加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问怎么在多伦多打对方付费电话?
回复: 请问怎么在多伦多打对方付费电话?你在国内就可以搞定的, 市内电话 25分随便打国际电话,网上买一张电话卡,5元钱500分钟多 要手机吗? 太复杂了点击展开... 你是推销手机的?哈哈~我只是问一下对方付费电话怎么打,就是我要在多转机,到了多要给老公和婆婆报一下平安,因为身上没有25的硬币,所以说婆婆让我打给她让对方付费。
渥村生活ing~~~你是推销手机的?哈哈~我只是问一下对方付费电话怎么打,就是我要在多转机,到了多要给老公和婆婆报一下平安,因为身上没有25的硬币,所以说婆婆让我打给她让对方付费。点击展开...为什么不问你婆婆?从来没有打过collect call,我知道第二种肯定可以,但是好像要多付钱,不知道第一种行不行。这是从bell网站上copy的。Long distance dialling instructions* From a landline or a Bell payphone Dial "0" (zero) + area code + the number you are calling and follow the prompts.* If you are travelling within Canada or the US: Dial 1 800 555-1111 and follow the instructions to give you access to Bell rates and our bilingual operators* TTY/teletypewriter dial 1 800 855-1155Operator-assisted callsOperator- assisted calls are more expensive than direct-dialled calls. In addition to the long distance rates, there is an operator surcharge. Only one additional charge applies on any given call.Some types of operator-assisted calls include:* Mobile phone* Ship to shore service* Ground to air* Person to person*** Dial "0" (zero) and select the Operator Assistance option "0" and tell the operator the type of call you wish to make.
回复: 请问怎么在多伦多打对方付费电话?刚刚问了一下,第一种(和你说的一样)就行。
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