什么东东?
回复: 有查过caips的同志进来说说。同问
回复: 有查过caips的同志进来说说。我也想今年年底补完料后2个月,也就是中国农历年的时候查一查,心里对进度有个底!
生命在于折腾!!! 超赞 赏 cicizhou 0$(VIP 0) 4,6622007-09-09#7 回复: 有查过caips的同志进来说说。转载关于CAIPS (http://post.iask.ca/canadameet/topic/80991&highlight=caips)________________________________________◆◆◆ CAIPS 是什么 ◆◆◆CAIPS is short for 'Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System'. It is the computer system used by Citizenship & Immigration Canada to process overseas visa applications, and holds all the information on the current status of every immigration application有人说了:网上不是有个 e-client 么?那个东西几乎没用,例如对于 skilled worker 申请从提交到批准下来这一两年,e-client 决大多数时候只有一句话 - “in process”。这不是废话么。CAIPS 里面提供的信息就详细多了,例如材料什么时候收到、申请费交没交、大概评估分数是多少、对于你的 case 移民局有如特别 note、最近是否发信给过你、为什么发信给你、你提交的各种补充材料他们是否收到、体检结果移民局是否收到 等等。CAIPS 应该是你通过正当渠道能得到的关于你申请情况最详细的报告。◆◆◆ 申请 caips 要多少钱 ◆◆◆首先要说,如果申请人现在 present in Canada 给自己要 caips 其实是免费的。你在查询自己的信息,根据加拿大法律 Privacy Act 规定,如果是要求自己的信息,是免费的。上个星期有个朋友和我讲:他们咨询某华人移民公司,那家的老板信誓旦旦地说 caips 只有某些特定的移民顾问能查,要价 300 加币给查一份。听后吓了我一跳,居然有人这么心黑,都是中国人对同胞真下得了手。佩服佩服. 今天碰巧看了一家挺有名的华人移民中介公司的网站,上面大大方方办理这个东西要 200 加币。唉,跑题了,继续讲 caips ......如果你委托人 present in Canada 在加拿大的朋友查询,那叫通过 access to information act 查询你的资料,别人查你的资料,加拿大政府是要收钱点钱的,多少呢?绝对不是 200、300 加币,是 5 加币。嗯,我没写错你也没看错,是一二三四五的五。老有人问,那国际学生查询是不是要非交这 5 加币呢,我的答案是不用。加拿大政府还算公平,在这个问题对留学生和移民公民一视同仁。我以前当国际学生的时候,就此事问过移民局主管这个事情的人。下面是 CIC 的一部门 manager 给我的回信。Hello, XXX, ........ since you are presently in Canada, please check off the Privacy Act and note that no fee is required.XXXXXX XXXXManager of Operations - PRADCICtel: (613) 946-xxxxfax: (613) 957-xxxx注:我现在写 access to information act or privacy act 是专门值移民申请,其实通过这两个法案可以查很多很多很多其它的内容。◆◆◆ 申请 caips 需要的表格 ◆◆◆主要表格就是这个IMM5563B Access to Information and Personal Information Requesthttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kit...s/IMM5563B.pdf具体的官方说明都在这里http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/departm...2Dimm5563.htmlAccess to Information and Privacy at CICAccess to Information and Personal Information Request Form (IMM 5563)If you decide to use Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s Access to Information and Personal Information Request form, please do not accompany it with a letter or the Treasury Board form. Only use this form, the necessary consents and the fee (if applicable) when making a request. Following these recommendations will save all parties time and paper.Basic items needed to start processing a request:Formal request Consent(s) Fee ($5.00, only for an Access to information request) cheque or money order made payable to the Receiver General for Canada Basic information needed to start processing a request:Name Date of birth File location File number Tips:The right column on CIC’s Access to Information and Personal Information Request form indicates what information we require for the corresponding information (i.e. if you check off the CAIPS notes box on the right, it indicates we require the embassy location and visa file number). Not providing the required information will result in an incomplete request letter and delay the processing of your request. (CAIPS notes are only for immigration files abroad, FOSS notes are only for immigration files that are in Canada and GCMS is for citizenship files only.) We suggest that you request CAIPS or FOSS notes only. These notes are printed in our office, therefore processing is quicker. The physical file usually only contains the documents that were provided by your client. Having to call for a physical file increases the processing time. If you wish to obtain all files in Canada, check off the Canada file box, indicate the client ID and write “all locations”. You will automatically receive FOSS notes with any request for Canadian files. If you wish to obtain a VISA file (physical file including CAIPS), indicate the file number (starts with a “B”, “V”, “E” or an “S” most of the time) and the location of the embassy. For files abroad, we rely on a computer system that is provided to us by Foreign Affairs Canada. This system does not enable us to locate all files in all embassies at once by a search under your client’s name or client ID. We need each location as we can only search one embassy at a time. CAIPS notes are always provided with a VISA file request. If the file number you wish to access is unknown, please indicate it. We will then attempt to search for it. If you wish to continue using either the Treasury Board request form or a letter, please be clear, concise and provide all information that would be required if you used CIC’s Access to information and Personal Information Request form.NB.: Requests under the Access to Information or Privacy Acts can only be made by Canadian Citizens, Permanent Residents, or a person present in Canada, therefore if your client is not one of the above, your request must be made under the Access to Information Act. Also, your first request must include proof (i.e. copy of Canadian passport) that the requester (yourself) is one of the above if you are making the request from outside Canada.这里面说到的 Consent,就是 A 授权 B 替 A 查询有关 A 的移民信息,A 可以写信授权,或者填写另外一个表格Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual Form (IMM 5475)http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kit...s/IMM5475E.pdf有关说明在这里http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applica...ease-info.html
生命在于折腾!!! 超赞 赏 反馈:guantaitai, wj1307 和 ian2002 lindazy 0$(VIP 0) 2,1072007-09-09#8 回复: 有查过caips的同志进来说说。学习
知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求2月21日 DHL,3月15日DM,3月18日收到visa有变化总是好的 超赞 赏 ryan_77 0$(VIP 0) 1822007-09-09#9 回复: 有查过caips的同志进来说说。好复杂。慢慢学习
目的地:EDMONTON2007.8.15顺丰递交香港;2007.8.16使馆签收(有盖使馆的大印呢);2007.8.28招行信用卡划款7980HKD;2008.2.4FN,SAP(有同班同学吗?);等待S2......分分是靠大家加的,谢谢谢谢 超赞 赏 S samjame 0$(VIP 0) 1312007-09-09#10 回复: 有查过caips的同志进来说说。我刚查过的,花了RMB180
回复: 有查过caips的同志进来说说。谢谢分享
08.08.05登陆calgary 超赞 赏 L lostinnanjing 0$(VIP 0) 6242007-09-09#12 回复: 有查过caips的同志进来说说。如果你有朋友在加拿大, 可以请他们帮你查,只要5 dollars, 一个月左右出结果。
回复: 有查过caips的同志进来说说。楼上的你从何种途径得知的呢??? 我从官方网站上下载的表格好像没有这么提呀!
机场接送服务.--暂停 通过 FE 考试。 需要复习材料的请 PM 我。我刚查过的,花了RMB180点击展开... 请问你是怎么查的? 一定要有在加拿大的朋友才能查嘛?
2006-07-10 递料HK 2006-10-06 中秋 接中介通知 期盼已久的FN终于来了2006-09-27 FN签发 2007-11-03 老公考雅思 加油!AZA~~AZA~~~再次进入漫长的等待中,我的me快快来 超赞 赏 行 行者无疆 0$(VIP 0) 1912007-09-09#15 回复: 有查过caips的同志进来说说。学习了。
回复: 有查过caips的同志进来说说。LZ反应我引用的家园前辈的有些连接打不开,我上移民局查了一下给个新连接http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5563B.pdf
生命在于折腾!!! 超赞 赏 反馈:阳光99 lily2004 0$(VIP 0) 2642007-09-09#18 回复: 有查过caips的同志进来说说。收藏.有用的着的时候.
马拉松都跑过了,还怕移民路长?路漫漫,吾将上下而求索2007年7月31日,BJ使馆收到我家的申请.2007年8月9日,BJ使馆签发FN.2008年2月5日大年三十,出现地址栏... 超赞 赏 annieshenModerator 0$(VIP 0) 27,2382007-09-09#19 回复: 有查过caips的同志进来说说。没啥大的价值.....
超赞 赏 wewafifa 0$(VIP 0) 1702007-09-09#20 回复: 有查过caips的同志进来说说。真的没有用吗?我还准备查呢!
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