加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民二次登陆物品携带的问题
回复: 二次登陆物品携带的问题同样想问这些问题啊,知道的朋友帮忙回答一下......期待中
回复: 二次登陆物品携带的问题你孩子啥都不能带,下面的都是楼主能带的(简单的说是一条烟和一瓶一升左右的烈酒或1.5升的葡萄酒):http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/pub/bsf5056-eng.html#s4x5 这是给离开加拿大不超过一年的居民的http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/pub/bsf5082-eng.html#s2x5 这是给离开加拿大超过一年的居民的但是对烟酒的限制是一样的。酒:Alcoholic beveragesIf you meet the minimum age requirements of the province or territory where you enter Canada, you can include limited quantities of alcoholic beverages in your personal exemption. These items must accompany you upon your arrival.Minimum ages for the importation of alcoholic beverages, as prescribed by provincial or territorial authorities, are as follows: * 18 years for Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec; and * 19 years for Yukon, the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador.You are allowed to import only one of the following amounts of alcohol free of duty and taxes: * 1.5 litres (53 imperial ounces) of wine; * 1.14 litres (40 ounces) of alcohol; * a total of 1.14 litres (40 ounces) of wine and liquor; or * 24 x 355 millilitre (12 ounce) cans or bottles (maximum of 8.5 litres) of beer or ale.烟:Tobacco productsIf you are 18 years of age or over, you are allowed to bring in all of the following amounts of tobacco into Canada free of duty and taxes within your personal exemption: * 200 cigarettes; * 50 cigars or cigarillos; * 200 grams (7 ounces) of manufactured tobacco; and * 200 tobacco sticks.
回复: 二次登陆物品携带的问题谢谢了!!!!!!!
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