加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问生殖器疱疹能通过体检吗(上海)
不知道上海的几家体检医院对于"小弟弟"查的严不严,艾滋没有,梅毒没有,就是生殖器疱疹--未发作的话也看不出什么来(除了龟头有时有些红) 恳请确切知道的人指点 之前看到因为乙肝而被拒的,很感到不平,这个鸟世界!!F**K!我也是乙肝携带母体传染小三阳,各项指标倒还一直正常就是那可恶的疱疹
回复: 请问生殖器疱疹能通过体检吗(上海)STD性病
加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%... 超赞 赏 H hopeandwait 0$(VIP 0) 102009-09-29#3 回复: 请问生殖器疱疹能通过体检吗(上海)"Applications for permanent residence will not be accepted if that person’s health:is a danger to public health or safety; or would cause excessive demand on health or social services in Canada. "那以美国来说约有20%美国人不能去加拿大了?
回复: 请问生殖器疱疹能通过体检吗(上海)Resolved QuestionShow me another Who has an STD?..........................…Will the canadian Goverment grant me for permanent residency if I have either of these diseases; genital warts, herpes, gonorhea or clamydia? 11 months ago Report Abuse by Reason22... Member since: February 26, 2008 Total points: 3137 (Level 4) Add to My Contacts Block User Best Answer - Chosen by AskerYes they will permit your application. It would neither cause undo hardship on the health system (chlamydia and gonorrhea are curable with antibiotics) while genital warts and herpes are not but are not life threatening. Two reasons to be refused 1. Risk to Public health. 2. Undue hardship on medical system. Each case is examined on a case by case basis. Even someone with HIV would not necessarily be denied PR status.Source(s):http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information…11 months ago Report Abuse Asker's Rating: Asker's Comment: thank you, you obviuosly more educated & sensitive to the law than the rest of the answerers. I also have read the same information on the gov't website. Have awonderful day. 希望此老外的回答是对的,不知各位有何看法??那广义说乙肝也可以说是STD了
回复: 请问生殖器疱疹能通过体检吗(上海)Re: Dangeous Disease Reply #2 on: December 17, 2008, 09:14:48 am --------------------------------------------------------------------------------IS any one help me that HSV (Herpes simplex) count as dangrous disease and due to it canada immigration application can reject ??your reply is very appricated and please if any one know or have any link to find dangrous disease list of canada ThanksFin Logged qenawy8 Full MemberPosts: 22 Re: Dangeous Disease Reply #3 on: December 17, 2008, 10:32:20 am --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quote from: Fin09 on December 17, 2008, 09:14:48 amIS any one help me that HSV (Herpes simplex) count as dangrous disease and due to it canada immigration application can reject ??your reply is very appreciated and please if any one know or have any link to find dangrous disease list of Canada ThanksFinHerpes simplex is a very minor disease as it looks like FluDon't worry at all 希望我真的不会担忧了 ....
回复: 请问生殖器疱疹能通过体检吗(上海)体检不查此项 ,只查梅毒、艾滋。
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