加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民加拿大最好的大学是那些?
回复: 加拿大最好的大学是那些?我引用的哦 加拿大大学排名Canadian University RankingThe Maclean's Canadian University Rankings offer a unique opportunity to make informed decisions on the comparative strengths of public universities across Canada.Primarily Undergraduate Ranking St. Francis Xavier Mount Allison Acadia UNBC Bishop’s St. Thomas Saint Mary's UPEI Trent Wilfrid Laurier Winnipeg Mount Saint Vincent Lethbridge Brock Moncton Brandon Lakehead Ryerson Laurentian Cape Breton Nipissing Comprehensive Ranking Waterloo Victoria Guelph Simon Fraser Memorial Regina New Brunswick Carleton Concordia York Windsor Medical Doctoral Ranking McGill Toronto Western UBC Queen's Alberta Montréal Laval Sherbrooke Saskatchewan McMaster Ottawa Dalhousie Calgary Manitoba
还有什么路可以走? 超赞 赏 20577 0$(VIP 0) 8862009-02-16#3 回复: 加拿大最好的大学是那些?谢谢!
回复: 加拿大最好的大学是那些?感觉Univ of Toronto,Univ of Waterloo,McGill Univ,McMaster Univ,Univ of British Columbia比较牛一些。 Univ of Toronto应该能对应美国的Top 20,Top 10肯定对应不了。
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