加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民登陆时只带200加元行吗
09/05/20 递档-09/05/25 签收-09/06/25 担保人DM-09/07/04 担保人DM信-09/07/10 IP-09/07/20 FN信-09/07/20 状态12-09/07/27 CIC网查到Double DM-09/07/30状态13-09/08/05状态17-09/08/08大信封-09/10/21沈阳-北京-温哥华没有今天的LABOUR,就没有明天的"大家拿"~累脖ING 超赞 赏 西 西边的云 0$(VIP 0) 3882009-09-29#2 回复: 登陆时只带200加元行吗如果是你老公先于你登陆了, 你只不过是晚几天登陆.200加元行!
2009 Yantai-Calgary---------------------------------No pay no gain!Enjoy every day you have!快乐过好每一天! 超赞 赏 Tiger xia 0$(VIP 0) 3882009-09-29#3 回复: 登陆时只带200加元行吗没有问题,带多几张信用卡就可以了。
黑夜逆风细雨 梦想热情和我 超赞 赏 R rangle 0$(VIP 0) 2382009-09-29#4 回复: 登陆时只带200加元行吗信用卡可以在国内办吗,还是要到外面办
09-01-26递交HK;09-01-30FN;09-02-04收到补料信;09-06-04补料妥投;09-08-25ME;09-09-10体检表寄出;09-11-16MER;10-02-23PL;2010年5月长登多伦多 超赞 赏 N ntchris 0$(VIP 0) 3,1002009-09-29#5 回复: 登陆时只带200加元行吗You must present the following documents upon your arrival:Your valid passport and/or travel documents. Your passport must be a regular, private passport. You cannot immigrate to Canada with a diplomatic, government service or public affairs passport.Your valid permanent resident visa, and your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR). The officer will make sure you are entering Canada before or on the expiry date shown on your permanent resident visa. Please note that this document cannot be extended. Make sure you use it before it expires.Proof that you have sufficient funds to support yourself and your family after you arrive in Canada. You can find more information under Proof of funds in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page.
加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%...如果是你老公先于你登陆了, 你只不过是晚几天登陆.200加元行!点击展开...谢谢你哦,他是担保人,先登陆,我再登陆时少带点儿也行是吧?
09/05/20 递档-09/05/25 签收-09/06/25 担保人DM-09/07/04 担保人DM信-09/07/10 IP-09/07/20 FN信-09/07/20 状态12-09/07/27 CIC网查到Double DM-09/07/30状态13-09/08/05状态17-09/08/08大信封-09/10/21沈阳-北京-温哥华没有今天的LABOUR,就没有明天的"大家拿"~累脖ING 超赞 赏 Y yilehuli 0$(VIP 0) 6,2532009-10-05#7 回复: 登陆时只带200加元行吗我估计至少要带300块,因为还要在免税店买东西呢!
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.我估计至少要带300块,因为还要在免税店买东西呢!点击展开...我已经成功的登陆了,事实证明,担保人先登陆的话,申请人就可以少带,多少都可以。我就带了二百加元。外加一点点硬币(留着打电话和坐车用的)他们只关心你带的钱是不是超过了一万现金。
·生活百科 从PI记录的选择性数据
·生活百科 将太阳能电池板连接到家庭发电站