加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教:CIIP申请表中关于个人信息公开申明的一句话不太理解
关于个人信息公开的申明部分,一共两句话,其中第二句不太理解,是不是说CIIP会在我们登录后,帮我们从当地的职业中介机构获取相关的就业信息呢? In order to help meet your labour market integration needs, will you give us your permission to share the above information with other service-providingagencies or persons in Canada? Y OR NWill you also give us your permission to obtain information from such agencies about your labour market progress following your arrival in Canada? Do youagree? Y OR N
·学习交流 纽卡斯尔大学的MBA
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