加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教一个国际和国内航班的行李问题
回复: 请教一个国际和国内航班的行李问题除非北京到多伦多你也买的是国航的机票,从沈阳到北京也是买国航的机票,这样同样的航空公司就可以免费同样数量的行李。如果订加航的北京到多伦多机票的话,国内沈阳到北京这一段你就只有坐火车了
回复: 请教一个国际和国内航班的行李问题找顺丰之类的快递公司也可以
回复: 请教一个国际和国内航班的行李问题我国内段到北京是国航的,北京到温哥华也是国航,温哥华再转机是加航的,请问这样的行李按哪个航的算啊
可堪使馆VISA难,杜鹃声里新颜旧。我在EDMONTON,你在哪里? 超赞 赏 gingerDL 0$(VIP 0) 3332008-10-12#5 回复: 请教一个国际和国内航班的行李问题我和楼上的同问,我也去Edmonton,买的也是国航的。听我的机票代理说,温哥华到Edmonton会加收一个行李的钱,所以我和老公决定到温哥华机场后就把一个箱子邮到Edmonton。
生活不易,需要一颗勇敢,坚定的心。 超赞 赏 柳絮飞扬 0$(VIP 0) 4582008-10-12#6 回复: 请教一个国际和国内航班的行李问题I landed in Ottawa in August.I flew from Changchun to Beijing by Air China and flew from Beijing to Toronto by Air Canada.I have no problem with my luggage. When I was at Changchun i just showed them our international tickets.Because we were going to change our plane in 24 hours. So we used Air Canada's luggage rules. Your destination has to been Vancouver or Toronto then you can have the third free suitcase, otherwise you need to pay for it.
2008年8月-2010年8月在渥太华的生活,现已回国,加籍儿子在国内上小学二年级。I landed in Ottawa in August.I flew from Changchun to Beijing by Air China and flew from Beijing to Toronto by Air Canada.I have no problem with my luggage. When I was at Changchun i just showed them our international tickets.Because we were going to change our plane in 24 hours. So we used Air Canada's luggage rules. Your destination has to been Vancouver or Toronto then you can have the third free suitcase, otherwise you need to pay for it.点击展开...谢谢,请问你买的是联程票吗?
幸福是什么? 幸福就是心存感激 !I landed in Ottawa in August.I flew from Changchun to Beijing by Air China and flew from Beijing to Toronto by Air Canada.I have no problem with my luggage. When I was at Changchun i just showed them our international tickets.Because we were going to change our plane in 24 hours. So we used Air Canada's luggage rules. Your destination has to been Vancouver or Toronto then you can have the third free suitcase, otherwise you need to pay for it.点击展开... Your information is so useful. THKSBTW, how many luggages you've taken?
·生活百科 来自原点的选择性率
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