加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民短登需要办理sin吗
回复: 短登需要办理sin吗除了入境时的枫叶卡,这个是唯一要办的卡
2008年7月10日登陆2014年9月17,宣誓成为加拿大公民 超赞 赏 B blackstone 0$(VIP 0) 1682008-09-28#3 回复: 短登需要办理sin吗办吧,短登的大部分都办,必有道理,我也办了
超赞 赏 steveyoungIT Laborer 0$(VIP 0) 1,5612008-09-28#4 回复: 短登需要办理sin吗我也要去办。
我的ING ORANGE KEY 40774691S1,欢迎使用 超赞 赏 S shinez 0$(VIP 0) 9042008-09-28#5 回复: 短登需要办理sin吗这个办了没坏处。但短登时医疗卡不要办。
回复: 短登需要办理sin吗should have SIN done. It just cause you 2 mins at most to have it finished, and you can have your SIN number instantly, with which you could have the bank account which I have it opened too, the chequing account, the saving account, and the credit card.Because I am here only for 3 weeks, I could have my SIN card mailed to me (in 5 to 10 working days). I have my bank books (you can choose monthly statement too), and cheque account card at once. But the bank draft from Bank of China needs 30 days to be deposit! (no idea how come it is so long, I remember just a week or so in London, years ago).
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